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C3G Faction Strategy Guides

Superman Family Faction Strategy

Important Links

The Superman Family is centered around teamwork, encouraging your Kryptonians to lead the way and their allies to join them together in the sun. While the faction makes heavy use of the Champion class, Big Blue’s allies aren’t restricted to that.

While there are multiple pieces here that are more geared toward a more Superman-centric army, this guide is primarily focused on the Superman Family leader piece, and building around him.

  • Superman (Family Leader) (430) – True to the name of the faction, Superman himself is the primary piece of the faction. His Leadership helps keep everyone engaged by giving turn efficiency, but it is limited to the first numbered marker on each Kryptonian Champion. So if you want your maximum turn efficiency, make sure to get some Kryptonian allies on the field with him. Hope in Action helps keep the attention on Kal, as the more markers you are able to reveal on him, the more difficult his allies are to hit with those inspired rerolls on defense.
Kryptonian Allies
Superman’s fellow Kryptonian Heroes are just as essential here, as without them his efficiency can drop significantly. Most of his allies have a solid reason to want that lead-off Order Marker to set up your double turn strongly. You’ll usually want at least two brought along with him, save for a few later units that can make exceptions to that rule.

  • Superboy (Kon-El) (240) – Superboy has got Something to Prove to his allies, which makes him an effective ally for helping out your attack rolls that may be less than ideal, though you want to watch out for engagements as he can get hurt in a blind effort to help. Tactile Telekinesis can be another helpful trick here, and if he’s got the Order Marker that turn it can open up your figure taking the second turn for a height advantage hit as well.
  • Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) (330) – Supergirl brings some great value to the faction as well. Krypton’s Resolve can keep an ally alive a bit longer to get some needed attacks in, synergizing well with Mon-El.
    Freeze Breath can weaken foe defenses, which will feel especially rewarding when she has the Order Marker and the second turn can take advantage of it as well.
  • Nightwing (Chris Kent) (260) – The son of General Zod bring his own tricks to the table. Shadow Telekinetics bring some much desired autowounds to the table that don’t cost him his attack. His existence as an the Kryptonian Entity Nightwing’s Avatar gives him some resistance to Kryptonite, and when you reveal your Order Marker on him, gives you some even higher efficiency with his connection to his partner Flamebird.
  • Flamebird (Thara Ak-Var) (280) – Flamebird, like Nightwing before her, will get the most effiency when you can steer into her role as Flamebird’s Avatar and get extra efficiency with Nightwing. Her Avatar status though prevents her powers from ever being neutralized. The Flames of Krypton rage though and she can launch off powerful ranged attacks when her allies are injured, potentially attacking multiple times.
  • Superwoman (Lana Lang) (230) – She may not be a Kryptonian by birth, but Lana Lang’s addition to the family is not to be underestimated. Her Electromagnetic Lift can help reposition an ally, or multiple if you’ve brought some human allies along with the Family. Her Magnetic Manipulations makes her a great lead unit as well, as she can toss foes to more vulnerable position, or even right into their own allies!
  • Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290) – Kong Kenan may seem like a knock off Kryptonian, but the powers he bring to the table are hard to find elsewhere. All-Yin Focus can give him the stealth to take out hard to reach foes. All-Yang Focus can help with both swarms of foes, or even those pesky defensive powered enemies!
Tailor-Made Champion Allies
Sometimes Superman needs more than just his Kryptonian friends, and he’s got some Metropolis allies, friends from the Justice League, and even some friends from the future that are often ready to help at a moments notice. While there are options not listed here that can be successful, these were designed with the faction in mind.
  • Mon-El (350) – Mon-El brings the raw stats of a Kryptonian to the table with some extra tricks. His Kinetic Throw can be incredibly disrupting to your opponent’s positioning, even allowing a nice 1-2 punch with his fellow super allies. As a Cross Time Hero, his already high attack can get especially punishing if you make the mistake of taking out an ally before him.
  • Guardian (Jim Harper) (150) – The Security Chief of Cadmus labs isn’t really here to help out Clark, but rather the dual species allies like the Superboys and some of the Superwomen. With them in his Security Detail he can boost their defense. Protective Patrol is the stand out here, as he can provide some passive autowounding potential as he races around defending those in his detail.
  • Steel (John Henry Irons) (220) – Long-time ally of Superman brings quite a bit to the overall family table. Bonds of Steel allows you to reveal the "X" early on Kal for rerolls, also bringing Order Marker removal to the table. Diabling Rivets can lockdown pesky figures that move a lot, or just help the team avoid Leaving Engagement strikes, and Counter Attacks. Power Armor: Last Ditch Defense synergizes with Kal's rerolls to turn a botched defense easily into a solid attack stopper.
The Daily Planet
Allies from Superman’s day job as Clark Kent can bring more to the table as well. They’ve got some ways to passively support the family that can be quite helpful, but you’ll have to keep these civilians safe if you want those boosts for long!
  • Lois Lane (100) – Where most of the Kryptonian allies had a strong reason to want the numbered Order Marker, Superman himself didn’t quite have one. Lois Lane fixes that. Superman’s Girlfriend can give Superman a bonus turn (but only if he’s leading the turns) that can really help rack up the damage. Get the Scoop helps her get into the action and boost initiative to help get Order Markers revealed on Superman before your opponent can start their offensive.
  • Jimmy Olsen (50) – If you see Lois Lane, Jimmy likely isn’t far behind. This Tag-Along Reporter can do a great job staying in the action when he’s got another Journalist to come along with. Superman’s Pal allows Jimmy to bring Superman back for some emergency protection, and that Action Shot is another way to reveal an X Order Marker on Superman for added rerolls.
  • Clark Kent (120) - Clark Kent sometimes might need to hide in plain sight among the Planet Crew. Up, Up, and Away allows for some protection of pieces that you need a nice save on. Clark's Subtle Super Feats allow him to stay in the action, but keep the Family Bonding going even while in disguise.
  • Perry White (30) - The Editor of the Daily Planet used to be a man in the field, but still brings something to the table. You'll hear him shouting "Great Caesar's Ghost!" to get his staff in the action when there's a story out there. Perry's stories inspire some true Front Page Heroism, allowing you to hopefully take the initiative at an important moment to save the day, with the Journalist staff hopefully helping Clark get the moment he needs.
Sidekicks, Companions, and Other Assistants
Heroes of similar esteem and his work colleagues aren’t the only things that come along. There are some Sidekicks can help you smooth out small deficits you might be experiencing in your build for some hopefully low costs.
  • Krypto (80) – It is hard to go wrong with a Kryptonian’s Best Friend allowing Krypto to easily keep up with all the Kryptonians you have flying around. Daring Decoy can help keep attacks off of any of your more vulnerable pieces as well.
  • Superboy (Jon Kent) (120) – Superboy brings some great things to the faction as well. Super Son gives him turn efficiency with Superman, and thus an opportunity to reveal extra Order Markers on Superman for a low-low cost. Novice Heat Vision may seem weak at first, but it can have high potential that can be easy to get when this kid is working alongside his dad.
  • Kelex (40) – Kelex is a cheap insurance policy for your team. Kryptonian Contingency lets you move Order Markers from destroyed figures to your Kryptonians. This can even work on already revealed markers, so if one of Superman’s allies goes down, you can give him some revealed Order Markers to help continue boosting rerolls. Kelex stays in the Fortress though, and Fortress Defense Protocols can be a nice autowound deterrent to keep some of your other passive figures safe at home.
  • Emil Hamilton (60) – Doctor Hamilton can bring some excellent support to the family. Advanced Science Support can bring some scientific equipment in to support the family, and even get an "X" reveal on people like Kal who like that kind of help. Countermeasure Development can help give you the nice moment to strike against pesky defensive powers giving you the runaround.

Army Build Examples:

800 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Superwoman (230), Emil Hamilton (60), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Superboy (240), Jimmy Olsen (50), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Jimmy Olsen (50), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Krypto (80)
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Superboy (Jon) (120)
Superman (430), Steel (220), Jimmy Olsen (50), Lois Lane (100)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Lois Lane (100), Jimmy Olsen (50), Emil Hamilton (60), Kelex (40)

900 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Superwoman (Lana) (230)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Mon-El (350)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Steel (John Henry Irons) (220)

950 Points
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Superboy (240)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Superwoman (Lana) (230)

1000 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Supergirl (330)
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Steel (John Henry Irons) (220), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Flamebird (280), Superwoman (Lana) (230), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Kelex (40)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Superwoman (Lana) (230), Steel (John Henry) (220)

1100 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon), Superwoman (Lana), Guardian (150), Jimmy Olsen (50)
Superman (430), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Krypto (80), Emil Hamilton (60)
Superman (430), Superboy (Jon) (120), Supergirl (330), Steel (John Henry) (220)
Superman (430), Super-Man (Kong Kenan) (290), Superwoman (Lana Lang) (230), Jimmy Olsen (50), Lois Lane (100)

1150 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Mon-El (350), Kelex (40)

1200 Points
Superman (430), Nightwing (Chris) (250), Flamebird (280), Krypto (80), Lois Lane (100), Emil Hamilton (60)

1300 Points
Superman (430), Supergirl (330), Mon-El (350), Emil Hamilton (60), Krypto (80), Jimmy Olsen (50)

1400 Points
Superman (430), Superboy (Kon) (240), Nightwing (250), Flamebird (280), Kelex (40), Lois Lane (100), Emil Hamilton (60)

Quick Tips for Modifications
A few pods of figures he can easily be swapped around depending on your needs. And smaller pods can be combined to swap out for bigger point allies, like taking two 120 point pairings to replace Superboy (Kon)

150 Point Pods/Figures:
  • Lois Lane + Jimmy Olsen
  • Guardian
  • Emil Hamilton + Kelex + Jimmy Olsen
  • Clark Kent + Perry White

120 Point Pods/Figures:

  • Superboy
  • Kelex + Perry White + Jimmy Olsen
  • Kelex + Krypto
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Uh, I'm not sure we actually have a strategy guide for them in-sanctum yet. But they're a faction I'd love to see one for eventually!

For released Avengers, one of my favorite pairings is Captain America + Winter Soldier (Team-up). Cap pairs really well with anyone who gets multiple attacks or strongly benefits from extra attack dice. Black Widow (Avengers) goes well with him as well.

Ms. Marvel is the other big Avenger to build around. The basic strategy with her is to park her somewhere on height, then bond with other heroes while unleashing massive attacks from Ms. Marvel. She's a bit fragile for her cost so keeping her safe is the tricky part.

Hulk also pairs well with pretty much anyone.
Avengers Faction Strategy

Important Links
The Avengers are tied to the Avenger Markers. Almost every specifically made Avengers design comes with at least one to place on another figure you control, to then synergize with that figure as well as any other figures that may have an Avenger Marker on their cards as well.

Key Turn Bonders
You'll want to have at least one of these in your army to build around, acting essentially as the "leader" of that army. Specifically, these are the units that offer turn bonding to their army in some form or fashion, thus making them essential inclusions in most cases for ideal competitive efficiency.

  • Black Panther (Avengers) (210) Insightful Avenger - Can take a turn with a Visionary or King after an ally takes a turn, with the caveat that his team must have won initiative that round.
  • Black Widow (Natalia Romanova) (Avengers) (230) Avengers Contingency - OM save which then allows her to take a turn with an ally before taking a turn, with the caveat that it only lasts for the remainder of the round.
  • Hawkeye (Clint Barton) (Avengers) (220) West Coast Avengers - Instead of his ally attacking, he may move and attack.
  • Hulk (Avengers) (450) Hulk Best There Is! - *No Marker* Able to take a turn if his ally inflicted a wound during its turn, with the caveat that he must remove an unrevealed OM to do so.
  • Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) (350) Avenger Attack Command - Can take a turn with an ally before she takes a turn, with the caveat that she cannot move during her turn. Has a clear sight and range restriction.
  • Nick Fury (MCU) (170) Avenger Assets - Once per round, can use excess unplaced Avenger Markers to re-arrange OMs, attack with an ally, or move up to 2 figures without LEAs.
  • Scarlet Witch (Avengers) (330) Uncanny Avenger - Can resurrect each fallen ally once for a turn before Scarlet Witch.
  • She-Hulk (Avengers) (370) Aiding Avenger - Pairs with Wasp to grant bonus turn due to Wasp giving up her turn to activate an ally. Neither is spectacular alone, but make for an excellent pair.
  • Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Avengers) (280) Avenging Team-Up - Can take a turn after ally takes a turn, with the caveat that he the only figure he may attack has to be engaged with that ally. No clear sight or range requirement.
  • Wasp (Avengers) (160) Avengers Comlink - Start Zone sitter. Gives up turn for 1 Ally turn. No clear sight or range requirement. Best with She-Hulk.

Supplemental Synergy Pieces
These are going to comprise the majority of your army once you have your Key Turn Bonder(s) chosen. They offer various additional synergy to the team, such as stat or initiative boosting, healing, protection, movement, Order Marker saves, and enemy figure disruption etc. All essential pieces of a well rounded synergy, so you'll want to pick and choose which synergy bonuses you want, and which ones make for solid combos.

Army Build Examples:

  • Cap(240), Winter Soldier(240), Black Widow(230), Falcon(190)

1000 Points
  • Black Panther(210), Doctor Strange(320), Iron Man(270), Beast(200) (1000) (Illuminati Avengers)
  • Hawkeye(220), Spider-Man(280), Black Widow(230), Wolverine(270) (1000)
  • Ms. Marvel(350), Cap(240), Winter Soldier(240), Moon Knight(170) (1000)
  • Ms. Marvel(350), Cap(240), Winter Soldier(240), Nick Fury(170) (1000)
  • Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Spider-Woman(250), Hawkeye(220) (1000)
  • Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Spider-Woman(250), Cap(220) (1000)
  • Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Quicksilver(240), Black Widow(230) (1000)
  • Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Wolverine(270), Beast(200) (1000)

1100 Points
  • Ms. Marvel(350), Cap(240), Winter Soldier(240), Wolverine(270) (1100)
  • Spider-Man(280), Cap(240), Vision(340), Quicksilver(240) (1100)

1200 Points
  • Spider-Man(280), Cap(240), Vision(340), Scarlet Witch(330), Spell(10) (1200)
  • Spider-Man(280), Hawkeye(220), War Machine(260), Thor(440) (1200)
  • Spider-Man(280), Hawkeye(220), Cap(240), War Machine(260), Beast(200) (1200)
  • Spider-Man(280), Hawkeye(220), Quicksilver(240), War Machine(260), Beast(200) (1200)
  • Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Vision(340), Scarlet Witch(330) (1200)
  • Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Thor(440), Black Widow(230) (1200)

Lots of point values represented in the faction, for easy army building here they are by point value:
Spoiler Alert!
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Glad we got an Avengers guide. These have all been a great help for my playgroup, thanks for all of the hard work that goes in to them!
Defenders / Heroes for Hire Strategy

Important Links

This faction is built around the Crime Fighter and Fighter class and are led by Luke Cage.

Most of this faction are non-flying melee figures without a special attack, so they have a lot of the same weaknesses. Building your army so you can cover these weaknesses (with autowounds, a flier, a special attack, etc.) is key to doing well with them.

  • Luke Cage (190) - The leader of the faction, bonding with Fighters and Crime Fighters. All OMs will generally be on him until he gets heavily wounded. It's worth attacking with him when you get the chance - Impenetrable Skin will keep him alive longer but expect him to be targeted fast.
  • Songbird (180) - Can turn Criminals/Repentant figures into Crime Fighters and bond with Crime Fighters. Offers a defense bonus to nearby allies. Also is a ranged flier.
  • Night Thrasher (170) - Bonds with Crime Fighters. Utility Glyphs give him flexibility and his special attack is solid. Weak defensively compared to Luke.

Important Crime Fighters / Fighters
There are too many Crime Fighters and Fighters to discuss them all, and the faction works well mixing-and-matching any of them alongside Luke Cage. This guide will just highlight some key figures to be aware of.
  • Captain America (Steve Rogers) (New Avengers) (220) - Offers free movement for himself and 2 allies, a ranged attack, and he's very difficult to kill.
  • Dagger (105) - Cheap source of autowounds.
  • Daredevil (II) (200) - Double attack and strong defensively.
  • Firestar (120) - Swingy but powerful special attack that can hit multiple figures. Has flying.
  • Human Torch (Jim Hammond) (150) - Ranged normal and special attack. Has flying.
  • Iron Fist (260) - Hits like a tank and can heal. Excellent partner with Luke Cage due to the ability to heal Luke.
  • Jessica Jones (220) - OM protection via Reluctant Hero and has flying. Pound The Pavement can also give your team a temporary stat boost.
  • Jolt (80) - Cheap with unreliable autowounds and a way to boost allies' Move and d20 rolls. Useful filler.
  • Moon Knight (150) - Strong stats for his cost, and Crescent Darts is a reliable source of autowounds. I typically ignore Frenchie's Airdrop.
  • Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) (190) - Can bond with a single Unique Hero with an X OM reveal, or boost that Hero's stats instead. I like boosting Luke's stats and letting him use his bonding. Kamala is a solid attacker in her own right as well, especially in the Embiggen! round.
  • Nova (210) - Flier with strong melee normal attack.
  • Punisher (Defenders) (180) - Can move up freely and attack from long range with a normal or special attack. Useful to keep your attack efficiency up while moving up a walking figure who can't yet reach the enemy.
  • Ronin (Clint Barton) (180) - Strong combo potential with his special attacks chaining into each other, but it's swingy.
  • Shang-Chi (230) - Multi-attacks with Master Martial Artist. Especially strong with any stat boosters.
  • Speedball (150) - Hard to kill and fast, but has little offensive output. Use him as a blocker.
  • Spider-Girl (140) - Can disrupt opponents by preventing their attacks passively or moving them actively, essentially has flying.
  • Spider-Man (Miles Morales - II) (240) - Disruptor with a double attack, essentially has flying.
  • Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (250) - Enemy figure movement, hard to kill, hits decently hard, essentially has flying.
  • Stick (160) - Boosts the attack of one other figure. Nice combo with Iron Fist due to his high attack.
  • Swordsman (160) - Multi-attacks in melee or a flexible ranged special attack. Plus he has Counter Strike.
  • Tigra (170) - Can multi-attack if wounded. If unwounded, she's outclassed.
  • Wolverine (James Howlett) (280) - Multi-attacker and healer. He's almost unstoppable if you can keep him alive until the endgame. Can struggle offensively if not wounded.
  • Wolverine (Laura Kinney) (280) - Multi-attacker and healer. Protective Rage works well with Luke since Luke typically takes one wound at a time.

Army Build Examples:

600 Points
  • Luke Cage (190), Moon Knight (150), Iron Fist (260)
  • Luke Cage (190), Nova (210), Daredevil II (200)

700 Points
  • Luke Cage (190), Spider-Man (250), Iron Fist (260)
  • Luke Cage (190), Daredevil II (200), Stick (160), Moon Knight (150)
  • Luke Cage (190), Punisher (180), Swordsman (160), Night Thrasher (170)

800 Points
  • Luke Cage (190), Daredevil II (200), Wolverine *Avengers* (270), Two-Gun Kid (140)
  • Luke Cage (190), Moon Knight (150), Punisher (180), Firestar (120), White Tiger (160)
  • Luke Cage (190), Moon Knight (150), Daredevil II (200), Iron Fist (260)
  • Luke Cage (190), Iron Fist (260), Stick (160), Ms. Marvel (190)

900 Points
  • Luke Cage (190), Iron Fist (260), Shang-Chi (230), Jessica Jones (220)
  • Luke Cage (190), Ms. Marvel (190), Moon Knight (150), Punisher (180), Scarlet Spider (190)

1000 Points
  • Luke Cage (190), Ronin (180), Songbird (180), Spider-Man (250), Daredevil II (200)
  • Luke Cage (190), Iron Fist (260), Moon Knight (150), Captain America (New Avengers) (220), Ronin (180)
  • Luke Cage (190), Spider-Man (250), Thing (II) (340), Jessica Jones (220)

Fighters & Crime Fighters by point value:
Spoiler Alert!
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Awesome! These are quickly becoming close to my favourite faction and they were already high.

Heroes For Hire makes me realize yet again how much we need Misty and Colleen.
Awesome! These are quickly becoming close to my favourite faction and they were already high.

Heroes For Hire makes me realize yet again how much we need Misty and Colleen.

Whose write up were those? I remember digging the take a lot. Something that should be coming up in public nominations if they're still public.
Yellow Lanterns Faction Strategy

The Yellow Lanterns are built around the Insurgent faction. The main source of synergy comes from Sinestro Corps Soldiers bonding (extra turns). Arkillo can also provide a hefty offensive boost. Like the Green Lanterns, the Yellow Lanterns offer an extreme amount of offense early on that gradually diminishes throughout the game as your yellow Battery Markers are spent.

Important Links

Yellow Lantern Main Synergies
These are the main figures you'll be building a Yellow Lantern army around.
  • Sinestro Corps Soldier (110) - The Sinestro Corps Soldiers bond with your Yellow Lanterns. They’re an average add-on by themselves, but become a powerhouse when paired with Arkillo. I recommend bringing 1-2 of them if you’re not bringing Arkillo, and bringing 2-3 of them if you’re bringing Arkillo.
  • Yellow Lantern (Arkillo) (310) - Arkillo is the strongest Yellow Lantern. Insurgent Motivation requires killing your own 110-point Sinestro Corps Soldier, but the payoff is well worth it, as it drastically increases your army's offensive output for the rest of the game. With Arkillo's boosts and their natural speed and range, the Yellow Lanterns are able to quickly kill even durable enemies. Additionally, Eviscerate is a source of guaranteed autowounds at the cost of a Battery Marker - the effectiveness of this power cannot be overstated! Arkillo is relatively fragile for his cost, so keep him in your start zone until the endgame so he continues to provide his attack boost.
  • Yellow Lantern (Mongul II) (410) - Can steal yellow Battery Markers from fallen allies to supercharge his power.
  • Yellow Lantern (Karu-Sil) (340) - Powerful attacker but fragile for her cost. Bring The Pack with her.
  • Yellow Construct (The Pack) (160) - The Pack is very aggressive, acting as Yellow Lantern bonders but they are quite fragile for their cost. Because of this, they work best alongside Karu-Sil (who gets stronger when each member of The Pack is destroyed), but they can be a useful addition to any Yellow Lantern army.
  • Parallax (Entity) (450) - Parallax can boost your own Yellow Lantern to recharge its Battery Markers - handy for Sinestro or Arkillo to supercharge them. Parallax can also try to take over enemy figures. Both of these strategies are fairly swingy but quite effective when they work well.

The Yellow Lanterns
These are the bread and butter of the faction.
  • Yellow Lantern (Thaal Sinestro) (330) - Sinestro has the standard Lantern powers of Power Battery + Power Shield, but the basics are strong, and Sinestro starts the game with an impressive 4 Battery Markers. Sinestro boasts a strong normal attack early on, then can maintain that powerful offense once his Battery Markers are depleted thanks to Force of Fear.
  • Yellow Lantern (Lyssa Drak) (240) - Lyssa offers an initiative boost to the faction, at the cost of losing the Flying special power. She's the same cost as Scarecrow so choosing between them depends on how much you value winning initiative consistently.
  • Yellow Lantern (Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow) (240) - Scarecrow is my go-to for a cheap Yellow Lantern. He's got the standard Power Shield and solid stats, and his special attack is handy for certain enemies or crowd-clearing.
  • Parallax (Hal Jordan) (950) - Parallax Hal is an offensive juggernaut. He's so expensive that he is an army all his own, though you should include some Green Constructs with him to shore up his defensive frailty.

The Manhunters
The android Manhunters are another source of Yellow Lantern synergy. They're not the most competitive figures due to their fragility. But they are great fun when used with the Yellow Lanterns against the Green Lanterns, and it's worth discussing how to best utilize them.
  • Manhunter (140) - Recharging a friendly Yellow Lantern with Yellow Power Charge isn't often worth it, since it takes your whole turn. Draining opposing Green Lanterns with Green Power Drain, however, is extremely strong and should be done when possible. Choose an enemy figure that often reveals an Order Marker for Manhunting to maximize their free movement.
  • Yellow Lantern (Hank Henshaw / Cyborg Superman) (430) - Hank is the leader of the Manhunters, boosting their movement and able to destroy them to heal himself. He hits hard and is hard to put down.

Army Build Examples:

600 Points
  • Sinestro, The Pack, Sinestro Corps Soldier x1

700 Points
  • Scarecrow, Lyssa, Sinestro Corps Soldier x2

800 Points
  • Arkillo, Sinestro, The Pack

900 Points
  • Sinestro, Scarecrow/Lyssa, Sinestro Corps Soldier x3
  • Arkillo, Scarecrow/Lyssa, Sinestro Corps Soldier x3 (880 points, but this is a strong build)

1000 Points
  • Arkillo, Sinestro, Sinestro Corps Soldier x3 (970 points, but this is a strong build)
  • Arkillo, Scarecrow/Lyssa, Parallax (Entity)

1100 Points
  • Hank Henshaw, Manhunter x4, Sinestro Corps Soldier x1
  • Parallax (Hal), Green Construct Shield x5, Green Construct Decoy x1
  • Arkillo, Sinestro, Scarecrow/Lyssa, Sinestro Corps Soldier x2

1300 Points
  • Arkillo, Sinestro, Sinestro Corps Soldier x6

1400 Points
  • Parallax (Hal), Parallax (Entity)

Yellow Lanterns by points:
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: C3G Faction Strategy Guides - Yellow Lanterns!

Cool write up! I hope we find a day some day to make the faction a bit more cohesive.
Re: C3G Faction Strategy Guides - Yellow Lanterns!

Sweet, feel the fear...of these powerful strats.
Re: C3G Faction Strategy Guides - Yellow Lanterns!

These are great! Last three guides are a bunch of my favourite factions so it's really nice to see these different ways to build them.

Always had trouble finding a reason to draft Lyssa over other YLs so I'll have to try a bunch of these out. Would love to see some more YLs in the future!
Re: C3G Faction Strategy Guides - Yellow Lanterns!

We've got a sprinkle of Yellow Lantern love On Deck. Wish someone was around to take over johnny's abandoned LD in there so we could call that one good to go.
Re: C3G Faction Strategy Guides - Yellow Lanterns!

We've got a sprinkle of Yellow Lantern love On Deck. Wish someone was around to take over johnny's abandoned LD in there so we could call that one good to go.

well SW and I both have designs to also add to that. I've got a semi plan with SW set up to get the Yellow's to some round numbers.
We had far too many threads stickied. This thread is still linked in the Welcome to C3G thread for easy access.
Justice Society Faction Strategy

The Justice Society of America (JSA) make up two separate classes in C3G: Mystery Men (the golden age heroes) and the Protégés (the younger heroes). Many of these figures offer synergy to both Mystery Men and Protégés, but some only offer synergy to one or the other. This often can make the JSA tricky to play. Maximizing the mechanical synergy between members is key to doing well with them.

Important Links
List of Mystery Men & Mystery Man synergies
List of Protégés & Protégé synergies

The Leaders
Every Justice Society army should generally be built around one of these figures, as they provide bonding (multiple turns) to the faction.
  • Hawkman (Carter Hall) (220) - The definitive Mystery Men leader. You'll generally want all Order Markers on Hawkman when using him. Try and keep Hawkman safe, as he's relatively fragile and the centerpiece to most armies using him.
  • Power Girl (400) - JSA All Stars makes Power Girl a combined Mystery Men & Protégé leader (you'll need a mix!). Her leadership powers aren't the strongest compared to other factions, but Power Girl makes up for that by having incredible stats of her own. She's super durable with Kryptonian Defense and packs a huge punch with Indomitable.
  • Magog (330) - Magog leads Protégés exclusively, but does so very efficiently. He offers extreme offense at the cost of defense, making armies built around him rather swingy and full of impactful turns. Generally all your Order Markers should be on Magog when using him.

The Mystery Men
  • Atom (Al Pratt) (170) - Society Resolve can be helpful in niche situations, but otherwise Atom doesn't bring much to the table other than raw stats. Atomic Punch can get a key knockout if needed.
  • Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson) (I) (290) - Teleportation Spell and Magical Defense alongside his stats is always useful, but Doctor Fate is generally thought to be slightly overcosted. He gets way better on huge maps.
  • Doctor Mid-Nite (150) - Can toss Blackout Bombs to help his allies' Defense, but he isn't the most reliable or easy to use.
  • Flash (Jay Garrick) (220) - Pretty useful supporter, as Jay's Inspiring Speedster defense aura makes his allies survive longer. Disorienting Whirlwind can pull off some great tricks by moving Order Markers to useless enemy figures or moving enemies out of important auras or away from key allies.
  • Green Lantern (Alan Scott) (280) - Alan offers decent offense and some nifty tricks with his various green markers. But he's a bit expensive for what he offers.
  • Johnny Quick (Johnny Chambers) (170) - Johnny provides a nifty attack aura, but it requires him to attack an enemy each round to activate it. Try to stick OM1 on Johnny and use hit-and-run tactics to keep Johnny safe, as he's quite fragile when targeted. Using him with multi-attackers like the Tornado Twins is best to maximize his attack boost.
  • Johnny Thunder (20) and Thunderbolt (330) - Say You requiring an OM on Johnny makes him a tough factional fit, but Thunderbolt offers significant offensive power if you can keep Johnny safe.
  • Max Mercury (190) - Max doesn't really offer anything to the JSA, so keep Max in Flash Family builds.
  • Mister Terrific (Terry Sloane) (150) - He's a solid support figure, though a couple of his support abilities have some unusual restrictions on them. Still, he's pretty solid for a cheap cost, only really lacking offensive might.
  • Sandman (Wesley Dodds) (80) - Decent support for a cheap figure. Send the Sleeping Gas out on OM1 to disrupt your opponents.
  • Starman (Ted Knight) (190) - Lots of tricks, but fragile.
  • S.T.R.I.P.E. (180) - He is designed to work well with the JSA members with powers involving revealing or removing an Order Marker, such as Stargirl, Hawkman, Atom, and both Doctor Fates. S.T.R.I.P.E. can replace those Order Markers if he inflicts a wound when attacking. This is a very powerful combo with Stargirl and Hawkman especially - though not always consistent.
  • Superman (Kal-L) (370) - Basically just a pile of stats. Weak to special attacks.
  • Wildcat (240) - Fight Coach acts as a buff to one of the Protégés. But Wildcat is also a solid fighter in his own right. His only weakness is that he's a melee ground pounder.

The Protégés
  • Black Canary (Justice Society) (160) - Great combo with Wildcat since he allows her to reroll the blanks from Mixed Martial Arts. Even without him, Black Canary's a solid generalist figure. Sonic Shatter is stronger now that Gundams and other DOs are more common.
  • Cyclone (170) - Defying Gravity gives her allies a powerful speed boost at the start of the game. Following that, Cyclone should exclusively attack with her Tornado Force Special Attack to move enemies to low ground.
  • Damage (250) - It's worth attacking Damage with your own (weaker) figures to charge up his Energy Markers. Then he can spend them to unleash strong special attacks or autowounds. Positioning Damage properly so Unstable Energies doesn't backfire on you is key to using him.
  • Doctor Fate (Kent V. Nelson) (270) - Double Down requires some luck to use well, but you can minimize the downsides by keeping the "X" Order Marker on Fate. The Hand of Fate lets you resurrect an ally, which is a great saving grace if your army would have fallen apart upon the death of a leader.
  • Hourman (190) - Hourman is a solid ground pounder, though choosing when to spend his Miraclo Markers can be tricky. Generally it's better to spend them early, as he's the more fragile figure between him and Liberty Belle, and if he lasts past 3 rounds that's pretty good anyway.
  • Liberty Belle (190 or 310) - Liberty Belle can combine with Jesse Quick to power up. Either way, she's a great pairing alongside Hourman. Society Fortitude can be tricky to use for figures other than Hourman, but it's a great boost if you can get it working.
  • Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) (160) - Get Terrific in place then just let him passively spawn T-Spheres to mess with enemy placement and threaten unblockables. He's pretty fragile for the low range and impact of the T-Spheres, though.
  • Stargirl (150) - One of the strongest members of the JSA, Stargirl has decent offense, disruption with her Cosmic Converter Belt, and support with Cosmic Rod Passenger and Protective Force Field X. It's rarely a bad idea to use Stargirl.
  • Tornado Twins (270 total) - The Tornado Twins offer a lot of offensive might while both are alive, and are a reliable crowd clearing option. Once one falls they start to struggle. Try to keep them attacking the same figure(s) so the second Twin gets the attack bonus.

Army Build Examples:

700 Points
  • Hawkman (220), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180), Mister Terrific (Terry) (150), Doctor Mid-Nite (150)
  • Hawkman (220), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180), Sandman (80), Flash (220)
  • Liberty Belle (190), Hourman (190), Johnny Quick (170), Stargirl (150)
  • Magog (330), Stargirl (150), Flash (220)

800 Points
  • Power Girl (400), Wildcat (240), Black Canary (160)
  • Power Girl (400), Damage (250), Stargirl (150)
  • Hawkman (220), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180), Atom (170), Mister Terrific (Terry) (150), Sandman (80)
  • Magog (330), Damage (250), Flash (220)

900 Points
  • Power Girl (400), Johnny Thunder (20), Thunderbolt (330), Stargirl (150)
  • Power Girl (400), Liberty Belle + Jesse Quick (310), Hourman (190)
  • Power Girl (400), Johnny Quick (170), Stargirl (150), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180)
  • Hawkman (220), Flash (220), Green Lantern (280), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180)
  • Magog (330), Stargirl (150), Damage (250), Cyclone (170)

1000 Points
  • Power Girl (400), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180), Stargirl (150), Doctor Fate (Kent V. Nelson) (270)
  • Hawkman (220), S.T.R.I.P.E. (180), Atom (170), Mister Terrific (Terry) (150), Green Lantern (280)
  • Magog (330), Stargirl (150), Damage (250), Tornado Twins (270)

Mystery Men and Protégés by point total:
Spoiler Alert!
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X-Men Faction Strategy

Important Links

The X-Men are a gigantic faction, with an astounding amount of Mutants available. All you need is one of the Mutant leaders, then mix-and-match whoever else Mutants you want, and you've got a solid competitive army.

You typically just want one of these figures, and you'll generally be placing all your Order Markers on these figures' cards to get the most out of their leadership. Professor X is probably the easiest to play, so if you're new to the X-Men, start with him.
  • Professor X (220) - The classic X-Men leader, Professor X simply grants double turns. Try to keep him right at the 10-space limit for Mutant Mind Link, so he's safe from the enemy. Having Angel carry Professor X up can be handy so you don't have to waste turns moving him alone.
  • Cyclops (Utopian) (240) - He's more fragile than the Professor, but with a higher upside due to his offensive might. Pair him with Mutants that can do stuff by moving but not attacking, like Archangel.
  • Juggernaut (Charles Xavier) (400) - "Chuckernaut" is an offensive tank, and Proportional Response can offer variable turn bonding depending on what your opponent did last turn.
  • Mastermind (95) - Pretty weak on his own, but stick Mastermind in a Gundam or other strong Vehicle and his Mutant bonding suddenly becomes formidable.
  • Mystique (II) (200) - The Brotherhood of Mutants leader. Pair her with Destiny and Magneto. You'll be using Outcast Assault much more often than Impersonate.

Important Mutants
Like stated previously, a major strength of the faction is its adaptability - you can put any Mutant in these armies and it generally will work well. But there are a few standouts that are exceptionally powerful or have specific strategies worth mentioning. Making sure your army has variety (range, a special attack, an autowound power, etc.) is also important.
  • Angel (90) - One of the best figures in C3G, Angel is a pure support figure. He can carry his allies forward with Swift Carry. And when a nearby figure you control is attacked, Angel can swoop down with Guardian Angel and place them out of range of any future attacks. You should rarely take a turn with Angel outside of moving him up early on - let Angel's passive support abilities do their thing. The key is keeping him in that 3-space range of his allies.
  • Armor (100), Jubilee (60), Wild Child (160), or Yukio (120) - These figures are Mutant Sidekicks, who can bond with other nearby Mutants. They are useful to keep up your turn efficiency in case your leader falls.
  • Blob (165) - Stick Blob next to an enemy, and they won't be moving for a very long time. Blob is obnoxiously difficult to kill, especially with him doubling shields against normal attacks.
  • Colossus (AoA) (315) - Super durable, and can attack multiple times if he's near a wounded friendly Mutant.
  • Deadpool (285) or Wolverine (280) - Any of the Healing Factor X figures can be an absolute nightmare to take down in the endgame, since they heal so quickly. Deadpool is especially tough due to his fast speed and good range, while Wolverine reduces his enemy's defense which can counter many defensive powers.
  • Destiny (55) - Offers a d20 boost at a cheap cost, especially useful to Brotherhood armies led by Mystique & Magneto.
  • Emma Frost (II) (220) - Her Neural Jumpstart is a great boost for Mutants and she pairs great with Cyclops builds especially.
  • Jean Grey (180) - Her Psionic Grip lockdown & throw makes her one of the better defensive figures in the faction and she pairs well with figures like Prof X, Blob, Magma, etc.
  • Magma (170) - Place lava tiles down with Magma then have a thrower like Magneto throw an enemy into the lava. It's a nice combo!
  • Magneto (II) (375) - One of the best throwers in the game. Can also recruit another Outcast for Brotherhood synergies.
  • Sage (190) - Mutant Power Boost is super strong when paired with anyone who can double skulls or attack multiple times. Her other powers are also nice support abilities, but you should build Sage armies around Mutant Power Boost.
  • Selene Gallio (360) - Strong stats and hard to kill with Magical Defense. Plus, she's got two different ways to inflict autowounds on her enemies, which can bypass most defensive powers.

Army Build Examples:

800 Points
  • Professor X (220), Dazzler (100), Colossus (AoA) (315), Blob (165)
  • Cyclops (Utopian) (240), Emma Frost II (220), Jean Grey (180), Magik (160)
  • Mystique (II) (200), Magneto (II) (375), Destiny (55), Blob/Magma (165/170)

900 Points
  • Professor X (220), Emma Frost (220), Nightcrawler II (210), Psylocke (250)
  • Cyclops (Utopian) (240), Archangel (260), Jean Grey (180), Storm (220)
  • Mystique (II) (200), Magneto (II) (375), Blob (165), Wild Child (160)
  • Chuckernaut (400), Wolverine (280), Angel (90), Harpoon (130)
  • The Dark Phoenix Saga: Jean Grey (180), Phoenix (230), Dark Phoenix (490)

1000 Points
  • Original X-Men: Professor X (220), Jean Grey (180), Angel (90), Beast (170), Iceman (150), Cyclops (190)
  • Professor X (220), Gorgon (300), Phoenix (230), Psylocke (250)
  • Original X-Factor: Cyclops (Utopian) (240), Jean Grey (180), Beast (170), Iceman (150), Archangel (260)
  • Cyclops (Utopian) (240), Nightcrawler (Kurt Darkholme) (230), Storm II (270), Archangel (260)
  • Cyclops (Utopian) (240), Emma Frost II (220), Wolverine (Laura) (280), Angel (90), Beast (170)
  • Chuckernaut (400), Nightcrawler II (210), Havok (210), Jean Grey (180)

1100 Points
  • Professor X (220), Scarlet Witch (285), Strong Guy (215), Banshee (160), Marrow (220)
  • Cyclops (Utopian) (240), Nightcrawler II (210), Sage (190), Selene Gallio (360), Armor (100)
  • Chuckernaut (400), Colossus (AoA) (315), Scarlet Witch (285), Armor (100)

1200 Points
  • Mystique (II) (200), Destiny (55), Juggernaut (340), Magneto (II) (375), Phoenix (230)
Re: C3G Faction Strategy Guides: X-Men guide is up!

Thank you so much for doing these! With all the figures and army options now, my players and I would rather choose from pre-built, balanced, thematically synergized armies (and get right to playing) then spending time we don't have mulling over army creation. These are all incredibly helpful. Keep up the good work! Bookmarked! :)