Okay, back to Venom: sorry, took me a bit to get to.
Venom: The Hunger is easily my number one rec, it's the all-time great Venom story. It's a mini-series, so pretty light to get into. It's the OG "Eddie gets freaked out by the symbiote and they split up temporarily" story, and also the first story to really latch onto the long-running subtext of the Eddie-symbiote relationship as a romance. It's a funny, creepy book that really only works with Venom as the lead character. Basically every worthwhile Eddie/Venom story that's since been published takes its cues from The Hunger.
Venom by Rick Remender isn't the traditional take on the character, being that Flash Thompson is the star of the book, but it's the single best book with "Venom" on the cover ever published and so deserves a shout.
Venom by Mike Costa is a solid run. It starts off a little rough, I think, but it finds its groove after the big anniversary issue and manage to capture the same vibe as Venom's 90s adventures, but done way more smoothly.
Venom by Donny Cates is kinda the opposite where I think it starts off really strong, but the wheels fall off the wagon after a little bit. Gets very self-indulgent and fan-fic-y. Those first couple arcs though? Dynamite.
(A little less windy than my Thunderbolts essay but the editorial history of Venom is weird and I might be all year if I keep expecting myself to write something like that for Venom.