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C3G Synergy Archive

Is it possible to get Water Strength added to the Special Power Synergies? No biggie otherwise, I just thought it would make building an Atlantean army a little easier. It’s also possible that it’s listed somewhere and I’m just missing it.
I could definitely see having a list of special powers that interact differently with water tiles - it would be handy for the figures that lay water tiles. I'll try and put that together soon.
Is it possible to get Water Strength added to the Special Power Synergies? No biggie otherwise, I just thought it would make building an Atlantean army a little easier. It’s also possible that it’s listed somewhere and I’m just missing it.

Shoot, I totally forgot about this. I'll try to hit it sometime soon.

Anyway, synergy archive updated with the X-Force units.
Should this thread be stickied? I find myself using it a lot and always have to search for it.
Current Figures with Special Powers Requiring They Not Start the Game on the Battlefield:​
Bishop (170), Blue Beetle (160), Freddy Krueger (175), Green Construct (Decoy) (50), Green Construct (Helicopter Gunship) (130), Green Construct (Mech Warrior) (120), Green Construct (Shield) (20), Green Construct (Tactical Bomber) (100), Nick Fury (220), Orange Construct (100), Raiden (390), Skrull Infiltrator (10)

Current Figures with Special Powers Allowing They Not Start the Game on the Battlefield:​
Billy Batson (60), Bruce Banner (70), Dark Phoenix (490), Phoenix (230)

Updated through Public Exclusive 96.

[On Deck version]
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Hate to be technical, but the Hulks, Joe Fixit, Captain Marvel and Beast Boy's forms don't have abilities that allow them not to start on the battlefield... those powers come from other cards. Technically, if you're going to place them in that section, all Agents need to be there too because they can be deployed through Helicarrier Drop Team on Fury, though I'd make that whole thing a separate category.
Technically all figures need to be in there because of Kang.

But you're right, when I get my post together for figures that can get 'recruited' into starting the game off the battlefield, those figures would make more sense in that post.

Give me a second, wouldja? ;)
Technically all figures need to be in there because of Kang.

But you're right, when I get my post together for figures that can get 'recruited' into starting the game off the battlefield, those figures would make more sense in that post.

Give me a second, wouldja? ;)
Yeah, I was actually going to say that about Kang after I remembered...
Maybe it'd make more sense to list the powers that can 'recruit' figures in this way rather than the figures who can be, since that's basically 'all Unique Heroes + Agent Squaddies'.
Synergies for Figures That Do Not Start the Game on the Battlefield

Off-the-Battlefield Synergy Benefits Received:
  • N/A
Off-the-Battlefield Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A
Off-the-Battlefield Synergy Ineligibilties:
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield do not allow figures with special powers that place Justice League Markers at the start of the game to gain Justice League Markers. Current Figures with Special Powers that Place Justice League Markers.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for special powers that place Avenger Markers at the start of the game. Current Figures with Special Powers that Place Avenger Markers.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Amanda Waller's (195) Suicide Squad special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Apocalypses's (620) Horsemen of the Apocalypse special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for the Arthrian Invaders' (180) Annihilation Wave special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Baron Zemo's (Heinrich) (170) Masters of Evil special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Cecil Stedman's (180) Government-Funded Heroes special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Commissioner Gordon's (90) Bat Signal special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen as Enchantress' (II) (330) Bodyguard with her Beauty and the Brawn special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen as Galactus' (1600) Herald with his Herald of Galactus special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen as the Intergang Agents' (120) Boss with their In It For The Money special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for the Kang's (II) (400) Timestream Reinforcements special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not have their class replaced with Assassin with Lady Shiva's (175) Assassin Training special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen to be Lockheed's (60) Companion with his Mutant Protector's Pet special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not have their class replaced with Outcast by Magneto's (II) (375) Mutant Recruitment special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Meggan's (205) Empathic Metamorph special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen as Mongul's (340) Champion with his Mongul's Champion special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for N'Astirh's (320) Demonic Conqueror special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen as Rover's (160) Companion with his Sentinel Companion special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Silk Spectre's (100) Emotional Grounding special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not have their personality replaced with Patriotic by Uncle Sam's (240) I Want You! special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen to be Wong's (90) Master with his Loyal Manservant special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen for Yellowjacket's (II) (190) Unhealthy Obsession special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not be chosen as Zabu's Companion with his (130) Hunter's Companion special power.
  • Figures that start the game off the battlefield may not have the Glyph of Amulet of Damballah placed on their Army Cards with Zombie's (120) Damballah Control special power.

Updated through SSE 54.
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Technically all figures need to be in there because of Kang.

But you're right, when I get my post together for figures that can get 'recruited' into starting the game off the battlefield, those figures would make more sense in that post.

Give me a second, wouldja? ;)
Yeah, I was actually going to say that about Kang after I remembered...
Maybe it'd make more sense to list the powers that can 'recruit' figures in this way rather than the figures who can be, since that's basically 'all Unique Heroes + Agent Squaddies'.

Yeah, that's probably the way it's gonna have to be - and then a note in the relevant figure's books (for the Beast Boys and what have you) that if you use them that way, they get the 'off the battlefield' interactions. Kang's book will also get a note that the Reinforcements you choose get off-the-battlefield interactions.

Anyway, the off-the-battlefield interactions are up - I mentioned that I was planning on doing this in a design thread, but just so the public is aware, I'm going to start doing the 'Ineligibilties' section for extant synergies where figures are excluded by some criteria; Atom can't be carried by tiny figures, Enchantress (I) can't activate figures with SS, and so on. That seems like a better organization to me than putting those things in the 'Weaknesses' section of the IBW.

Open to thoughts (or suggestions, if you think I missed something, which I may well have).
Apocalypse and the Invaders both mention the Sucide Squad power.

Is there a reason Hush and the Manhunters are the only ones in the immunities section? They use the same wording as Kraven and such, so it seems like either ‘choose an/one opponent’s Unique Hero’ only hits figures an opponent controls and they all should be listed, or it hits any figures in an opponent’s army and none of them should be listed.
Yakuza Synergies

Yakuza Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Yakuza Heroes and Yakuza Squads may be activated by Masahiro Arashi's (170) Yakuza Oyabun special power.
  • Yakuza Heroes may add 1 to their Attack numbers with Masahiro Arashi's (170) Ruthless Command special power.
  • A chosen Yakuza Hero may be protected by the Arashiyama Inner Guard's (100) Yakuza protection special power.
Yakuza Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Unique Yakuza Heroes may allow the Yakuza Enforcer (65) to take a turn with its Enforcer for Hire special power.

Updated through Wave 40.

[On Deck version]
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