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C3G Poker-Sized Card Project

If you let us know a character you wanted to see, I'm sure someone else would at least prioritize it for you!
Yeah, not saying we'd make you do the work, but if there's something you're hankering for, I'm sure we would all be happy to prioritize it! :)
Great work on this guys! These look amazing. If I order from Gamecrafter, the images shown in the first post would be the result? Really impressed by all this.
I believe those are early mockups, but something similar yea. Several of us are waiting on our orders right now if you want to see real pictures I would be happy to share them.
They look amazing, yes please once somebody gets their set I would love to see some pictures. I have the two sets in my cart.
Will do! We are also running a contest for a full set of traditional cards if you wanted to do a couple of playtests to try to win those. :D
Great work on this guys! These look amazing. If I order from Gamecrafter, the images shown in the first post would be the result? Really impressed by all this.

If you are referring to Miss Martian image, toxic Waste, and Kryptonite Gauntlet images then Yes. Except without the blue cut line. Thangs just to give you an idea of the post print cut card. So the blue line isn't actually there. But those are the images that Gamecrafter has I just turned on the cut layer for here.
I was told that by a friend that his order of the figure set through Gamecrafter was cancelled due to copyright issues.
I had a set of spell cards made by Artscow a while back. Is there a link for figure cards for Artscow?
I was told that by a friend that his order of the figure set through Gamecrafter was cancelled due to copyright issues.

Yeah, I think he's been on the C3G Discord. A few of us further back in the queue by a couple of thousand are waiting on orders from Gamecrafter too, which seem likely to be cancelled now as well. Very irksome. japes is researching alternatives.
Are we going to get the full interface so we can print our own cards anytime soon?
Loving the cards!
Zatanna II (220) is missing the words Life, Range, Move, Attack, Defense.
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Heh, derp. Hopefully you assemble a set of "updates" for reprinting when you release the next batch of new ones.
It says "The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.
This game has been locked."
I get...

This site can’t be reached
the%20complete%20collection%20of%20figure%20cards’s server IP address could not be found.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
I get...

This site can’t be reached
the%20complete%20collection%20of%20figure%20cards’s server IP address could not be found.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.

Try this. The site is just really slow to load, but this link works for me.
Are the cards ever going to be shared or just available to buy? I don't need every card as I don't have every figure.