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C3G Playtesting FAQs

I suppose it doesn't matter, as long as you don't forget how many turns you've taken and accidentally take 4 (something I've done in the past when I've tried to take a shortcut and not use order markers...)

Well my main question was do rounds matter. But I guess that answers that. :D Thanks.
Sorry to double post here but I have a question. When testing one Hero against another unit, in the initial Hero and Squad tests do you use order markers or just roll for initiative and alternate turns?

Yeah I don't think it matters for Heavy Hitters... definately for Squad and army though.

You need to play both the Heavy Hitters and Squad tests like a normal game. Meaning, you don't just roll for initial initiative and then just go back and forth alternating turn. You use OM's like normal. So if the tested unit had the last turn in one round, if he wins initiative, he can have first turn in next round.

I keep a notebook with me when testing and I write every turn down when testing. You don't have to, but you should at least jot down a note here and there to acknowledge certain points during a test that might be important. If either team wins because of winning most of initiatives to get advantage, that's worth noting. If either team rolls unusually good attack or defense, that's worth noting. Anything that might be worth the readers of the test sheet needing to know to get a better idea of the events during the test can be noted. If nothing else, keep some notes so that if someone questions your test results, you can go back and say, "well this happened that was unusual or that happened, or so in so had height advantage throughout the game or whatever." That can help people judge test results better.
Sorry to double post here but I have a question. When testing one Hero against another unit, in the initial Hero and Squad tests do you use order markers or just roll for initiative and alternate turns?

Yeah I don't think it matters for Heavy Hitters... definately for Squad and army though.

You need to play both the Heavy Hitters and Squad tests like a normal game. Meaning, you don't just roll for initial initiative and then just go back and forth alternating turn. You use OM's like normal. So if the tested unit had the last turn in one round, if he wins initiative, he can have first turn in next round.

Thanks. That is what I did, but I didn't know if that was the right way. Maybe add this to your FAQ.
Good idea. :) I'll update the FAQ with that note. Hahma is our master playtester, after all.
Honestly, we have so many Order Marker affecting powers now, I would never dream of not using them.
Good idea. :) I'll update the FAQ with that note. Hahma is our master playtester, after all.
Honestly, we have so many Order Marker affecting powers now, I would never dream of not using them.
That and Joker's OM power that is also triggered by winning Initiative.

Always play the game according to the rules in the Rule Book and the Army Cards.
I'm only just starting to playtest so I had to come up with a simple way to keep track of things for me. So this is what I am using, it might be helpful to others or not :shrug:.

for an idea of what it looks like:

That is awesome bro. That is a very organized way of tracking events, but for me personally I like just summarizing things. Still though, I am gonna link this on the front page for anyone to use if they want to.
That is awesome bro. That is a very organized way of tracking events, but for me personally I like just summarizing things. Still though, I am gonna link this on the front page for anyone to use if they want to.

Yea I'm with Griffin, I don't think you need to note EVERY event that occurred. Just saying Hulk killed <insert playest figure here> because <reason> is enough for me.
But I don't mind if anyone uses A3n's sheet either. I added it to the front page.
Yea I'm with Griffin, I don't think you need to note EVERY event that occurred. Just saying Hulk killed <insert playest figure here> because <reason> is enough for me.

Oh I agree completely when you are filling out the official test sheet just a simple summary is all that's needed. But for me to remember the order of event's & things this helps me. & hey it might only help me, it could be just how my mind needs to work. Admittedly I only play HS against a 6 year old (when he's in the mood which hasn't been the case for about 3-4 months now - I gotta take that drive to Gympie :D) so I am not the most experienced player. This way if somebody points out how I might have played something wrong I can always go back & see what sort of impact that would have had on the game.

I think A3n's sheet would be good for keeping track for your personal benefit, and then a summary could be posted. Best of both worlds. :)
Admittedly I only play HS against a 6 year old (when he's in the mood which hasn't been the case for about 3-4 months now - I gotta take that drive to Gympie :D) so I am not the most experienced player.

Oh, I'm WAY more experienced than you then. I play against an 8 year old! :p I know exactly what you mean...
Great job on the test sheet A3n for keeping track of events. :thumbsup: I've been using 80 page spiral notebooks for my testing, it helps to see how things play out and if you play something wrong, it's easy to find the point where it happened and just redo from that point on. That reminds me, I've only got one page left of my current notebook (my third one since July or whatever). So I've got to get to the store and pick up another one soon. :D
You guys are way more advanced than me! :) I just take notes on my laptop as I go.
And I play against myself ...
What I do is I have my game table directly next to my computer, and as soon as a match is done, I update the Feedback Sheet. And about 80% of my testing is solo. :D
What I do is I have my game table directly next to my computer, and as soon as a match is done, I update the Feedback Sheet. And about 80% of my testing is solo. :D

Haha I do the same thing, only I take the computer to the game. (I have a laptop.)

NAME OF THE TEST UNIT (Insert Name Here)

- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.

Army Test
- Does it pass
, Yes or No? .
- What should be the unit's point value? .
- Give a brief overview. .
Map: .
Units: .
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass
, Yes or No? .
- What should be the unit's point value? .
- Give a brief overview. .
Map: .
Units: .
Spoiler Alert!
I updated the front page with a couple of links at the top for those of you (like me) who appreciate the ability to copy a blank playtest form and fill it out. Well now you can do that all here on Heroscapers.com and either PM to your self until it is filled out or you can fill it out as you go and post or PM it when you are ready. :ENJOY:
Great job on the new form, Griff! I look forward to giving it a spin some time in July. :)