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C3G PDF Generator-Public

It's just shaving a little off of that one card and shoving it off to the side. It happened with a bunch of my prints, but not all. It didn't bother me though. Sometimes I had cards overlapping, and if I just played with the positions of the cards, I usually figured that out.
Whenever you see that it's generally a white background or an untrimmed image. Fixing the image clears it up. Whenever you notice this, call it out. I'll try to be a little more diligent when adding new cards to check for this.
It's just shaving a little off of that one card and shoving it off to the side. It happened with a bunch of my prints, but not all. It didn't bother me though. Sometimes I had cards overlapping, and if I just played with the positions of the cards, I usually figured that out.

Yep. This has been my general experience.

That said, I just printed out a huge stack of cards, so I'm a happy camper. :) Couldn't get them to size right on my home printer, so they're a tad smaller than my other cards, but that just means more room on my playing table. The paper and ink also aren't the quality of Staples, but Staples kept giving me grief about copyright stuff, so I had to go to plan B.

Still, a stack of cards printed out for me to cut out thanks to this program! :) :up:
On my computer it makes the pdf just without Spoiler. On my wife's, it just doesn't make the pdf at all. :p
I found the card of hers that I printed a while back but lost, so I'm fine, now, haha!

But the sidekick units, and new sanctum units and glyphs could be added, and that'd be awesome. :)
I decided that between C3G online, new C3G releases and the new job I'm in the process of switching over to, you guys are going to have to add cards yourselves if you want to use the generator. I've documented the process in OP and I'd be happy to walk any of you guys through it, but I have a lot of trouble already keeping up with the big C3G releases much less the public designs which means it's all but impossible to keep up with the secret stuff.

I guarantee you that once you've done it a couple times, you won't have any problem with it :)

And you can always print 2 to a page old fashioned style ;)
I'm confused....I don't see anything in the OP about adding cards to the generator.

Also, I don't see the Hero password posted anywhere :twisted:
Perhaps we need a "public access to the sanctum" program like C3V has.
I've never used the program honestly since I prefer my cards to be about 7 inches wide (my son has poor vision). But I must say that all the hard work that went into this deserves some special mention. It could not have been easy to update this work. I imagine that an update would be required at least once a week if not more.

So, thanks very much for keeping at it as long as you did. I'm sure there is someone here who can match your hard work for a while to keep the program alive.

Possibly have two people do it; one for public release, and one for private?
I'm looking into how to add units to it. I don't know the technical side of it well at all, so I'm just waiting on how to access all the servers correctly and everything. If it's not too complicated for my primitive mind, I do want to try. :)