• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

C3G SuperHeroScape Online


C3G's Plaid Scientist
C3G SuperHeroScape Online (C3GSHSO)


This site will hopefully be C3G Online when I get done with it. It slices, it dices and it... well it lets you play C3G HeroScape. In it's early alpha stages now, I'm ready to give access to anyone interested. At this very moment, you can play a complete game (with everyone online or play-by-mail style) on one of the available maps (or make your own) with a bunch of official C3G units (more coming all the time). Just e-mail me with your preferred username and password and I'll get you into the system. At that point, you can go online and create a map or play a game.

Make sure you click on all the question marks to see how everything works!


Currently, most hex types are supported and a couple line-of-sight blockers are available. Maps up to about 30x30 run fairly smoothly, but larger ones will slow down your browser. Games are fully networked and chrome, firefox and safari seem to handle my code fairly well (IE, smartphone, iPad support coming ... eventually).

Start a game with your friends or go solo. Everyone logged into the game will see every action made by each person and those actions are logged to the server's game log to keep everyone honest. You don't need to save the game, the server will keep track of where you were. I haven't coded any rules into the system, but I have provided all the necessary mechanisms to carry out a game. You'll just have to do all the leg-work you'd do in real life. Especially with all the awesome-sauce that comes out of C3G, there would be just too many rules and special powers to code.


I currently have my server running in my basement and I plan to try to have it up as much as possible. If it's down, it's probably due to a power outage or some silly update that rebooted my machine. Feel free to let me know if you see that it's not up.

C3GSHSO Advantages

- Free
- Setup time? What setup time?
- Leave your game, come back to it anytime, and it won't take up your dining room table and make your Mom pissed
- Play with your buddies wherever they are.
- Play with everyone online, or play-by-mail. You can log in at any time, make your more and leave your game for the next guy to come online and make their turn.
- Full collection will eventually be available. Units, maps, glyphs, it's all yours.
- Saved to the cloud... er, puff of smoke? slight fog? Whatever it is, your stuff is on my server which I'll back up nightly. Yeah, if a meteor hits my basement and that other place I copy the backups to, your games are gone, but that's better than your dog bumping your dining room table and knocking all your pieces around and ruining your epic game-in-progress.
- Travel light. Do you like taking your Scape with you? Now, you don't need 5 tupperwares to do it! If you have a laptop with a 3G card or soon, any smartphone, you've got scape in your backpack or pocket at any time. It's not fully working on smartphones or iPads yet, but it will be.
- Tear down time? What tear down time?
- Did I mention free? This applies both to not having to buy the physical product, but also meaning there's no subscription fee, or initial purchase. When I say free, I mean free. Go tell your friends to practice up, cause now you don't need to loan them all your sweet, sweet plastic.


C3GSHSO Drawbacks

- Alpha: This is very much a work in progress. More content will be added all the time, BUT I'm one guy and I'm missing a lot of stuff that needs to get added. If anyone would like to help out, I'm looking for volunteers. The big things I need are units. I've got the stats uploaded already, we mainly need mini pics. Talk to me if you want to help out with those.
- Line of Sight: Unless you make a fully 3D version of heroscape, you're just not going to be able to handle the line of sight stuff the way the real game does. I wasn't ready to jump over that hurdle and I certainly don't know enough about VirtualScape to turn that into an online game. I figured if this is the only major drawback, I could live with it. Either play casual games with casual people where you can pretty easily agree on whether a unit can see another unit, OR make sure you have some physical product available for when LOS disputes come up and settle it with real plastic by recreating the scene (not the whole scene, just the 2 units and whatever's inbetween them, silly).


Bugs/Enhancements/...Stuff I'm Working On

- Adding more units (with your help)
- Adding more maps (with your help, although a virtualscape map uploader should help with that soon enough, so don't feel the need to recreate all those cool maps we already have available to us in VS form)
- Adding more line-of-sight blocking terrain (ruins, bridge edges, jungle trees/brush, tundra rocks, Marro hive, battlements, castle pieces, Marvel warehouse)... whew
- Moving units between the map and the cards (for when a unit's power removes a unit from the board and moves it to the card instead)
- Glyphs
- Top-down view for maps with lots of elevation changes
- Knockback button
- Support for Double Spaced Units
- Making Terrain Destructible/Destructible Objects
- Support for personalized teams (that's what that My Armies thing is for)
- iPad optimization (stretch goal)
- stats (and lots of em)
- Classic/C3V Scape support
- Custom Units (upload your own units)

I'm always looking for feedback, so feel free to post, PM, or e-mail. tedelrick@gmail.com Let me know what works, what doesn't and any super-awesome ideas you have to make this even better! Thanks for checking it out!

For those interested in the potential legal issues, see the 100 other threads on the topic. I do intend to discuss any issues with any Hasbro/WotC people if/when the time comes and I'm sure we will come to an amicable resolution.
This is Awesome!

But hey, HeroSkype does NOT need a map set up anymore. ;)

This NEEDS to be done with Classic Scape figures. :up:

Currently, however, Super League Heroscape (SLH) will be using HeroSkype at this time.
Well shoot, now you've got me interested. How do you do hero skype without the map in front of you with all the dudes on the hexes?
Well shoot, now you've got me interested. How do you do hero skype without the map in front of you with all the dudes on the hexes?

Visit the link I provided. It has several links for you to try out, including one that provides a HeroSkype link that shows a map already up.
Well shoot, now you've got me interested. How do you do hero skype without the map in front of you with all the dudes on the hexes?

Visit the link I provided. It has several links for you to try out, including one that provides a HeroSkype link that shows a map already up.

I must try this HeroSkype thing you speak of. ...and I'll get back to you. If everyone's happy with HeroSkype, I'm just going to spend all my time that I would have spent finishing my site on playing HeroSkype :)
Well shoot, now you've got me interested. How do you do hero skype without the map in front of you with all the dudes on the hexes?

Visit the link I provided. It has several links for you to try out, including one that provides a HeroSkype link that shows a map already up.

I must try this HeroSkype thing you speak of. ...and I'll get back to you. If everyone's happy with HeroSkype, I'm just going to spend all my time that I would have spent finishing my site on playing HeroSkype :)
HeroSkype is cool and it works really well for what it is, but I really like the look of what you have going on and I would like you to continue.
Well shoot, now you've got me interested. How do you do hero skype without the map in front of you with all the dudes on the hexes?

Visit the link I provided. It has several links for you to try out, including one that provides a HeroSkype link that shows a map already up.

I must try this HeroSkype thing you speak of. ...and I'll get back to you. If everyone's happy with HeroSkype, I'm just going to spend all my time that I would have spent finishing my site on playing HeroSkype :)
HeroSkype is cool and it works really well for what it is, but I really like the look of what you have going on and I would like you to continue.

Well shoot, now you've got me interested. How do you do hero skype without the map in front of you with all the dudes on the hexes?

Visit the link I provided. It has several links for you to try out, including one that provides a HeroSkype link that shows a map already up.

I must try this HeroSkype thing you speak of. ...and I'll get back to you. If everyone's happy with HeroSkype, I'm just going to spend all my time that I would have spent finishing my site on playing HeroSkype :)
HeroSkype is cool and it works really well for what it is, but I really like the look of what you have going on and I would like you to continue.

Thanks guys. I think I'll continue. We'll see where it goes. Creating a program from scratch means you can do anything you want to with it. I like playing in my wide open sandbox.

Wow Snappleman. How did you get to be so amazing?

I'm just a programmer who wants to make something cool. Glad you think I'm on the right track :D
Sounds super cool, I've never used HeroSkype before, but I have always been interested in online 'scape.

Way to go Snappleman!
I must try this HeroSkype thing you speak of. ...and I'll get back to you. If everyone's happy with HeroSkype, I'm just going to spend all my time that I would have spent finishing my site on playing HeroSkype :)

The online Scape app that Megasilver mentioned is powered by Google Docs; the actual dice rolling and OM placement are custom built into the app, but the map and figures are all rolled into Google Docs; as such, each map image has to be painstakingly created, which is a cumbersome process. We are also working on actual photos for all of the classis/C3V/SoV figures, along with some super heroes: there is really no way around this part, but luckily the figure images only have to be created once.

That being said, I really like the looks of your map and figure rendering, and I also like the card display and sizing options. If you are able to automate the map creation process (tying it in with VirtualScape, I presume?), then this system will be a definite improvement over the Google Doc-based version, IMHO.

Please just let me know if I can help you out with anything.
I'm pretty sure what Snappleman can use most right now, if you want to help this program move forward, is beta testing aplenty. :) Try it out, and let him know what needs to be worked on or improved or changes you'd like to see!

I'm not sure if there's any way for folks to help him gather data for inputting at all? If there is, Snappleman, let us know! And keep up the good work! You've definitely whetted some appetites here. :-D
I must try this HeroSkype thing you speak of. ...and I'll get back to you. If everyone's happy with HeroSkype, I'm just going to spend all my time that I would have spent finishing my site on playing HeroSkype :)

The online Scape app that Megasilver mentioned is powered by Google Docs; the actual dice rolling and OM placement are custom built into the app, but the map and figures are all rolled into Google Docs; as such, each map image has to be painstakingly created, which is a cumbersome process. We are also working on actual photos for all of the classis/C3V/SoV figures, along with some super heroes: there is really no way around this part, but luckily the figure images only have to be created once.

That being said, I really like the looks of your map and figure rendering, and I also like the card display and sizing options. If you are able to automate the map creation process (tying it in with VirtualScape, I presume?), then this system will be a definite improvement over the Google Doc-based version, IMHO.

Please just let me know if I can help you out with anything.

I love what you guys have done with the google docs and the customizations. Awesome work!

I'm definitely hoping that this works eventually with the virtualscape maps, that would be a huge win. Once all the units and terrain is in the game, it should be a pretty enjoyable experience.

If anyone wants to help, there's unit images that need uploading, playtesting (finding bugs or coming up with enhancement ideas) and also any maps that aren't virtualscape'd could be created for the game now.

All the data for the units was uploaded via a master C3G spreadsheet that Sir G keeps track of, so the hardest part was already taken care of. Thanks Sir G!
I just got done adding in a bunch more units. All the Superman units are in and a little more than half of the last Batman wave. I thought it was time for a group photo. Oh, and thanks again A3n for supplying a bunch of mini images!


I'm getting the strong urge to go clean these guys up and put my toys away. That's the nice part of having them on my computer right? :)
I've got a bunch of people in the system already which is very cool. Haven't heard of anyone actually playing a game, but it's not like we don't have ... all the time in the world to work on this. I love not having deadlines.
Cool! I'm glad you're getting people in place to help out with this. :)
I noticed you're missing Blade, and several others on your list of online figures, and I'm about to play one.
Yup, I definitely do NOT have all the guys in there. That's where you guys can help if you want. I'm adding them fairly regularly, but it's a slow process especially when I'm trying to code in support for glyphs and more terrain at the same time. By X-mas, I should have everything in there :)

Edit: Oh no! I think I gave myself a deadline!!!

Edit x 2: Oh, and if you guys want to suggest what units you want in there, I can definitely prioritize to encourage beta testing my app. So if you have 2 teams you want to throw against each other, let me know and I'll get those units set up first.