Smithy Winfred
Last :-(
Some of the cards don't show up when I Generate the PDF, Especially the newer ones. Is that my problem or the program?
I love the ability to create custom pdf's with just the figures I'm interested in -- great job!
Any chance of getting this to include the C3V cards?
We could possibly include C3V, but it'll cost them
I've thought about making a separate version for the C3V. If they're interested, I think we can work something out. If nothing else, I was thinking about letting users switch the drop downs to be text boxes so you can put in whatever URLs you want. The only downside would be that if you use a JPG, it will work, but you won't get the high quality that you would with the PDFs. I had to go through and create PNGs for all the cards and we could certainly do that with the C3V especially since the C3V cards aren't quite as numerous as the C3G. If there is enough interest, I'll put it together.
It appears the program started for me, I was able to select the cards I wanted, but then when I hit the "Generate PDF" button, it waited a little while and then gave me a message saying "Generation Unsuccessful". Any thoughts as to what I can do to solve this problem?
At least 3 of us. It would be great as an option if it's possible to do it.Hey, so there are two of us who print the backs!
Some of the cards don't show up when I Generate the PDF, Especially the newer ones. Is that my problem or the program?
That rick worked just fine Snapple. I now have 6 of each on one sheet to get printed out. I wasn't sure how much space they would take up so I stopped at 6 but there is enough room for more then twice that many.
As far as who is missing, the recent public designs are not available. Baron Zemo, Spoiler, Lockheed, etc. are all not on the drop down menu even though their cards are available for all to see. I suspect they were left off because they have not been included as an official wave release yet. I believe that happens once they have 5-6 of the public designs done they want to organize into some kind of loosely themed booster.
They are all in ScapeMage's folder. Can you not access that folder on the server.
Some of the cards don't show up when I Generate the PDF, Especially the newer ones. Is that my problem or the program?
I've tested most of the newer cards and haven't had a problem. Which ones were giving you a problem? I've heard of a couple people that have trouble with lots of pages, how big a PDF were you shooting for?
At least 3 of us. It would be great as an option if it's possible to do it.Hey, so there are two of us who print the backs!
In that case, try creating multiple smaller PDFs of 4 or 5 pages.I can't find:
Emma Frost
Baron Zemo
Black Cat
In the program.
EDIT: And it wont generate the PDF, it gets hung up in the cards on page 10 no matter which cards are on it.
I can't find:
Emma Frost
Baron Zemo
Black Cat
In the program.
EDIT: And it wont generate the PDF, it gets hung up in the cards on page 10 no matter which cards are on it.