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C3G Public Design Nominations - Hush Wins! (and Minotaur too!)

Remind me the rules of this - next public design process opens when Immortal goes to Final Editing?
We used to get the nominations ball rolling when the previous victor hit Public Playtesting. That gave us some pretty smooth timing 9 times out of 10, but obviously if a design reaches a critical issue in Public Playtesting, it can make for a bit of an awkward snag. (The obvious answer is just not making it so the previous victor has to be finished before the new thread can start!)
Cool! Public Playtesting sounds like good timing. :-D
Howdy again folks! With our previous winner, the Immortal, almost done with public testing, it's time for Public Nominations to get rolling again!

This time, we're gonna allow any Heroscapers member to nominate a design! The 3 restrictions are;
-Obviously it's gotta be a C3G design. The Public Workshop is the best place to find things to nominate.
-The design must be by a C3G Ally, Sidekick, Hero, or Legend.
-Spread the love! Don't nominate yourself.
To nominate a design, just make a post here with a link to the design.

Nominations will be open for 1 week. Have fun!
We're still doing that thing were like peeps cant nominate a Soundwarp design since I won the last one right?
Ooh, just snuck in! :) That's it for nominations, right?