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C3G Mini Photo Depository

NP. Happened to get out of work right when the sun came out and at the right time of day as well. Hopefully they are a good. I never did look at them. :)
Black Lightning
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Those came out a lot darker than I expected. Hopefully something works. :)
Thanks, I'll link them and hopefully Art can let me know if they're usable. :)
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Werewolf (Lupine wavelength haemovarioform)
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Clockwork Men
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Martha Jones
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Sycorax Leader
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I'll give this request a bump since we're closing in on Final Editing - these are some pretty random figures to have laying around, so I'm not surprised we haven't had any traction. :lol: I may have to place a quick mini order myself at some point, though I'm not sure when/where/how I'd take the pics...



The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Revenge of the Sith set.
Its model number and name is #54 / Yuzzem.

The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Bounty Hunters set.
Its model number and name is #38 / Klatooinian Hunter.

The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Force Unleashed set.
Its model number and name is #26 / Verpine Tech.

If we have any Star Wars mini collectors out there with these guys, we'd love some shots![/QUOTE]
I'll repost the request over somewhere in the HoSS section of the website for you and see if anyone has them and a camera. I know a few people bought large lots of SW figures on e-bay so they might have one or more of them on hand.
Here's a size comparison photo of the 3 figures with Sonlen and a Thor Heroclix figure.
Yeah he's definitely large and should have the large immunities then. I'm guessing there might be a call out for pics of one of the alternate options we discussed soon but I'll leave that final decision for Johnny as it's his design. Thanks again for the pic Mac, any chance you can post up a pic of the Klatooinian Hunter by itself?
Looks like he might sneak in at medium to me - Hasbro Hulk is medium, and he's a pretty big dude.
Yeah that's a big boy! Not sure if that's within the bounds of our usual "number fudging" - I think I'd be fine mixing him in but I'll see what the group consensus is. Glad we have so many people with figures in hand to help here. :up:
Bigger than Hulk. Another issue is the chosen minis clearly not all being the same height.
Looking for a bit more information on these guys - don't necessarily need pics here, just looking into possible alternatives as a backup and want to check and make sure there's no scale issues or other unforeseen problems. @Arch-vile @Scytale @mac122


Gotal Fringer


Chiss Mercenary


Gotal Mercenary