Superman Family Faction Strategy
Important Links
The Superman Family is centered around teamwork, encouraging your Kryptonians to lead the way and their allies to join them together in the sun. While the faction makes heavy use of the Champion class, Big Blue’s allies aren’t restricted to that.
While there are multiple pieces here that are more geared toward a more Superman-centric army, this guide is primarily focused on the Superman Family leader piece, and building around him.
Superman’s fellow Kryptonian Heroes are just as essential here, as without them his efficiency can drop significantly. Most of his allies have a solid reason to want that lead-off Order Marker to set up your double turn strongly. You’ll usually want at least two brought along with him, save for a few later units that can make exceptions to that rule.
Sometimes Superman needs more than just his Kryptonian friends, and he’s got some Metropolis allies, friends from the Justice League, and even some friends from the future that are often ready to help at a moments notice. While there are options not listed here that can be successful, these were designed with the faction in mind.
Allies from Superman’s day job as Clark Kent can bring more to the table as well. They’ve got some ways to passively support the family that can be quite helpful, but you’ll have to keep these civilians safe if you want those boosts for long!
Heroes of similar esteem and his work colleagues aren’t the only things that come along. There are some Sidekicks can help you smooth out small deficits you might be experiencing in your build for some hopefully low costs.
Army Build Examples:
800 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Superwoman (230), Emil Hamilton (60), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Superboy (240), Jimmy Olsen (50), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Jimmy Olsen (50), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Superboy (Jon) (120)
Superman (430), Steel (220), Jimmy Olsen (50), Lois Lane (100)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Lois Lane (100), Jimmy Olsen (50), Emil Hamilton (60), Kelex (40)
900 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Superwoman (Lana) (230)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Mon-El (350)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Steel (John Henry Irons) (220)
950 Points
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Superboy (240)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Superwoman (Lana) (230)
1000 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Supergirl (330)
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Steel (John Henry Irons) (220), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Superwoman (Lana) (230), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Superwoman (Lana) (230), Steel (John Henry) (220)
1100 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon), Superwoman (Lana), Guardian (150), Jimmy Olsen (50)
Superman (430), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Krypto (80), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Supergirl (330), Steel (John Henry) (220)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Superwoman (Lana Lang) (230), Jimmy Olsen (50), Lois Lane (100)
1150 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Mon-El (350), Kelex (40)
1200 Points
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Flamebird (280), Krypto (80), Lois Lane (100), Emil Hamilton (60)
1300 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Mon-El (350), Emil Hamilton (60), Krypto (80), Jimmy Olsen (50)
1400 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Kelex (40), Lois Lane (100), Emil Hamilton (60)
Quick Tips for Modifications
A few pods of figures he can easily be swapped around depending on your needs. And smaller pods can be combined to swap out for bigger point allies, like taking two 120 point pairings to replace Superboy (Kon)
150 Point Pods/Figures:
120 Point Pods/Figures:
Important Links
The Superman Family is centered around teamwork, encouraging your Kryptonians to lead the way and their allies to join them together in the sun. While the faction makes heavy use of the Champion class, Big Blue’s allies aren’t restricted to that.
While there are multiple pieces here that are more geared toward a more Superman-centric army, this guide is primarily focused on the Superman Family leader piece, and building around him.
- Superman (Family Leader) (430) – True to the name of the faction, Superman himself is the primary piece of the faction. His Leadership helps keep everyone engaged by giving turn efficiency, but it is limited to the first numbered marker on each Kryptonian Champion. So if you want your maximum turn efficiency, make sure to get some Kryptonian allies on the field with him. Hope in Action helps keep the attention on Kal, as the more markers you are able to reveal on him, the more difficult his allies are to hit with those inspired rerolls on defense.
Superman’s fellow Kryptonian Heroes are just as essential here, as without them his efficiency can drop significantly. Most of his allies have a solid reason to want that lead-off Order Marker to set up your double turn strongly. You’ll usually want at least two brought along with him, save for a few later units that can make exceptions to that rule.
- Superboy (Kon-El) (240) – Superboy has got Something to Prove to his allies, which makes him an effective ally for helping out your attack rolls that may be less than ideal, though you want to watch out for engagements as he can get hurt in a blind effort to help. Tactile Telekinesis can be another helpful trick here, and if he’s got the Order Marker that turn it can open up your figure taking the second turn for a height advantage hit as well.
- Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) (330) – Supergirl brings some great value to the faction as well. Krypton’s Resolve can keep an ally alive a bit longer to get some needed attacks in, synergizing well with Mon-El.
Freeze Breath can weaken foe defenses, which will feel especially rewarding when she has the Order Marker and the second turn can take advantage of it as well. - Nightwing (Chris Kent) (260) – The son of General Zod bring his own tricks to the table. Shadow Telekinetics bring some much desired autowounds to the table that don’t cost him his attack. His existence as an the Kryptonian Entity Nightwing’s Avatar gives him some resistance to Kryptonite, and when you reveal your Order Marker on him, gives you some even higher efficiency with his connection to his partner Flamebird.
- Flamebird (Thara Ak-Var) (280) – Flamebird, like Nightwing before her, will get the most effiency when you can steer into her role as Flamebird’s Avatar and get extra efficiency with Nightwing. Her Avatar status though prevents her powers from ever being neutralized. The Flames of Krypton rage though and she can launch off powerful ranged attacks when her allies are injured, potentially attacking multiple times.
- Superwoman (Lana Lang) (230) – She may not be a Kryptonian by birth, but Lana Lang’s addition to the family is not to be underestimated. Her Electromagnetic Lift can help reposition an ally, or multiple if you’ve brought some human allies along with the Family. Her Magnetic Manipulations makes her a great lead unit as well, as she can toss foes to more vulnerable position, or even right into their own allies!
- Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290) – Kong Kenan may seem like a knock off Kryptonian, but the powers he bring to the table are hard to find elsewhere. All-Yin Focus can give him the stealth to take out hard to reach foes. All-Yang Focus can help with both swarms of foes, or even those pesky defensive powered enemies!
Sometimes Superman needs more than just his Kryptonian friends, and he’s got some Metropolis allies, friends from the Justice League, and even some friends from the future that are often ready to help at a moments notice. While there are options not listed here that can be successful, these were designed with the faction in mind.
- Mon-El (350) – Mon-El brings the raw stats of a Kryptonian to the table with some extra tricks. His Kinetic Throw can be incredibly disrupting to your opponent’s positioning, even allowing a nice 1-2 punch with his fellow super allies. As a Cross Time Hero, his already high attack can get especially punishing if you make the mistake of taking out an ally before him.
- Guardian (Jim Harper) (150) – The Security Chief of Cadmus labs isn’t really here to help out Clark, but rather the dual species allies like the Superboys and some of the Superwomen. With them in his Security Detail he can boost their defense. Protective Patrol is the stand out here, as he can provide some passive autowounding potential as he races around defending those in his detail.
- Steel (John Henry Irons) (220) – Long-time ally of Superman brings quite a bit to the overall family table. Bonds of Steel allows you to reveal the "X" early on Kal for rerolls, also bringing Order Marker removal to the table. Diabling Rivets can lockdown pesky figures that move a lot, or just help the team avoid Leaving Engagement strikes, and Counter Attacks. Power Armor: Last Ditch Defense synergizes with Kal's rerolls to turn a botched defense easily into a solid attack stopper.
Allies from Superman’s day job as Clark Kent can bring more to the table as well. They’ve got some ways to passively support the family that can be quite helpful, but you’ll have to keep these civilians safe if you want those boosts for long!
- Lois Lane (100) – Where most of the Kryptonian allies had a strong reason to want the numbered Order Marker, Superman himself didn’t quite have one. Lois Lane fixes that. Superman’s Girlfriend can give Superman a bonus turn (but only if he’s leading the turns) that can really help rack up the damage. Get the Scoop helps her get into the action and boost initiative to help get Order Markers revealed on Superman before your opponent can start their offensive.
- Jimmy Olsen (50) – If you see Lois Lane, Jimmy likely isn’t far behind. This Tag-Along Reporter can do a great job staying in the action when he’s got another Journalist to come along with. Superman’s Pal allows Jimmy to bring Superman back for some emergency protection, and that Action Shot is another way to reveal an X Order Marker on Superman for added rerolls.
- Clark Kent (120) - Clark Kent sometimes might need to hide in plain sight among the Planet Crew. Up, Up, and Away allows for some protection of pieces that you need a nice save on. Clark's Subtle Super Feats allow him to stay in the action, but keep the Family Bonding going even while in disguise.
- Perry White (30) - The Editor of the Daily Planet used to be a man in the field, but still brings something to the table. You'll hear him shouting "Great Caesar's Ghost!" to get his staff in the action when there's a story out there. Perry's stories inspire some true Front Page Heroism, allowing you to hopefully take the initiative at an important moment to save the day, with the Journalist staff hopefully helping Clark get the moment he needs.
Heroes of similar esteem and his work colleagues aren’t the only things that come along. There are some Sidekicks can help you smooth out small deficits you might be experiencing in your build for some hopefully low costs.
- Krypto (80) – It is hard to go wrong with a Kryptonian’s Best Friend allowing Krypto to easily keep up with all the Kryptonians you have flying around. Daring Decoy can help keep attacks off of any of your more vulnerable pieces as well.
- Superboy (Jon Kent) (120) – Superboy brings some great things to the faction as well. Super Son gives him turn efficiency with Superman, and thus an opportunity to reveal extra Order Markers on Superman for a low-low cost. Novice Heat Vision may seem weak at first, but it can have high potential that can be easy to get when this kid is working alongside his dad.
- Kelex (40) – Kelex is a cheap insurance policy for your team. Kryptonian Contingency lets you move Order Markers from destroyed figures to your Kryptonians. This can even work on already revealed markers, so if one of Superman’s allies goes down, you can give him some revealed Order Markers to help continue boosting rerolls. Kelex stays in the Fortress though, and Fortress Defense Protocols can be a nice autowound deterrent to keep some of your other passive figures safe at home.
- Emil Hamilton (60) – Doctor Hamilton can bring some excellent support to the family. Advanced Science Support can bring some scientific equipment in to support the family, and even get an "X" reveal on people like Kal who like that kind of help. Countermeasure Development can help give you the nice moment to strike against pesky defensive powers giving you the runaround.
Army Build Examples:
800 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Superwoman (230), Emil Hamilton (60), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Superboy (240), Jimmy Olsen (50), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Jimmy Olsen (50), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Superboy (Jon) (120)
Superman (430), Steel (220), Jimmy Olsen (50), Lois Lane (100)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Lois Lane (100), Jimmy Olsen (50), Emil Hamilton (60), Kelex (40)
900 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Superwoman (Lana) (230)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Mon-El (350)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Steel (John Henry Irons) (220)
950 Points
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Superboy (240)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Superwoman (Lana) (230)
1000 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Supergirl (330)
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Steel (John Henry Irons) (220), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Superwoman (Lana) (230), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Superwoman (Lana) (230), Steel (John Henry) (220)
1100 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon), Superwoman (Lana), Guardian (150), Jimmy Olsen (50)
Superman (430), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Krypto (80), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Supergirl (330), Steel (John Henry) (220)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Superwoman (Lana Lang) (230), Jimmy Olsen (50), Lois Lane (100)
1150 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Mon-El (350), Kelex (40)
1200 Points
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Flamebird (280), Krypto (80), Lois Lane (100), Emil Hamilton (60)
1300 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Mon-El (350), Emil Hamilton (60), Krypto (80), Jimmy Olsen (50)
1400 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Kelex (40), Lois Lane (100), Emil Hamilton (60)
Quick Tips for Modifications
A few pods of figures he can easily be swapped around depending on your needs. And smaller pods can be combined to swap out for bigger point allies, like taking two 120 point pairings to replace Superboy (Kon)
150 Point Pods/Figures:
- Lois Lane + Jimmy Olsen
- Guardian
- Emil Hamilton + Kelex + Jimmy Olsen
- Clark Kent + Perry White
120 Point Pods/Figures:
- Superboy
- Kelex + Perry White + Jimmy Olsen
- Kelex + Krypto
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