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C3G Playtesting Sign-Ups

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Just when you thought your chance had past
We went and saved the laugh, for last...

Winston is available for playtesting!


The figure used for this unit is a Monopoly Gamer figure from the Overwatch set.
Its name is Winston.

When you sign up for Winston, you'll get a sneak peak at another member of Overwatch!
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Black Bolt is whispering to be playtested!


The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Incredible Hulk set.
It's model number and name are #042/Black Bolt
Thanks LP! I think Skywarp is good to go. I'll leave Thundercracker here for the moment as we are trying to dial in one of his powers.
Thoughts on Blackbolt sent to Toy.

Signing up to be Judged by Joker....for being too serious.
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