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C3G Factions/Groupings

Heroscaper Guy

3 GIFs in a Trenchcoat
Site Supporter
Well I may not be the right person to do this. But I’m going to give it a shot.

I’m a relative comic newb, so I’m a bit out of my depth here. However, I have been thinking more and more about beginning to group the C3G (and MarvelScape) units into factions and groups. In part because some synergies are starting to really develop (like the Criminal Lords or Vigilantes), but also just so I can see better who is currently available as well as who “goes with” whom. (I like, for example, my Gotham Underworld entry in part because it gives me a quick glance at which Batman villains have been created.)

As I said above, I’m a newb. Sure, I’ve read some comics, but I don’t read them regularly (and haven’t in quite a while, really). My sense of supers is definitely shaped more by TV and film (and pop culture) than anything else. (I apologize in advance to those that I offend just by admitting that...)

Please let me know what you think.

For an excellent source of synergies by type, personality, etc., as well as a complete sortable source for all current C3G units, I highly recommend SirGalahad's C3G Index.

Adventurers and Scientists Faction
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Agents Faction
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Amazon Bud
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Androids Faction (see also Iron Men, and Cybernetic Repair X)
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Asgardians Faction
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Assassins and Ninjas Faction (link to Criminal Faction)
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Atlanteans Bud
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Archers Bud (also see Sidekicks)

Champion Bud
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Citizen Bud

Creatures Faction

Crime Lord Faction
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Criminal Faction (link to Assassin Faction)
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Cybernetic Repair X Bud

Fighter/Crime Fighter Faction
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Frost Giant Bud
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Green Lantern Faction

HYDRA/Terrorist Faction

Insane Faction
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Investigator Bud

Iron Man Faction
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Kree Bud
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Kryptonian Faction

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Legionnaire Faction
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Mercenary Faction

Mutant Faction (see also Outcasts, Sentinels)
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Orange Lantern Bud
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Outcasts Faction

Qwardians Bud
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Rogues Faction

Rulers Faction (Dr. Doom, & the Doombots)

Sentinel Bud (cf. Mutant Faction)
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Sidekicks Faction (see also Vigilantes and Titans)
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Simian Faction

Skrull Bud
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Super Soldier/Patriotic Bud

Telepath Faction (cf. Simian Bud)
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Thanagarian Bud
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Thief Faction

Titans (also see Sidekicks and Vigilantes)

Undead bud

Vigilantes and Lawmen Faction (see Sidekicks)
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Yellow Lantern Faction
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The SuperLeftovers :wink: – (Hmm... Any groupings in here I missed? Anyone here belong somewhere else?)
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Don't worry, we'll still be here for you if you ever get more time in the future. :) Thanks for popping in!

So, who wants the OP the most? Goes to the first person to post "I want to control the OP here."

I want to control the OP here.
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Groups and Teams - This post is now devoted to groups and teams, lists of who is available in these teams (and who we're waiting for), mostly for thematic use. I've tried to group all synergies above.

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Brotherhood of Mutants (see also Mutants)

Cosmic Threats


Fantastic Four (see also Adventurers and Scientists)

Gotham Underworld (see also Criminal Faction, Vigilantes, etc.)
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Injustice League

Justice League
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Law Enforcement (see also Green Lantern Faction)


Streets of New York (or the Web of Spider-Man)
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X-Men (see also Mutants Faction and Telepath Bud)
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Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley) (170 points) DC
Deadpool (Wade Wilson) (285 points) MARVEL
Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) (380 points) MARVEL
Unlike classic scape, they'll probably be some overlap with the C3G figures.

Deadpool is right at home in your insane faction. You might as well throw Bob in the insane faction as well, since he's really reliant on Deadpool.

Sentinels should be thrown in with mutants, to harness their abilities. Nowadays they protect mutants instead of collect them, so I could see them in either X-men or Brotherhood camps, or even both.

You might also want to start a seperate criminal faction and throw Lex in there.
I think Plastic Man is part of the Justice League.

And isn't Surfer sometimes a part of the Avengers? So he could probably be thrown in there.
This is tough. So many figures have been affilitated with so many different teams. For instance, the Avengers have had almost every Marvel hero as a member at one time.

In my opinion, it would easier to break out all the characters by Class, Personality and Species.
This is tough. So many figures have been affilitated with so many different teams. For instance, the Avengers have had almost every Marvel hero as a member at one time.

Spider-man was at a point, I know. Heck, Spidey was part of the Fantastic Four! Or at least he wore a bag on his head while wearing their costume! :p

But I'm hoping Storm and Black Panther have synergies in the FF, once they get done, because I know they replaced Sue and Reed at a point, when I actually read the FF comics.
I'd put Jonah Hex in the Law Enforcement category, since he boosts/ is a Lawmen, and it seems rather likely that future police heroes would be Lawmen, or have synergy with Lawmen, or something like that.

Surfer and Spider-Man and such have been Avengers, but Spider-Man is usually off in his own little world, and Silver Surfer is either out in space or - on Earth - generally affiliated with the Defenders, alongside Hulk, Namor, and Doctor Strange.

Solomon Grundy MIGHT fit with the Gotham Underworld, being a sometimes Bat-villain, but, I dunno, he might not. There may be room for a Legion of Doom category to throw him into... though, to be honest, I'm not really sure they'd have much synergy.
This is a great idea, and a tool I will be using for creating thematic armies. Thanks. :up:
Great comments, everyone. I'll sort through them tomorrow--can't believe I missed Jonah and Deadpool :doh:--great help, all, thanks!

I know that some of these groupings will be forced and some will be opinion, but they will help create some thematic cores. (And I will likely create some sub-categories (perhaps for Spidey in the Avengers, for example).

I'm thinking of (as the project grows) saving the top for factions (a la IAB's Heroscape project--groups with synergy) and then using the second post, that I saved, to be for "Teams" or something along those lines (since the Avengers--whoever exactly we decide fits there--don't (yet?) really have any synergy). We'll see, but I will definitely be playing with this over the months/years to come. This will definitely grow.

(Can't wait to add the FF to the lists above :).)
I'm probably worse at this, but I believe Poison Ivy and Bob go with Team Insano as well. :)

And yes, there's more love for the lawman group on the way. ;)
I'd like to see Catwoman listed in the Criminals/Crimelords faction. While she's doesn't fit into the mob/gang theme you sort of have going there, she's most often portrayed as a cat burglar. She is a criminal (at least as much as the Riddler is).

I aslo agree with the posts about moving Deadpool*, Bob, and Poison Ivy up with the rest of the crazies.

*Though is Deadpool really crazy? It was my understanding he was just aware that he's a character in a comic book . . . .
Lex Luthor is definitely in the Criminal Faction.
I agree with all the other stuff people are saying too, especially Jonah Hex in the lawman faction and Poison Ivy, Bob, and Deadpool in the Insane faction. :) Plastic Man definitely goes with the JLA as well.
For teams, I think you should just stick "Classic" before the titles and then keep Spidey and Surfer out of the Avengers and anyone other than the first four and She-Hulk out of the Fan Four, for instance.
Then, as you suggested, you could have a sub category, like "Avengers Variations" where you could put "extended family members." Heck, you could do that for the X-Men ("X-Men variations") and probably list just about all of the Brotherhood!
If you want to keep the top just synergy based, though, you should probably go with a "Mutant" army based around Professor X, and then save the X-Men/Brotherhood team split for later.
Oh, and I'd say Professor X, Jean Grey, and Martian Manhunter make for at least a Telepath Faction Bud, with more help coming eventually! :)

P.S. I'm adding this to the Public Directory!
I agree that a Telepath army needs to be added as there is already another Telepath in the works for release and there are more still to be done.
All right, I think I have made all the changes suggested above. For now I'm keeping things open (just using parentheses to mark units that are not always/classically associated with certain groups).

There are certainly other possible groupings. Let me know what else you'd like to see. I'll try to keep this up to date and useful.

When the first post gets too long (as I expect it will), I move things to the second post. (As I said above, I expect to have the first post be true factions, i.e. with in-game synergy, and the second post to be teams/associations, etc. that are more thematic than part of the game as you play.)

Thank you, so much, to everyone that jumped in and helped. I think we are building something really useful here. Much appreciated. :thumbsup:
I've added Factions and Buds into the OP, marked in distinct colors and font styles, with relevant powers and types marked in the lists. Also did spoilers throughout. Enjoy!
Since you have Valiants, would it hurt to put in Disciplined? The Sacred Band aren't nearly as big as the 4th Mass, but, personally, I prefer them.

That list is Colossus and... huh. I'm pretty sure it's just Colossus. Nevermind the Disciplined, then.


You guys gotta work on that, though. :p
Since you have Valiants, would it hurt to put in Disciplined? The Sacred Band aren't nearly as big as the 4th Mass, but, personally, I prefer them.

That list is Colossus and... huh. I'm pretty sure it's just Colossus. Nevermind the Disciplined, then.


You guys gotta work on that, though. :p

Yeah, I played with that--then realized the same thing you did.

I may add Relentless (there are quite a few), but I'm honestly hoping someone else does a cool computer program/spreadsheet or something for things like that. The Valiant entry may disappear, but since I often to add 4th Mass into my games (mostly for Cap, but others as well), I added it on.

@DW1970: I didn't see him on any of the official/core lists that I looked at online (just a couple), and my own experience (deeply limited, I'll admit) is that he is a fringe member. Anyhow, if you really think he belongs there as a full member, I'll happily take off the parentheses. Let me know.

Again, thanks to everyone helping on this. I think it's shaping up as a real resource. Much appreciated! :thumbsup:
I'd like to see Catwoman listed in the Criminals/Crimelords faction. While she's doesn't fit into the mob/gang theme you sort of have going there, she's most often portrayed as a cat burglar. She is a criminal (at least as much as the Riddler is).

I aslo agree with the posts about moving Deadpool*, Bob, and Poison Ivy up with the rest of the crazies.

*Though is Deadpool really crazy? It was my understanding he was just aware that he's a character in a comic book . . . .
For now she isn't part of the Criminal faction, but if I find the right crimelord, master mind, or criminal to pull in Thieves, I will remedy her current lack of membership. :D