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Belgor Ruins (AoA) Map Design Contest!!!

Here's my submission, using 1x SotM, 1x VW, and 1x Ruins of Belgor!

Embers of Belgor
Please be sure to fill out the form in the OP

Thanks for the reminder, and for the contest! I submitted an updated version of the map and added an optional scenario.


Here as well
This is the last weekend of the contest!
Be sure to fill out the form for your entry!
Can't wait to see what you have in store!
Last day of the contest!
If you didn't quite have time to finish you entry by tonight I am happy to take a late submission to put into the pdf booklet. However to be fair to the other entries I will have to disqualify you for the prizes. I would really love to see what you make!
Here We Go

The Great Looney Tunes Simulator

One each of the Master Sets and 2 sets of Belgor (actually this might be 3 I think I miscounted my columns)


If you think this looks pretty normal from me, open up the PDF and look at the special rules.

~Dysole, who had fun with this for like 48 hours where she finally got an idea of what to do
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