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Unique Champion Heroes may be chosen by Mongul (340) for his Mongul’s Champion special power.
Unique Champion Heroes roll 1 additional attack die if they are Cecil Stedman's (180) chosen Unique Hero and are taking a turn with Cecil Stedman's Government-Funded Heroes special power.
Champions roll 1 additional attack die when adjacent to Allen the Alien (400) due to his Champion's Challenge special power.
Champions can add to your initiative if Arthur (30) is engaged due to his In Peril! special power.
Champions may add to their Attack when attacking a figure with Vibe (Paco Ramon) (180) on its card due to his Justice: Detroit Style special power.
When a Champion Hero is destroyed, Kelex (40) may save its Order Markers.
Supergirl (Family) (330) may save a Champion from destruction with her Krypton's Resolve special power.
Jimmy Olsen (50) may allow a Champion to count a blank as a skull with an "X" Order Marker reveal, with his Action Shot special power.
Brainiac 5 (II) (210) may choose a Champion for his Champions of the Past special power and change its class to Legionnaire.
Steel (Superman Family) (220) may reveal an "X" Order Marker on a Champion with his Bonds of Steel special power.
Champion Synergy Benefits Offered:
Unique Champion Heroes allow Martian Manhunter (Justice League) (420) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his Justice League of America special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Superman (Justice League) (440) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his JLA Trinity special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Justice League) (250) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his The Brave and the Bold special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Cyborg (Justice League) (230) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his Justice League Support special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Wonder Woman (Justice League) (310) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to her Ambassador of Justice special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) (Justice League) (210) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his Arrows of Justice special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Black Canary (Justice League) (220) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to her League Chairwoman special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Flash (Barry Allen) (Justice League) (270) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his Swift Justice special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow Atom (Justice League) (100) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his League Communications special power.
Unique Champion Heroes allow The Batmobile (JL) (250) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to its Mobile League Support special power.
Warrior may have their Order Markers moved by and provide an additional attack with Sif's (230) Fierce Devotion special power.
Warriors may add to their Attack when attacking a figure with Vibe (Paco Ramon) (180) on its card due to his Justice: Detroit Style special power.
Warriors may be activated by Thor's (Asgard) (470) Drop the Hammer special power.
Warrior Synergy Benefits Offered:
Unique Warrior Heroes allow Martian Manhunter (Justice League) (420) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his Justice League of America special power.
Unique Warrior Heroes allow Superman (Justice League) (440) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his JLA Trinity special power.
Unique Warrior Heroes allow Wonder Woman (Justice League) (310) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to her Ambassador of Justice special power.
Unique Warrior Heroes allow Black Canary (Justice League) (220) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to her League Chairwoman special power.
Unique Warrior Heroes allow Atom (Justice League) (100) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his League Communications special power.
Steve Trevor (150) may bond with Amazons due to his Amazon Ally special power.
Amazons may be activated by Hippolyta's (400) Amazon War Tactics special power.
Amazon Synergy Benefits Offered:
When an Amazon is destroyed, you may add 2 dice to Wonder Girl's (Donna Troy) (140) attack via her Amazonian Empathy special power.
If an Amazon inflicts one or more wounds, you may move up to 3 Themyscirian Warriors (100) with their Amazon Battle Cry special power.
The Invisible Jet (250) adds 2 to its Move if piloted by an Amazon with its Amazonian Aircraft special power, and may drop off Amazons with its Combat Landing special power.
A Unique Thief Hero may be moved by Crime Alley Crooks' (65) Mugging special power.
A Thief's Move number may be increased by Ventriloquist's (90) Heist Planner special power.
A Unique Thief Hero may have a Micro-Bomb marker placed on their card with Amanda Waller's (195) Suicide Squad special power.
Thieves may be moved with Penguin's (II) (140) Criminal Syndicate special power.
Thieves may add to their Move, Attack, and Defense numbers with Kingpin's (II) (230) Kingpin of Crime special power.
Unique Thief Heroes may have their personality changed to Sinister by Doctor Octopus (Sinister Six) which allow them to benefit from his Move and Attack boost as well as turn bonding.
You may add 1 to your initiative for every Assassin, Criminal, or Thief you control with Beetle's (175) Sinister Syndicate special power.
Thief Synergy Benefits Offered:
A Unique Thief Hero may activate the Crime Alley Crooks (65) with their Four-Man Job special power.
Unique Thief Heroes may allow Joker (Injustice League) (245) to start the game with an additional Injustice Marker due to his Joker's Fall Guys special power.
I've been adding point costs to the "Current ____ Figures" posts, but not to the synergy benefits and Immunities/Benefits/Weaknesses posts. I thought we were just going for the former.
Unique Conqueror Heroes may be chosen for the Arthrian Invaders' (180) Annihilation Wave special power.
Order Markers may be moved from the card of a Conqueror with the Super Strength special power to another card you control with Soundwave's (340) Relay Orders special power
A figure using the Plant Animation special power may count one of the Animated Vines (55) as a jungle piece due to the Animated Vines' Jungle Plants special power.
Plant Animation Synergy Benefits Offered:
Figures with the Plant Animation special power may allow the Animated Vines (55) to move with the Chlorokinetic Movement special power.
Figures with the Plant Animation special power may allow the Animated Vines (55) to be placed back on the battlefield with their Plant Regrowth special power.
Unique Assassin Heroes and Unique Assassin Squads may be activated by the Hand Ninja's (85) Ninja Assassin Bonding special power.
Assassin Heroes and Assassin Squads may be activated by the Kingpin's (I) (220) Organized Crime special power.
Assassins may add to their Move, Attack, and Defense numbers with Kingpin's (II) (230) Kingpin of Crime special power.
Lady Shiva (175) allows Assassins you control to move through other figures and ignore leaving engagement attacks, with her Assassin Training special power.
Assassin Heroes and Assassin Squads may be activated by Masahiro Arashi's (170) Yakuza Oyabun special power.
Assassin Heroes may add 1 to their Attack numbers with Masahiro Arashi's (170) Ruthless Command special power.
Assassins may be moved or wounded with Ra's al Ghul's (I) (200) The Demon's Head special power.
Assassins may be activated by Ra's al Ghul's (II) (260) League of Assassins special power.
You may add 1 to your initiative for every Assassin, Criminal, or Thief you control with Beetle's (175) Sinister Syndicate special power.
Assassins may be activated by Death Mask's (500) Criminal Mastermind Guy special power.
Assassins may be chosen for Stick's (160) Harsh Sensei special power, allowing them to reroll combat dice.
Assassin Synergy Benefits Offered:
Assassins may add 1 to Talia al Ghul's (110) Attack number with her Divided Loyalty special power.
Unique Assassin Heroes may be chosen for Viper's (180) Underworld Contract special power, and bond with her via that power.