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C3G Synergy Archive

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I used the spreadsheet to identify all the conquerors we have but I've recently learned that the spreadsheet has not been updated for a while so I'm not sure if the lists are complete. Anyone know of any conquers I am missing?
I used the spreadsheet to identify all the conquerors we have but I've recently learned that the spreadsheet has not been updated for a while so I'm not sure if the lists are complete. Anyone know of any conquers I am missing?
I added the ones you missed. I use Spuke Boy's card searchers, HCS and HACCS (this one he says is in beta, so there could be bugs).
I used the spreadsheet to identify all the conquerors we have but I've recently learned that the spreadsheet has not been updated for a while so I'm not sure if the lists are complete. Anyone know of any conquers I am missing?
I added the ones you missed. I use Spuke Boy's card searchers, HCS and HACCS (this one he says is in beta, so there could be bugs).

There's no need to worry about bugs in the searching part - it's the user account features that might be buggy, like creating own custom cards and synergies (though I haven't found any so far ;)).

EDIT: Happy to hear you're using it already! :D

EDIT: I thought it might be handy to have an "Export table" feature in HACCS: Just right click the header column of the result table and it will create the text for the Synergy Archive including links and everything!
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Current Unique Mutate Heroes:

Absorbing Man (260), Agent Hunter (130), Angstrom Levy (225), Ant-Man (Hank Pym) (30), Atlas (270), Baron von Strucker (210), Black Cat (135), Black Tarantula (300), Brit (240), Bulldozer (190), Captain America (Sam Wilson) (180), Cloak (195), Dagger (105), Daredevil (I) (180), Daredevil (II) (200), Doctor Octopus (I) (215), Electro (135), Energizer (50), Falcon (140), Fantomex (260), Giant-Man (180), Graviton (400), Green Goblin (230), Grey Gargoyle (200), Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (225), Hydro-Man (190), Invisible Woman (215), Iron Fist (260), Iron Patriot (290), Jackal (255), Jessica Jones (220), Jewel (150), Jolt (80), Lightspeed (40), Lizard (200), Luke Cage (190), Malice (300), Mass Master (80), Meteorite (210), Mister Fantastic (235), Mister Hyde (260), Mister Sinister (340), Morbius (250), Ms. Marvel (350), Nitro (170), Piledriver (190), Puck (230), Purple Man (165), Radioactive Man (160), Red Ghost (200), Rhino (220), Sandman (William Baker) (210), Scorpion (Carmilla Black) (120), Scorpion (Mac Gargan) (200), Songbird (180), Speedball (150), Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (170), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (250), Spider-Woman (210), Squirrel Girl (160), Stature (160), The Thing (325), Thunderball (190), Tiger Shark (240), Tigra (170), Tombstone (160), U.S. Agent (230), Vermin (150), Vertigo (90), Wasp (I) (50), Wasp (II) (160), Wendigo (350), Wonder Man (350), Wrecker (230), Yellowjacket (I) (120), Yellowjacket (II) (190), Zero-G (80)

Updated through Wave 35.

[On Deck version]
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Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Humans:

Deathlok's Seeking My Humanity, Science Police's Extreme Prejudice

Hand Mystics' Hand Resurrection, Jackal's Experimental Cloning 15

Human Synergies

Human Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Unique Human Heroes may be healed by Alfred Pennyworth's (60) Field Medic special power.
  • Unique Human Heroes may be chosen for Arnim Zola's (200) Cloning 16 special power.
  • Unique Human Heroes may be chosen for Jackal's (255) Experimental Cloning special power.
  • Unique Human Heroes may be healed by Doctor Mid-Nite's (150) Physician special power.
  • Unique Human Heroes may be chosen by the Hand Mystics (145) for their Hand Brainwashing special power, replacing any of their class-based synergies with these Ninja Synergies.
Human Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Humans allow adjacent friendly Civilians (45) to roll an additional attack and defense die due to their Strength in Numbers special power.

Updated through SSE 58.

[On Deck version]
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Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Scientists:

Glyph of Replicator


Impossible Man's Shapeshifting Prankster

Scientist Synergies

Scientist Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Scientists may add 4 to their defense dice with Invisible Woman's (215) Fantastic Force Field 4 special power.
  • Scientists may have their 20-sided die rolls boosted by Jemma Simmons' (85) or Leo Fitz's (65) Fitzsimmons special power.
  • A Scientist may be chosen for Guardian's (Jim Harper) (150) Cadmus Security Detail special power.
Scientist Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Unique Scientist Heroes allow Batman (III) (250) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his The Brave and The Bold special power.
  • Unique Scientist Heroes allow Cyborg (II) (230) to start the game with an additional Justice League Marker due to his Justice League Support special power.
  • Impossible Man (430) may add 8 to his roll when he chooses a Scientist for his Shapeshifting Prankster special power.
  • Scientist Supreme (160) may add 1 to her roll for each Scientist adjacent to her when rolling the 20-sided die for her High-Tech Research special power.
  • The Thing (I) (325) may choose a Scientist Hero for his Clobberin' Time special power to add 1 to his Attack number for each Wound Marker on that Scientist's card.
  • Lucius Fox (50) adds 1 to his WayneTech Developments roll for every adjacent Scientist.
  • Scientists can boost the 20-sided die roll for Robotman's (175) Rebuild special power.
  • Scientists may allow Jemma Simmons (85) to place a Bio-Negation Marker on an opponent with her Bio-Chemical Countermeasures special power.

Updated through Wave 42.
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Current Unique Warriors:​
Aquaman (II) (330), Asgardian Warrior (190), Balder (420), Beta Ray Bill (420), Big Barda (320), Drax (II) (350), Eternal Warrior (230), Executioner (370), Fandral (280), Fatality (300), Frost Giant (C3G) (220), Grimlock (390), Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol) (225), Hawkman (Katar Hol) (225), Hogun (310), Kenshi (190), Phobos (270), Sif (230), Spider-Man (Peter - Norn-Enhanced) (170), Sub-Zero (230), Tahu (190), Thor (Jane Foster) (430), Thor (Thor Odinson) (430), Thor (Asgard) (470), Thor (Avengers) (440), Throg (135), Vixen (150), Volstagg (330), Wonder Woman (II) (370), Wulf Sternhammer (150)

Current Common Warriors:​
Amazon Warriors (100), Gorilla City Warriors (125)

Updated through Wave 53.

[On Deck version]
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Just updating the synergy links for Batman III and I see MMII & Superman III have not been added to this list yet. The public designs often get missed since their is no official release for them so you can go ahead and add in Batman III as well. Even though his design is not yet finalized, I don't see his class changing for any reason.
Good catch YodaK, it's updated now. I don't want to add Batman (III) until he's released because I don't want to risk confusing people who don't follow the public designs.