Fan Fiction Prompt Master
Design links
Judge Anderson
Judge Hershey
Dark Judges
Death (selected)
Rookie Judge
I am closing in on attempting some Dredd'verse designs for C3G. I thought I would throw some feelers out and see what Dredd Heads want in 'scape versions of their heroes.
Right now Heroclix has figures for Judges Dredd, Anderson, Hershey, and a generic Brit City Judge. They also have all four Dark Judges.
What I am looking for is fans and interested 'scapers to voice their wants and opinions for these characters. So let me know if you love Dredd and what you want in Dredd designs.
Soon I will start posting ideas for these designs so everyone can voice their opinions. I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say.
Also, for Indy heroes I have worked on Nemesis, Torquemada, Johnny Alpha, and Wulf Sternhammer. If anyone is familiar or interested in these designs please let me know.
Thanks in advance. I am attempting to generate some Indy interest in comic designs.
Judge Anderson
Judge Hershey
Dark Judges
Death (selected)
Rookie Judge

I am closing in on attempting some Dredd'verse designs for C3G. I thought I would throw some feelers out and see what Dredd Heads want in 'scape versions of their heroes.
Right now Heroclix has figures for Judges Dredd, Anderson, Hershey, and a generic Brit City Judge. They also have all four Dark Judges.
What I am looking for is fans and interested 'scapers to voice their wants and opinions for these characters. So let me know if you love Dredd and what you want in Dredd designs.
Soon I will start posting ideas for these designs so everyone can voice their opinions. I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say.
Also, for Indy heroes I have worked on Nemesis, Torquemada, Johnny Alpha, and Wulf Sternhammer. If anyone is familiar or interested in these designs please let me know.
Thanks in advance. I am attempting to generate some Indy interest in comic designs.