The battlefield awaits.
Team Marvel
Team Anti-Monitor
End of Round 3: Thanos strikes at Mutants. Hulk superleaps into the fray vs. the Thunderers of Qward et al.
End of Round 5: Magneto hurls Thanos into the lava, the latter dies.
Middle Round 6: Hulk KO'd by Anti-Monitor from range.
End Round 6: Magneto works around fractured world to reach the Infinity Gauntlet. Anti-Monitor advances.
Middle Round 8: Enchantress, Executioner, and team are isolated to their own realm.
Late Round 8: Magneto and Captain America confront Loki, Cyborg Superman.
End Round 9: Captain America falls
While Apocalypse and Sif battle the Anti-Monitor
End Round 10: Cyborg Superman confronts Professor X, doomed to fall soon after.
End Round 11: Apocalypse knocks Cyborg Superman into a tarpit after the latter KO's Sif.
End Round 12: Cyborg Superman kills Scarlet Witch - once again the Infinity Gauntlet is up for grabs.
End Round 13: Now Thor is in a tarpit and both the Infinity Gauntlet and the Time-Space Key are loose.
End Round 15: The world continues to break apart. Two more Anti-Monitor realms are formed. Meanwhile Invincible with the Infinity Gauntlet confronts Loki, who has regained the Time-Space Key.
End Round 16: Loki has fallen. Apocalypse battles the Anti-Monitor
Mid Round 17: Invincible falls to the Anti-Monitor.
Mid Round 19: Apocalypse brings down Anti-Monitor!
End Round 21: With his Herald restored, Apocalypse falls, and Galactus brings the world to its end.
The Shattered World
Team Anti-Monitor Wins with: 5 victory points (5 'islands')
Island 1: Enchantress (7 life), Executioner (6 life), 2 Thunderers
Island 2: Sinestro Corps #1 (1 life, 0 power batteries)
Island 3: Shadow Demon
Island 4: 1 Thunderer
Main Battlefield: Galactus (25 life), Thanos (brought back from death – 7 life)
Team Marvel left with: 1 victory point (1 island)
Island 5: Balder (4 life)
Thanos uses Permanent Death on Thunderer
Wolverine KO’s Parademon
Thanos KO’s Wolverine
Magneto KO’s Thanos
Phoenix KO’s Parademon
Anti-Monitor KO’s Hulk
Galactus KO’s Thunderer
Magneto KO’s Sinestro Corps #2
Loki uses God of Evil to KO Sage
Captain America KO’s Thunderer
Loki KO’s Magneto
Darkseid KO’s Captain America
Anti-Monitor KO’s Phoenix
Cyborg Superman KO’s Professor X
Darkseid Omega Effect destroys Darkseid
Cyborg Superman KO’s Sif
Cyborg Superman KO’s Scarlet Witch
Anti-Monitor KO’s Spawn
Apocalypse KO’s Cyborg Superman
Invincible KO’s Loki (Loki placed in Soul Gem)
Anti-Monitor KO’s Invincible
Galactus KO’s Thunderer
Infinity Gauntlet – devoured by Galactus
Glyph of Probability Manipulation – devoured by Galactus
Balder KO’s Thunderer
Apocalypse KO’s Anti-Monitor
Glyph of Time-Space Key – devoured by Galactus
Galactus KO’s Apocalypse
Galactus = Lego Knights King
Anti-Monitor = Cyberman
Apocalypse = Iron Monger
Sage = Krav Maga
Invincible = Cyclops
Spawn = Venom
Balder = Finn
Phoenix = Jean Grey
Cyborg Superman = Superman
Sinestro Corps #2 = Abin Sur
Executioner = MacDirk Warrior
Enchantress = Maxima
Shadow Demons = Wraith
Parademons = Havech Eradicators
Thunderers = Nhah Scirh (Dirz crossbowmen)
All others as themselves.