Taelord- It's pretty obvious from my post count that I'm not around a lot here on the boards, but it seems to me, that everyone is allowed to express their opinions about objects (books, movies, music, HS figures, whatever) whether they have a positive OR a negative opinion of that prticular object. For ex, i can say that Pepsi is awesome or that Pepsi is the worst soda ever, and both of those would be okay.
What is NOT okay and what gets people in trouble here on the boards is expressing negative opinions about people. For ex, it would not be appropriate for me to say that, "Everyone who doesn't like Pepsi is a moron, because Pepsi is the best soda ever," or "Yuck, Pepsi is gross, you're dumb if you like Pepsi."
I hope this makes things a little more clear for you, and anyone else reading this. There is a distinction between attacking a person and expressing a negative opinion of an object. If you feel like you're being yelled at, take another look at what you wrote and see if maybe you didn't say what you ment or if you are misinterpreting the criticism you are receiving.
And, since I haven't been around much, I had no idea you were a kid and wouldn't have until you said something. I like to think that I treat everyone the same way regardless of age, and I'm sorry if what you've experienced here hasn't always been that way.