• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

C3G Synergy Archive

Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Challenger Synergies

Challenger Benefits Received:
  • Challengers may be moved by Krillin's (150) Solar Flare special power.
  • Bulma (140) may heal or resurrect Challengers you control with her Summon Shenron special power.
  • Android 16 (250) may be placed on a Challenger card to grant them an additional turn with his Protect The Life I Love special power.
  • Challengers may activate a beam struggle using the Beam Struggle Story Card (50).
Challenger Benefits Offered:
  • Challengers may offer turn bonding to Krillin (150) due to his Challenger Support special power.
  • Challengers may offer turn bonding to Gohan (kid) (110) due to his Challenger Support special power.
  • When Bulma (140) is targeted for an attack or special power, you may move a Challenger you control due to her That's My Bulma! special power, and roll an additional unblockable die if that Challenger is Vegeta.

Updated though Wave 48.
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Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Invader Synergies

Invader Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Invaders may reroll a die that does not show a skull with Desaad's (220) Darkseid's Elite special power.
Invader Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Invaders may allow Gigan (600) to be placed near them with his Cosmic Terror special power.
  • Invaders may offer bonding to a Frieza Force Soldier (80) with its Frieza Force special power.

Updated through Wave 53.
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Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Current Invader Unique Heroes

Burter (180), Captain Ginyu (280), Jeice (220), Kalibak (380), Recoome (240), Steppenwolf (440)

Current Invader Event Heroes

Gigan (600), King Ghidorah (1000)

Current Invader Uncommon Heroes

Frieza Force Soldier (80), Great Ape (300)

Current Invader Squads

Arthrian Invaders (180), Cybermen (120), Dalek Drones (150), Imperium Symbiotes (120), Parademon Shock Troopers (80), Skrull Warriors (110)

Updated though Wave 53

(On Deck version)
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Hunter Synergies

Hunter Synergy Benefits Received:
  • A Unique Hunter Hero may be chosen to be Hellboy's (II) (340) Partner with his Allied Against Evil special power.
  • Unique Hunters may be activated by Predator Elder's (280) Begin The Hunt special power.
Hunter Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated through Wave 49.
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Kal-El Synergies

Kal-El Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Kal-El may take an additional turn if Lois Lane (100) is within 3 spaces of an enemy figure, due to her Superman's Girlfriend special power.
  • Kal-El may move adjacent to Jimmy Olsen (50) with his Superman's Pal special power.
  • Kal-El may start the game as Clark Kent (120) with his Up, Up, and Away! special power.
Kal-El Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Kal-El may offer bonding to Superboy (Jon Samuel Kent) (120) with his Super Sons special power, and boost his Novice Heat Vision Special Attack if he does so.

Updated through Wave 42.
Journalist Synergies

Journalist Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Perry White (30) may add to your initiative for each Journalist with Front Page Heroism, and he may move Journalists with his "Great Casesar's Ghost!".
Journalist Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Jimmy Olsen (50) may move after a Journalist with his Tag-Along Reporter.

Updated through Wave 42.
Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Iron Man Synergies

Iron Man Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Iron Man can move and be moved by War Machine (Avengers) (260), and boost his attack with his Assembled Avenger Attack and Armored Allies special powers.
Iron Man Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated through Wave 43.