• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

C3G Ally and Fan Rewards Thread

Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Hey should I post my points here like Blink with the fancy spoiler button, or is just posting them under the thread you gave me on the main page ok?
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Just edit your post and put [ spoiler ] at the beginning and [ /spoiler ] at the end. (Also take out the spaces.)
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Total Points: 42

Spoiler Alert!
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Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

I've linked you in the OP here, marrowick, but in doing so, I noticed that your points are not correct. The points you gained in the Secret Wars tourney were just for that event, and are not the same as points you've gained from playtesting. By my calculations, you should have a total of 6 points.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

I've linked you in the OP here, marrowick, but in doing so, I noticed that your points are not correct. The points you gained in the Secret Wars tourney were just for that event, and are not the same as points you've gained from playtesting. By my calculations, you should have a total of 6 points.

Oh those were to keep score in the secret wars? Okay. Thanks for pointing that out for me.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Total points +33
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Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

While I'm not sure it will ever matter for me, you could give a point (half-point?) for an approved book strategy section. This would require that there be some rigor in accepting strategy guides in the book, but then, there should be.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Even if no points are awarded, strategy guides should be reviewed before being posted.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

I trust the Books Keepers to keep tabs on that and decide what's appropriate or not. :)

I definitely don't have the time or mental energy to oversee it, that's for sure. :p
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Private Design Sneak Peak - Once an Ally or Sidekick has obtained 20 Reward Points they may "cash them in" for 1 PDF version of an unreleased unit from the next Wave. Send Hellfire a PM to cash in your point and he will send you a list of what is available for you to choose from at that time. You can choose the mini or comic version of that card. You can use this design for playtesting and any personal use, but not to post online or discuss in any way.

Heroes decide if/when allies and sidekicks can start cashing in points and passes to design.

Just noticed this in the OP. I was surprised there was nothing in the C3G Shop about buying sneak peeks, and I wondered if it should be mentioned in that thread (if this is still accurate).

Oh, and you can add me to the OP, TB. The link is in my sig. :)
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

I know I'm not a member, but I'm gonna post this before I forget :p

Points: 10
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Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Total Points: 6

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Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

You already have enough to design! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

So how exactly does this work?

I know that you can spend 15 points to make a design, but do you spend the points and submit 1 in the Public Design Thread, or do you just propose stuff in the Public Design Thread, and then if it's voted on come Public Nominations/Voting, then you cash in?
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Post your designs in the public design Post, and people will offer feedback. Then, once a public design round starts, Trollbrute will ask for nominations (you can nominate your own design). All nominations then are voted on by ALL Heroscapers, not just C3G members, and the one with the most votes wins, so that person cashes in his/her points and starts a design thread.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Post your designs in the public design Post, and people will offer feedback. Then, once a public design round starts, Trollbrute will ask for nominations (you can nominate your own design). All nominations then are voted on by ALL Heroscapers, not just C3G members, and the one with the most votes wins, so that person cashes in his/her points and starts a design thread.

Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

The guys above me have it covered well. You can post any designs you have in the Public Design Post (and once you do, I can give you a spot in the OP to store designs), where the design will be critiqued and commented upon. When it's time for a new round of nominations, an announcement will be posted in the C3G Public Design Nominations thread. After some time, another announcement will be made, closing nominations and opening up voting. Once voting is complete and the current Public design is released, the LD of the winning design cashes in their points and creates a thread for the design, where it will go through the C3G process of design, testing, Final Editing (cards and wording tune-ups) and is eventually released as the next C3G design.

Mentorship is a separate process that can be purchased from the C3G Shop. If purchased, a Hero will help guide you through the brainstorming and early design phase of creating a design. It is not necessary for designing, but it is very helpful and could help increase your chances of being voted in.
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Spoiler Alert!
Re: C3G Ally and Sidekick Rewards Thread

Does a photo count even if it was not used? For quite a while back I took photos of Odin, but it doesn't appear they were used.