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C3G Dredd'verse workshop


Fan Fiction Prompt Master
Design links
Judge Anderson
Judge Hershey

Dark Judges

Death (selected)

Rookie Judge

I am closing in on attempting some Dredd'verse designs for C3G. I thought I would throw some feelers out and see what Dredd Heads want in 'scape versions of their heroes.

Right now Heroclix has figures for Judges Dredd, Anderson, Hershey, and a generic Brit City Judge. They also have all four Dark Judges.

What I am looking for is fans and interested 'scapers to voice their wants and opinions for these characters. So let me know if you love Dredd and what you want in Dredd designs.

Soon I will start posting ideas for these designs so everyone can voice their opinions. I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say.

Also, for Indy heroes I have worked on Nemesis, Torquemada, Johnny Alpha, and Wulf Sternhammer. If anyone is familiar or interested in these designs please let me know.

Thanks in advance. I am attempting to generate some Indy interest in comic designs.
Re: Dredd anyone?

All right, there is one!

Any suggestions streaky?

I think the Judges are going to have a Lawgiver Special Attack with three different 'bullets'. Lawgiver is a tough one since it fires at least a half dozen different rounds and would be impossible to represent that on a C3G card. So I will need to find a happy compromise.

For Dredd I am thinking something like

Judge Dredd may attack any or all adjacent criminal figures with a normal attack.

For Anderson I was thinking something like a Mind Blast Special Attack or possibly something that negates other Telepaths powers (she did this against the clone of the Judge Child). I also considered giving her some sort of bonding.

Judge Hershey will have something like Gordon's Call for Backup except for Judges instead of Lawmen.

I think the Brit City Judge might make a good uncommon hero, perhaps a Rookie Judge. I am also considering Judge Giant for that mini.
Re: Dredd anyone?

I'm liking what ya have so far. The vision you have for the "Judges" Faction sure seems like they will be fun.
I especially like: Lawgiver with the bullet points for different types of shot. Judge Hershey with his Call for Backup like ability to help tie the Faction together.
I'd polish the Judge Dredd first, as it will probably be your best bet to get into C3G first, as he is a more well known character, then push for a second judge, like an Anderson or Hershey.
The generic Brit City Judges, I agree make them uncommon/common, and give them some kind of ability that helps out the more famous Judges, maybe some kind of bonding, or wound soak. Definitely the potatoes to the meat of the Unique Judges, if ya get my metaphor.
Good work so far. :up:
Re: Dredd anyone?

I dont know much about the Dreddverse, but to an outsider like me it is an absolute must that either Dredd or the Uncommon Judge have 3 powers:


Re: Dredd anyone?

I have a CASE of IndyClix (48 packs) I got for sale for $24 with about 5+ of most figures and I would love to use them. 1/2 of them are from Judge Dredd, so that set would be awesome.

Checklist of figs.
Full list in spoiler (copy to spreadsheet to view better)
Spoiler Alert!
Re: Dredd anyone?

I dont know much about the Dreddverse, but to an outsider like me it is an absolute must that either Dredd or the Uncommon Judge have 3 powers:



That might be difficult. I can not see any of the veteran Judges not having a Lawgiver Special Attack. The Lawgiver is the primary weapon of all Judges and extremely iconic. It might work for the uncommon Judges but I am at a lost as to what powers to give them. Some kind of movement bonding would be great and as mentioned above a wound soak power like the 5th Street Cops.

Thanks again for all the input. Keep those suggestions coming and Margloth you must read some Dredd. :)

Oh bonus note, they are making a new Dredd movie and they promise that 'ol' stoney face' will not be removing his helmet.
Re: Dredd anyone?

I dont know much about the Dreddverse, but to an outsider like me it is an absolute must that either Dredd or the Uncommon Judge have 3 powers:



That might be difficult. I can not see any of the veteran Judges not having a Lawgiver Special Attack. The Lawgiver is the primary weapon of all Judges and extremely iconic. It might work for the uncommon Judges but I am at a lost as to what powers to give them. Some kind of movement bonding would be great and as mentioned above a wound soak power like the 5th Street Cops.

Thanks again for all the input. Keep those suggestions coming and Margloth you must read some Dredd. :)

Oh bonus note, they are making a new Dredd movie and they promise that 'ol' stoney face' will not be removing his helmet.

I hate to over-complicate things, but I think the Lawgiver needs to be an E-Glyph in order to make room for different judges to have different powers. Also, if a non-Judge uses a Lawgiver, it'll explode in his face. It could make a great combo with mind control powers.

I was working on cards for all 4 dark judges and the lawgiver glyph a while back. Do you want me to dig them out and post them here for you to disect?

I've recently read the first 10 years of Judge Dredd strips so I could help you with theme questions.

Karl Urban as Dredd in the new film looks awesome. He played Dr. McCoy in Star Trek (2009). And he said he wouldn't be interested in the role if they asked him to take his helmet off. Consumate professional!
Re: Dredd anyone?

OK, I found my old dark judges designs. They needed a few tweaks, but I think they're reasonable now. Feel free to chop 'em up and rehash.




Re: Dredd anyone?

I dont know much about the Dreddverse, but to an outsider like me it is an absolute must that either Dredd or the Uncommon Judge have 3 powers:



That might be difficult. I can not see any of the veteran Judges not having a Lawgiver Special Attack. The Lawgiver is the primary weapon of all Judges and extremely iconic. It might work for the uncommon Judges but I am at a lost as to what powers to give them. Some kind of movement bonding would be great and as mentioned above a wound soak power like the 5th Street Cops.

Thanks again for all the input. Keep those suggestions coming and Margloth you must read some Dredd. :)

Oh bonus note, they are making a new Dredd movie and they promise that 'ol' stoney face' will not be removing his helmet.

JUDGE (No idea what their actual name should be)

Human (I assume)
Uncommon Hero
Lawman (I know you keep saying a new faction of Judge, but I think it would be much simpler to just keep them Lawmen)

Life: 4

Move: 5
Range: 6
Attack: 1
Defense: 4

Start the game with a [color] Judgement Marker for each [Name of this unit] you control. If an opponent's figure within clear sight of this Judge inflicts a wound on an opponent's figure, you may place a Judgement Marker on that figure's Army Card.

Before attacking, you may roll a combat die. If you roll a skull, you may roll an additional combat die. You may continue to roll a combat die in this manner until you do not roll a skull. When attacking with this Judge, you may roll an additional attack die for each skull rolled with Jury.

When attacking an opponent's figure with a Judgement Marker on its Army Card, instead of rolling an additional attack die for each skull rolled with the Jury special power, you may add an automatic skull for each skull rolled with the Jury special power.

Probably overly complicated, but I see them being relatively weak unless they witness a crime (Judge), consider the action to be taken (Jury), and if they decide the figure is guilty, put him down (Executioner). But I may be way off.
Re: Dredd anyone?

Awesomesauce gentlemen. That is an interesting take on the (Rookie?) Judges Margloth. I did consider making them Lawmen but they are more than that. Like your powers state, they are judge, jury, and if need be executioner. That can be ironed out in time.

Big thanks streaky. Dredd is my second favorite character and I have been reading the comics since the 80s (still have my Dredd T-Shirt from 89). I am going to need others like you to help me keep true to the Dredd theme. I am looking forward to lots of input from you! :)

I absolutely agree that the Lawgiver should be an E-glyph that explodes if a non-judge uses it (this is exactly what I had in mind). Unfortunately the C3G heroes shot it down with an armor piercing round and blew it to bits. They do not allow an E-Glyph with a special attack. So I am forced to design within their parameters. The best bet is a Special Attack with three bullet points, allowing for three different settings/ammo.

Thanks and more thanks on the Dark Judges. I have been creating them over and over again in my mind and keep hitting walls. Here are some thoughts of mine on what they should have for powers.

#1 Special power/attack unique to each DJ. Pretty much like what you have for your DJs. I am considering giving Fear a static power that prevents adjacent figures from revealing OMs.

#2 Toughness. You covered it with bulletproof, which I like, but I am thinking I may just give them high Defense and low Life.

#3 Regeneration. They always seem to find a way to come back. Usually though it takes some time to prepare a body for possession. I was thinking one way to go would be close to what you have but a DJ must destroy a figure to bring back another Dark Judge.

#4 Teleportation. They terrorized Mega-City One with their teleportation devices when they came back the second(third?) time. They would 'port into an area, kill as many as they can and when the Judges show up, take a few bullets, laugh, teleport to a new location and repeat. For this I was thinking that at the end of each round all DJs can teleport anywhere on the board (perhaps requiring that they must be placed adjacent). I am also considering letting them remove a wound marker or two after teleporting. Not exactly true to theme but it would roll teleport and regeneration into one power. Also any DJ with two or more wound markers, would not be able to teleport/heal.

#5 Bonding. These killers are a pack and attack together. I have a couple ideas here like "After taking a turn with a DJ you may take a turn with another DJ" or giving Death a Prof. X like power that allows him to instead of taking a turn himself that two other DJs can take a turn. Another one would be something like if you have all of your OMs on DJS then you get a bonus turn with the Judge that has the X OM.

#6 Telepath vulnerability. Judge Anderson and her psi-powers proved to be the nemesis of the Dark Judges over and over again. Maybe this weakness can be squeezed in at the end of another power.

A lot of possibilities here and a max of three powers per card.

Hey streaky, any chance you are familiar with other 2000AD heroes? I have designs for Torquemada, Nemesis, Johnny Alpha, and Wulf Sternhammer. I could use some input from people who have read these comics on my designs.

Thanks again. :)
Re: Dredd anyone?

I absolutely agree that the Lawgiver should be an E-glyph that explodes if a non-judge uses it (this is exactly what I had in mind). Unfortunately the C3G heroes shot it down with an armor piercing round and blew it to bits. They do not allow an E-Glyph with a special attack. So I am forced to design within their parameters.

Any reasons given as to why that whole aspect of design has been forbidden?

Your ideas for the dark judges are amazing! I hope you get a chance to do them proud with all those suggestions you made.
Re: Dredd anyone?

I've only read a few stories from other 2000AD stories, so I don't know enough about them to make good cards.

As for your points about th dark judges, here's some feedback.

1. Judge Fear has to open his face-cage thingy and look directly into the eyes of his victim. That's why I think it needs to be targetted instead of an aura power. Also, judge triainng helps against his power, so that would need to be factored in.

2. High def and low life is good and more streamlined, I just wanted the trade off between trying to take them out from range or risk getting in close where thier powers are strongest.

3. Doesn't fit the theme that the dark judges would have to do their own killing, they can use any corpse that's available. It can take some time for regeneration, which I used the d20 for to make it simple. You could try a marker method of some sort. How about limiting their regen for common figures? Then you could draft them with some common squads just for fodder!

4. The teleportation stuff is after the "classic era" stuff I've read, so that's new to me. It could work, and make up for their slow speed, but I'd suggest limiting it with - no glyph placement, X spaces from any enemy figure and can't attack this turn.

5. Something like that sounds fun, and it would only need one power on Death's card.

6. Also excellent. I'd put that on Judge Anderson's card.
Re: Dredd anyone?

Thanks streaky. I did not inquire further into why C3G does not allow for Special Attacks. As a new member I am not looking to ruffle any feathers. Too bad though because as you said an exploding Lawgiver would be fun and dripping with theme.

For Fear I was thinking his OM denial is somewhat directed because it would only be affecting one figure/card at a time when they attempt to reveal an OM. Also I thought having a static power would allow him to be useful without having to actually use/attack with him. This will come down to how bonding is handled. If I work it so they all can attack every round then he will not need the static power. Also I agree the Judges should have a resistance to the power. Anyone fearless or insane would also have resistance/immunity.
Restricting regeneration to common could be a nice twist and help to limit them.
I think the teleporters are fairly classic. That story line is from a Judge Anderson strip in 2000AD monthly (1986). Anderson ended up shooting and destroying Fear's teleporter, separating Fear from the rest. She then used some crazy device that teleported Fear into a Limbo dimension and then self destructed, trapping him there. This is where I got the idea of not allowing teleports after they take a few wounds. Adding in some healing would 'loosely' represent regeneration/toughness and save me a power.

I figure each will have a Special Attack/Power. That only leaves two more powers. Right now I am leaning towards teleport and bonding. I figure I will try two different versions, maybe three and see what works best. If I drop the teleport, I think they should be even harder to destroy and should have a solid regeneration power.

Anderson will most likely have something that gives her an advantage vs. the Dark Judges but I thought it would be good to give them a weakness vs. all telepaths. I doubt I can squeeze it in though.

Thanks again!
Re: Dredd anyone?

I have not got too much done on Dredd lately but I wanted to post this design for everyone to comment on.



POINTS 150(?)

TURBO-BOOST: After moving normally, if Lawmaster has moved three or more spaces, Lawmaster may use Turbo-Boost. Turbo-Boost has a move of 3. When counting spaces for a Lawmaster's boosted movement, ignore elevations. A Lawmaster may boost over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged and boost over obstacles such as destructible objects. A Lawmaster may not Turbo-Boost more than 7 levels up or down in a single leap. If a Lawmaster is engaged when he starts to leap, it does not take any leaving engagement attacks.

REMOTE OPERATION: Instead of moving normally with a Judge figure you control, you may move any Lawmaster you control. Before moving Lawmaster, choose an unengaged friendly small or medium figure adjacent to Lawmaster. After you move Lawmaster, (and after choosing to use Turbo-Boost?) place the chosen figure adjacent to Lawmaster. If there are no Judge figures that you control on the board, you may not move or attack with Lawmaster.

BREAKDOWN: Subtract one from this Lawmaster's Move and Attack for every Wound Marker on this card.

Original Common Hero design
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

This one is a fun warm-up for some Judge Dredd designs. If anyone comes across a suitable mini, please let me know.

Re: Dredd anyone?

I am willing to break open my boxes and sell sets of Dredd figures.

I have a CASE of IndyClix (48 packs) I got for sale for $24 with about 5+ of most figures and I would love to use them. 1/2 of them are from Judge Dredd, so that set would be awesome.

Checklist of figs.
Full list in spoiler (copy to spreadsheet to view better)
Spoiler Alert!
Re: Dredd anyone?

Nice pic. Thanks for the post.

Fifteen years in the academy
Like no cadet, they ever seen
A man so hard, his veins bleed ice
When he speaks, he never says it twice
They call him Judge, his last name is Dredd
So break the Law and you wind up dead
Truth and Justice is what he is fighting for
Judge Dredd the man, He is the Law

In the Cursed Earth where the mutants dwell
There is no Law, just a living hell
Anarchy and Chaos as the blood runs red
This would change if it were up to Dredd
The Book of Law is the Bible to him
Any crime committed is a Sin
He keeps peace with his Lawgiver
Judge, Jury, Executioner

Re: Dredd anyone?

Original Dredd design
Spoiler Alert!
Re: Dredd anyone?


Judge Dredd
Joe Dredd

Unique Hero
Unforgiving (Resolute?)
Medium 5

Life: 5

Move: 5
Range: 8
Attack: 5
Defense: 5

Points: 200?

After attacking with any Special Attack, Judge Dredd may immediately attack one additional time with any Special Attack.

Range 5 + Special. Attack 5.
Choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces. You may choose another figure within 3 clear sight spaces of the chosen figure. Roll attack once for all affected figure. Affected figures roll defense dice separately.

Figures cannot receive automatic shield(s) when defending against this special attack. Judge Dredd can only target Destructible Objects with this special attack.

Range 5. Attack 5.
Choose a figure to attack. All figures adjacent to the chosen figure are also affected by this special attack. Roll attack once for all affected figures. Affected figures roll defense dice separately.
Re: Dredd anyone?


Judge Anderson

Unique Hero
Valiant? She has sacrificed herself to save the city.
Medium 4 or 5

Life: 4

Move: 5
Range: 7
Attack: 4
Defense: 5

Points: 150?

When a figure you control, that is not Judge Anderson, attacks a Telepath figure within 3 spaces of Judge Anderson, the defending figure may not use any Special Powers on that figure's card.
Judge Anderson also has the class of Telepath.

When rolling for defense, Judge Anderson adds one automatic shield to the result.

Judge Anderson rolls one additional die when attacking or defending against an Undead figure.
Re: Dredd anyone?


Judge Hershey
Unique Hero
Medium 4

Life: 4

Move: 5
Range: 7
Attack: 4
Defense: 5

Points: 180?

Range Special. Attack 7.
Reveal an X Order Marker on this card before using this Special Attack. Choose 7 spaces in a straight line from Hershey. All figures on those spaces are affected by this special attack. Roll attack once for all affected figures. Roll defense dice for the figure closest to Hershey. If that figure receives a wound, roll defense dice for the next closest figure. Continue rolling defense until no wounds are inflicted or all affected figures have rolled for defense.

After taking a turn with Judge Hershey, you may move any number of Judges you control up to 5 spaces each. Any Judge moved this way must end its move adjacent to Judge Hershey.

After revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with Judge Hershey, you may take a turn with any Judge figure you control.

or drop Call for Backup and go with a Prof. X version of

After revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with Judge Hershey, you may take a turn with up to two different Judge Heroes you control. Judge Hershey cannot be one of the Judge Heroes.
Re: Dredd anyone?


Rookie Judge

Uncommon Hero
Medium 5

Life: 4

Move: 5
Range: 6
Attack: 2
Defense: 4

Points: 120?

Start the game with a [color] Judgement Marker for each [Name of this unit] you control. If an opponent's figure within clear sight of this Judge inflicts a wound on an opponent's figure, you may place a Judgement Marker on that figure's Army Card.

Before attacking, you may roll a combat die. If you roll a skull, you may roll an additional combat die. You may continue to roll a combat die in this manner until you do not roll a skull. When attacking with this Judge, you may roll an additional attack die for each skull rolled with Jury.

When attacking an opponent's figure with a Judgement Marker on its Army Card, instead of rolling an additional attack die for each skull rolled with the Jury special power, you may add an automatic skull for each skull rolled with the Jury special power.

Thanks for the power ideas Margloth.
Re: Dredd anyone?



Unique Hero
Dark Judge
Medium 5

Life: 5

Move: 4
Range: 1
Attack: 2
Defense: 6

Points: 280

All skulls rolled count as one additional hit. Androids, Undead, Constructs, and Destructible Objects roll defense normally, all other figures may not roll defense when attacked by Judge Death.

If all your Order Markers are on cards for Undead figures you control, after taking a turn with Judge Death, you may reveal an X Order Marker on any other Undead Hero you control and immediately take a turn with that figure.

At the end of each round you may place all figures you control with the Dimensional Teleport power on any empty map space. Figures moved by Dimensional Teleport do not receive any leaving engagement attacks. After moving Judge Death using Dimensional Teleport, remove one Wound Marker from this card. Judge Death may not use Dimensional Teleport if there are three or more Wound Markers on this card.
Re: Dredd anyone?



Unique Hero
Dark Judge
Medium 5

Life: 5

Move: 4
Range: 1
Attack: 2
Defense: 6

Points 250?

When attacking with Judge Mortis, if he rolls a skull on every die, the defending figure cannot roll defense dice. After attacking with Judge Mortis, if the defending figure recieved at least 1 wound and is still adjacent to Judge Mortis, Judge Mortis may attack that figure again. Judge Mortis cannot attack more than 3 times in one turn.

Once per game, after moving and instead of attacking, you may remove an X Order Marker from this card and place it on any empty space adjacent to Judge Mortis. All spaces within three spaces of that "X" Order Marker are considered Shielded. When a figure moves or is moved from a non-Shielded space to a Shielded space or from a Shielded space to a non-Shielded space, roll an attack die. If you roll a skull, that figure receives 1 wound and must end its movement. At the end of the round, remove your X Order Marker from the map.

At the end of each round, if there are no more than 2 Wound Markers on this card, you may immediately place Judge Mortis on any empty space on the battlefield. When Judge Mortis is moved by Dimensional Teleport do not take any leaving engagement attacks. When Judge Mortis is moved by Dimensional Teleport, remove 1 Wound Marker from this card.
Re: Dredd anyone?



Unique Hero
Dark Judge
Medium 5

Life: 5

Move: 4
Range: 1
Attack: 4
Defense: 6

Points: 250?

When an opponent's figure adjacent to Judge Fear reveals any Order Markers on their card, you may choose a figure adjacent to Judge Fear to receive an automatic wound. Fearless figures, Androids, Constructs, Undead, and Judges are not affected by Face of Fear.

After Judge Death has been destroyed you may place his figure on this card. If possible replace an opponent's figure destroyed by Fear with Judge Death's figure. Androids, Undead, Constructs, and Destructible Objects are not affected by Vessel of Death. After placing Judge Death's figure, remove all Markers from Death's card.

At the end of each round you may place all figures you control with the Dimensional Teleport power on any empty map space. Figures moved by Dimensional Teleport do not receive any leaving engagement attacks. After moving Judge Fear using Dimensional Teleport, remove one Wound Marker from this card. Judge Fear may not use Dimensional Teleport if there are three or more Wound Markers on this card.

A d20 power may be the most apt here. I would love some suggestions.
I also considered a combo of Deadly Strike and Double Attack(after wounding).