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C3G Faction Strategy Guides

Good to know. That was what I was asking about really, never played him without the Holograms.

I rarely do just because I like them. But I also think I'm rare in that instance. But in the S6 build without them he's still fun. Sin6 get played a lot at my house because of my son. They are fun with DocII
Xenomorph Faction Strategy

Important Links

The Xenomorphs are led by the Alien Queen, so she is essential in any Xenomorph army. All of your Order Markers will be on the Queen, and you’ll typically be activating other figures with her until only the Queen is left.

You’ll typically want to slow-roll the rest of the Aliens. By that, I mean moving out as many Drones as possible together and only engaging the enemy once they’re within your threat range. That way, when your Aliens start to die, you have extras in reserve ready to attack on their turns, without having to waste a turn just moving them up from the start zone.

All of the faction so far has the Acidic Blood power, allowing them to potentially wound adjacent figures when they are wounded. Due to this, keeping your Xenomorphs adjacent to an enemy (or ideally multiple enemies) is important so you don’t miss out on free wounds!

The Xenomorphs
  • Alien Queen (400) - All your Order Markers should be on the Queen. You’ll want to consistently activate 2 Drones until all your Drones are dead. At that point, bring in the Queen for one final showdown against the enemy. Engaging enemies with the Queen is key, as Acidic Blood will inflict a lot of passive wounds.
  • Alien Drone (120) - At 2 life, these guys are fragile. Keep them adjacent to something taller than them so Stealth Climbing keeps them safe until they’re engaged. Xenomorph Tail Strike is great when there are shadow spaces or you need a ranged attack, but outside of those situations you should basically ignore this power. Engaging the enemy is too important due to Acidic Blood.

Army Build Examples:

1000 Points
  • Alien Queen, Alien Drone x5

1600 Points
  • Alien Queen, Alien Drone x10

There’s not a whole lot of variety here yet, but there’s plenty of room for expansion in the future if other Xenomorphs are designed!
Slasher Faction Strategy

The Slasher faction is made up of both the Slasher and Tormentor classes, mainly involving classic horror movie villains. These villains often have a way to resurrect or do things outside of their own turns, making up for their seemingly low stats. This is a strong faction that is a lot of fun and the characters really come alive, but due to their many moving parts out of their turns, can be quite tricky to play both with and against. If you are very experienced with the game, take a stab at running them!

Important Links

Slasher Leader
You'll want Pinhead in every Slasher army, as he's the main source of synergy.
  • Pinhead (335) - Activates 0-3 Slashers/Tormentors based on a die roll. Once a Slasher has died, move Pinhead close to the action so you can use Hellraiser to bring your dead Slashers back. But losing Pinhead early will likely lose you the game, so don't be too aggressive with him.

Important Slashers & Tormentors
  • Chucky (85) - Passive support of the group. Let him be carried up by a main attacking Slasher, and he'll generate autowounds passively. Pairs especially well with Jason due to the free movement, lockdown/pest desires, and since Jason won't worry about any potential Child's Play wound flubs coming his way.
  • Demogorgon Stalker (175) (Uncommon) - Melee attacker that can drag enemies to a separate battlefield called the Upside Down.
  • Freddy Krueger (175) - Can roll for autowounds against "sleeping" figures that have not done anything this round. Can be a safe OM hub for Pinhead if you only use him as such. Tricky to play and his autowounds can be pretty swingy.
  • Ghostface (100) - A start zone bomber. Have Ghostface target key weaker figures in your opponent's army that would normally be difficult to reach.
  • Ghost Rider (Caleb) (265) - Fast, strong attacker with autowounds and enemy figure movement.
  • Gremlin (Mogwai) (25) (Common) - Cheap swarmer and can be nasty for Defense reduction and respawning. As a 25-pointer, you can easily grab multiples of these to round out an army cost or increase an army by 100 points.
  • Invisible Man (95) - Can be useless if you lose initiative, but otherwise will be a handy source of autowounds. Take him with the initiative boosters of the faction such as Leprechaun, Ghostface, or Leatherface.
  • Jason Voorhees (175) - One of the strongest Slashers. Jason does most of his tricks without requiring a single turn, but taking the opportunity to move him up early is usually worth it. You want your opponent to waste time killing Jason first, as he'll resurrect of his own accord with Friday The 13th.
  • Leatherface (95) - Melee beatstick. It's generally worth risking Leatherface wounding himself with his special attack, as Leatherface's low life means he's easy to resurrect with Pinhead. Inflicting self wounds can also aid to Pinhead's Hellraiser resurrections.
  • Leprechaun (75) - Support/disruptor of the faction by modifying d20s. Keep him near the action and Terrorizing Tricks will get you a few free wounds thanks to the low defense of most of the Slashers resulting in higher odds of the dice matching.
  • Michael Myers (135) - Passively chases a chosen Victim. You should generally build up 3 Stalker Markers on his card then start chasing the Victim down.
  • N'Garai (45) (Common) - Best in a swarm, you'll want a ton of these if you use them. They can resurrect themselves by killing.
  • Pennywise (275) - Durable attacker that subtracts from opponent's d20 rolls, and can cause autowounds.
  • Sadako Yamamura (200) - AoE Defense reduction. Also incredibly disruptive to a single enemy figure, forcing your opponent to confront Sadako while she and your other Slashers take advantage. Choosing a Viewer that is expensive and/or essential to your opponent's army is key, as Sadako is destroyed as soon as her Viewer is.
  • Sam (95) - Biggest benefit is the once per round dice re-roll, which can be used for Pinhead's Denizens of Hell roll to try and get as many turns as possible. Keep Sam near the action without wasting turns activating him. You'll always want the "X" OM on Sam.
  • The Creeper (215) - Can move up allies and move & wound enemies with Claw Carry. Placing an enemy at a lower height to setup an attack from Jason or Ghostface with a lowered Defense from one of the other Slashers, can be devastating. This is a fantastic support ability as many of the Slashers are slow and benefit from the free movement. You should always place Creeper on his card with Jeeper's Creepers, as it pumps up his offense to frightening levels.

Army Build Examples:

700 Points
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Sam(95), Leatherface(95)

800 Points
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), The Creeper(215), Leprechaun(75)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Sam(95), Leatherface(95), Ghostface(100)

900 Points
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Freddy(175), The Creeper(215)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Sam(95), Leatherface(95), Sadako(200)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), The Creeper(215), Leprechaun(75), Ghostface(100)

1000 Points
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Freddy(175), Chucky(85), Michael Myers(135), Leatherface(95)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Michael Myers(135), Ghostface(100), Chucky(85), Leatherface(95), Leprechaun(75)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Leatherface(95), Sam(95), Chucky(85), The Creeper(215)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Sam(95), Leatherface(95), Ghostface(100), Sadako(200)
  • Pinhead(335), Pennywise(275), The Creeper(215), Leprechaun(75), Gremlin x4(100)
  • Pinhead(335), The Creeper(215), Sadako(200), Gremlin x10(250)

1100 Points
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Pennywise(275), Chucky(85), Michael Myers(135), Leatherface(95)
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Leatherface(95), Sam(95), Chucky(85), The Creeper(215), Ghostface(100)
  • Pinhead(335), Pennywise(275), The Creeper(215), Jason(175), Gremlin x4(100)

1200 Points
  • Pinhead(335), Jason(175), Freddy(175), Michael Myers(135), Sam(95), Chucky(85), Sadako(200)
  • Pinhead(335), Pennywise(275), The Creeper(215), Jason(175), Leprechaun(75), Gremlin x5(125)

List of Slashers/Tormentors by point value:
Spoiler Alert!
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The above was co-written with Arkham. Lots of new combos in the Slasher faction with the latest Halloween release!