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Best of multiplayer maps?


Our Illustrious Winner?...
Would there be anyone who would like to make multiplayer version of BoV?
I think BOV is a great system, but it just seems like the multiplayer map creators are out of luck as far as having their truly great maps officialy recognized. I would help ( I have some other players, but not a lot of terrian)
Well, look at the BoV - the main purpose is to provide balanced maps for tournament use. The trouble is that there are very few team tournaments around, so (balanced) multiplayer maps are in (relatively) low demand.
Warlord makes a good point. I play multiplayer exclusively, and I feel that it is more of a casual format made for fun and chaos rather than for outright competitive play.
I would be really interested in setting up a team tournament thing but when you do things like that it comes down to how many people you can get together at once. you would need 12 people for 3 2v2 games. Then of course you don't necessarily need it to be teams. It could be 1v1v1 which I have done a few games of which are indeed fun but it's difficult to find good 3 way maps that might make it seem tournament like.

Yes I would like to see a BOV type thing for 3 players and up, but No I don't think it would get far unless lots of people spontaneously need different game play.
I was actually wanting to do something like this. I didn't want something quite like BOV although that could be done but I was wanting something more like a list of multiplayer maps. I guess though that the shear number of them would make that hard. So a BOV for multiplayer maps would be best.
I would be up for this. We should include anything that isn't 2 player, like 3 player, 4 player, etc.

EDIT: We could call it "Warzones of Valhalla" since many armies are fighting.
I think a stickied thread/collection of reviewed and *tested* multiplayer maps would be great.

One of the principle challenges would be standardizing a game format. There are team games, there are free for alls, there are free for alls with incremental scoring systems (my favorite, check out my most recent battle report for the details), there are one-way victory circles, Heat of Battle, and so on.

Such a thread would have to account for those different format possibilities, or choose one (or some) explicitly.

Anyway, I think it's a great idea, or some enterprising person could hunt through the maps threads & just set up a thread with pointers to strong-looking multiplayer maps. There are a number of threads in there dedicated to that purpose already, but I think a good multiplayer map index would be a quality candidtate for a stickie.
I think a stickied thread/collection of reviewed and *tested* multiplayer maps would be great.

One of the principle challenges would be standardizing a game format. There are team games, there are free for alls, there are free for alls with incremental scoring systems (my favorite, check out my most recent battle report for the details), there are one-way victory circles, Heat of Battle, and so on.

Such a thread would have to account for those different format possibilities, or choose one (or some) explicitly.

Anyway, I think it's a great idea, or some enterprising person could hunt through the maps threads & just set up a thread with pointers to strong-looking multiplayer maps. There are a number of threads in there dedicated to that purpose already, but I think a good multiplayer map index would be a quality candidtate for a stickie.
I'm writing up a thread right now :thumbsup: I'll scrounge throught Heroscape.cz then hit the map threads.
The thread is up! I just posted all the 3 player maps from Heroscape.cz, and I'll get to the rest later. Enjoy!