Young Justice Faction Strategy
Young Justice is unique in that it's actually a "sub-faction" in the greater Titans faction. This gives you huge flexibility in army builds, as you can incorporate any of the Young Justice (YJ) members with Titans, or vice versa. That said, the Young Justice heroes are specifically designs to work with each other, so you'll want to start with them. The main focus of YJ is making your lower costed heroes be stronger individually, while dealing constant auto-wounds. They're slightly more complex as far as factions go, with many options for auto-wounds that you have to remember to trigger.
You'll most likely want to bring both Wonder Girl and Robin, unless you're meshing them with the wider Titans faction in a bigger game.
- Wonder Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark) (200) - Wonder Girl is the first things you'll want when playing YJ. She's a decent fighter on her own, but you'll want to keep her alive as she's the core of your build. While Nightwing as a leader likes to take multiple turns once per round, Wonder Girl likes making your Titans better individually. Young Justice Attack Plan encourages spreading your Order Markers across your army, since it then powers them up. "Hit anything that's moving!" gives your entire army a lockdown effect, as any opponent's figure that moves one or more spaces will be in a world of hurt. This allows you to build a screen around Wonder Girl if needed which discourages enemies from trying to rush her. So while your army is attacking with enhanced attacks, hopefully your opponents will be taking "Hit Anything!" damage throughout the game, whittling away their life.
- Robin (Tim Drake) (150) - Robin isn't crazy powerful on his own, but he shines when combined with Wonder Girl. He will always have the X Order Marker on his card and can still take turns, which should give you double turns throughout most turns, without losing Wonder Girl's attack bonus from spreading out your Order Markers. His Tactical Deduction is useful for keeping some of your lower durability figures alive,
including Robin himself. He doesn't hit terribly hard, but an additional attack of usually 4 (With either height or Wonder Girl's boost) on each of your turns can still do some damage throughout the game. While it's tempting to send Robin out ahead since he's incredibly fast, you also want to keep him fairly safe and on good defensive vantage points, as he's your only real option for turn efficiency.
Other Young Justice Members
- Superboy (Kon-El) (210) - Superboy would probably be my first choice after the leaders. He's the strongest and most durable of the YJ heroes. His Tactile Telekinesis can actually push opponent's characters into "Hit Anything!" damage, while also being generally useful is Superboy is locked down by opponent's figures. Super Show-Off triggers on revealed OMs, so you'll usually want OM3 on his card if possible. With his 4 base attack, and 4 revealed OMs (Remember, Robin always has a revealed X as well!), along with Wonder Girl's Attack Plan, Superboy should easily be throwing 9 attack dice, not including height advantage. It has the negative of him taking an unblockable die if he misses, but the odds of that happening outside of dodge powers when rolling 9 dice is slim, so don't sweat about it.
- Impulse (140) - Impulse likes to have OM1 if at all possible, since that "charges up" his Impulsive Movement and makes him harder to hit. Keep in mind that Wonder Girl's Attack Plan only works on the first attack on a figure's turn, so Impulse's multi-attacks don't benefit. He's a high risk, high reward figure, so be careful with him. One of his most useful traits is as a lockdown figure to help stop enemy figures with "Hit Anything!"
- Secret (120) - Secret is a fairly strange figure. Her choice for her Sidekick Obsession in a YJ build will always be Robin. While she might have other options in a wider Titans build, she's designed to work with Robin. At the beginning of a game, you'll never even take a turn with Secret as she'll sit in your start zone. Her main use at the start is as a deterrent from attacking Robin. The longer he stays alive, the more total attacks you can make in a game. When your opponent decides to attack Robin, she'll teleport next to the attacker, and hopefully deal a few more auto-wounds. At this point, she's a nuisance as she lowers your opponents stats with her Imposing Presence, making her a high priority target. You can put OMs on her if you wish, since she has the ability to deal some damage with normal attacks given her defense reduction and Wonder Girl's attack boost, but her primary use is as support.
- Li'l Lobo (180) - He's the other bigger hitter of the faction. Since the YJ likes to spread OMs out across your army, Lobo gives you a little bit of flexibility, allowing you to change your strategy on the fly (As long as that strategy involves Lobo!). Just be careful, especially near the end of a game when your army is light, as him stealing turns means you can't use that hero the rest of the round, so watch your OM placement. Bastich Bash is similar to Superboy's Telekinesis, but the timing is after attacking and can potentially deal autowounds both from the Bash itself, and from knocking figures into "Hit Anything!" damage!
- Empress (90) - Empress is a mix between a support figure and an offensive one. Her Foresight helps to power up "Hit Anything!" rolls, but require an OM on her card. Fortunately when paired with Lobo, you can keep the OM on her card while taking a more powerful turn with Lobo. Her Emperor's Stick gives more autowounds, and her Mind Control should hopefully allow her to last a few turns given her weak durability. The Mind Control can also send enemies into engagement with your figures, and while this won't itself trigger "Hit Anything!" it helps with the lock down aspect of the army.
- Arrowette (90) - Arrowette is interesting as she doesn't specifically benefit from most of the YJ's tricks. Instead, she adds to the faction by covering a few things they lack, which is range and OM saving. You'll keep her fairly far away from the battle, and when a figure dies she can take OMs from other cards, especially useful if the destroyed figure has an OM on its card. Then she can unleash an extremely powerful long range attack to retaliate against the figure that destroyed your figure. Her Athleticism allows her to make a long ranged attack then run away, making her a difficult figure to catch and attack, depending on the map. Of course her ability comes with a negative, but usually she'll only attack once in a given round, so it's not something to be overly concerned about.
General Strategy:
You'll always want X on Robin, and any other OM on Wonder Girl for the d20 boost in "Hit Anything!" Depending on which figures you've drafted, the other OM placement becomes easy. Impulse wants OM1, and Superboy wants OM3. If you want to keep Wonder Girl safe while still keeping an OM on her, bring Lobo to steal her turns with Top Teen. While your army shrinks, your OM placement will become more difficult to spread out, so you'll most likely have more than one on Wonder Girl. This doesn't remove her boost, but it DOES put her in the fight. While most of your tricks will be gone once Wonder Girl is, Lobo and Superboy are still hefty in their own right. Also filling in your army with other Titans could be useful, as a few of them still benefit from what YJ can do, like
Miss Martian and her throw ability triggering "Hit Anything!"
Army Build Examples:
This include only the thematic Young Justice figures, but any Titan can easily work in these armies as well.
700 Points
- Wonder Girl, Robin, Superboy, Impulse
1000 Points
- Wonder Girl, Robin, Superboy, Impulse, Secret, Li'l Lobo
- Wonder Girl, Robin, Superboy, Impulse, Secret, Empress, Arrowette