• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

C3G Synergy Archive

Updated Red Robin's points in the synergy archive. It was incorrect in a few other posts as well: figures with secret identities, humans, and flying figures. Also pulled Animal Man out of the 'Marvel figures' post. He had snuck in there because he was mislabeled in the Index.

I'll have Index fixes for both issues right around April 23rd or 24th, I reckon.
Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Dictators:​
Chun-Li's Thirst for Justice

Chun-Li's Thirst for Justice

Dictator Synergies

Dictator Benefits Received:
  • N/A
Dictator Benefits Offered:
  • If you control a Dictator Unique Hero, Cammy (140) has the class of Enforcer, due to her Shadaloo Brainwashing special power.

Updated through Wave 48.

[On Deck version]
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Operative Synergies

Operative Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Operatives may add to their Move numbers when Midnighter (280) is engaged, due to his Brutality Boost special power.
  • Operatives may be activated by Jericho (250), with his Defiance Leader special power.
Operative Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • A destroyed Unique Operative Hero can be placed on Sasquatch's (295) card to add 1 to Sasquatch’s Move and Attack numbers.

Updated through Wave 51
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Okay, updated the OP for the first time since the cosmic wave, so a few missing things should be in there now.

Question about how people would prefer to see things tracked here: right now a lot of powers specific to Unique Heroes are listed as 'ineligibilities' for any figures that aren't Unique Heroes. Do folks prefer that, or would you rather see them expressed positively? (ie, having a post for "Unique Hero Synergies' and similar).

You can set aside worrying about how much work it is, I'm rebuilding some stuff from the ground up and it won't make much of a difference either way.
I think it makes sense to assume Unique Hero as the default (and thus not bother with a separate post for UH synergies). I have to assume like 90% of our units are Unique Heroes.
I think it makes sense to assume Unique Hero as the default (and thus not bother with a separate post for UH synergies). I have to assume like 90% of our units are Unique Heroes.

Yeah, it's about 90%. Pretty sure that's the rationale for why the synergy archive ended up the way it is now (decision made before my time!), but I've started to question whether the other way wouldn't be way more useful as a reference.

Like 'what are my generalist synergies for this Unique Hero?' is gonna be a question you want answered way more often than 'what can I not do with this Event Hero?', is my feeling.
For sure. You'd want info on common heroes and squads even before Event Heroes. Most of the time if you're running an Event Hero, it's solo.
Yeah, you're probably right. Only six of thirty are 1,000 points or over.

Of the remaining, I think most of them either have pretty obvious synergies or no real synergies, but that might just be my ignorance and pointing to more of a need for a distinct Event Hero section here than I think. :p
I think it makes sense to assume Unique Hero as the default (and thus not bother with a separate post for UH synergies). I have to assume like 90% of our units are Unique Heroes.

Yeah, it's about 90%. Pretty sure that's the rationale for why the synergy archive ended up the way it is now (decision made before my time!), but I've started to question whether the other way wouldn't be way more useful as a reference.

Like 'what are my generalist synergies for this Unique Hero?' is gonna be a question you want answered way more often than 'what can I not do with this Event Hero?', is my feeling.

From a maintenance perspective, the "assume everyone is a medium Unique Hero and only explain the differences" results in a lot more duplication of data across the Archive - under the current model, if we put out a new card that has some synergy power that works with any Unique Hero, instead of noting that as a synergy in one place, I have to note that it's a non-synergy in three places.

Plus, the 'ineligibilities' stuff is just kind of counter-intuitive to track/link. If a tag comes with an ineligibility but no actual benefits (like, say being an Event Hero does), do I still link that as Event Hero Synergies?

And in general, I just question whether that "we only need to explain the differences from baseline" approach makes sense when the project's grown as large as it has.

Bothering with a separate UH Synergies post means a lot of Books will need an update, but between Secret Identity and Marvel becoming synergy tags, and the shift in the IBW format, the majority of Books need an update anyway. To me, the benefit of the trade-off (less replication of data, more intuitive contents of synergy archive posts) are pretty well worth it.

I'll allow that I think about this way more than anyone else does, though, and other people might not mind the current model so much.
I didn't understand a lot of that but then again I'm running on low sleep. :p But if the logic is sound, the conclusions sound sensible to me!