Gentlemen, may I propose something? How about in the independent (not beholden to anything but Superheroes) map thread, we place a number of designs for each generic concept first.
After that is done, the playtesters (I am happy to offer to be one) can decide which designs, if any, seem most fitting for scenarios and work from there. The rest of the maps can be used for the general purpose of Supers battles, without any scenario necessarily in mind, so the purpose of this effort is primarily that.
A tangential purpose would be that the C3G group has the prerogative to choose any, all or none of these maps for playtesting and scenario purposes. That way, if anything that looks good comes out of these maps, great! If not, then we still have good generic maps for Supers.
As an aside, it might also be a good idea to add optional scenario concepts when building these generics, that C3G is free to ignore when choosing from them.
So, my proposal have evolved into this:
1) Make generic maps with no strings
2) Optionally offer scenario concepts for any or all of them
3) The maps are critiqued and finalized as generic, archetypal maps
4) If C3G wants, they take any part of the maps or scenarios and work from them. This step is optional.