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Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Discussion Thread


Mayor of Scape City

Find the current Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) HERE

Current Status:
Updated: 4/16/09
Maps Currently being reviewed:

Skirmish Underneath the Parkby tom
YES = 0 (); NO = 0 (); Pending = 4 (ET86, Peteparkerh, Spidysox, Vitm)
*Silver Surfer abstaining
*Double Map

Trouble At Scapecity Zoo by Sup3rS0n1c
YES = 0 (); NO = 1 (ET86); Pending = 4 (Vitm,Spidysox, Peteparkerh, Silver Surfer)
*Single Map

Maps pending acceptance for review:

Sub Base Bravo by Cavalier
YES = 1 (ET86); NO = 2 (Peteparkerh, Vitm); Pending = 2 (Spidysox, Silver Surfer)
*Single Map

Jungle Lab (Secret lab 3.1) by Peteparkerh
YES = 2 (ET86, Vitm); NO = 0 (); Pending = 2 ( Spidysox, Silver Surfer)
*Peteparkerh cannot vote, his map
*Single Map

Wayne Manor by Joe5joe7
YES = 0 (); NO = 1 (ET86); Pending = 4 (Peteparkerh, Spidysox, Vitm, Silver Surfer)
*Single Map

Museum of "Valuable Artifacts All Super Villians Want"by Jodokast
YES = 1 (ET86); NO = 0 (); Pending = 4 (Peteparkerh, Spidysox, Vitm, Silver Surfer)
*Single Map

By-laws for the Battlefields of Marvel (BoM):
SECTION 1: Submission guidelines and tips
1. Single Maps and Double Maps may both be submitted. Single Maps have start zones balanced for 1-on-1 competition between two (2) 500-1200 point armies. The map does not have to be 100% balanced, but the one starting zone should not have an obvious advantage over the other. Double Maps have start zones that should be balanced for 2-on-2 competition between four (4) 500-1200 point armies.
2. Single Maps shall contain 12 hexes of start zone for each player. Double maps must have 24 hexes of start zone for each side. Start zones must be identified in the build instructions.
3. Single Maps are not to exceed 1 MS, 1 Marvel Set, and up to 2 terrain expansions (no duplicate expansions are allowed, maps which use less sets will be more buildable for the community). There are exceptions; please note the special set classifications at the bottom of this section.
4. Double Maps, made up of two sides, may be submitted. These maps would be intended for 2-on-2 cooperative play. Each map must be easily separable into two single maps (which each meet section 1-3s rules) which can be joined together with it's second half for co-operative play. For example, 2 halves of a ship, bridge, dam, chemical plant, etc. The split into single maps is intended so two separate people could bring their half for a double map.
5. Use of the Marvel Warehouse Ruin and the Marro Hive as a line-of-sight blocker are allowed. Keep in mind the fewer expansions a map includes the more likely it is to be used. Submitted maps must state what sets are needed.
6. Anyone can nominate a map for consideration, but it will not go through the judging process without a majority vote of the Council.
7. Submitted maps must include build instructions.
8. Glyphs are not required, but any number may be used to enhance a map.
9. Nominations should be in .pdf format. Special circumstances may warrant exception.
10. Maps may heavily favor one special ability, but the map must accomadate an army that does not contain that ability (i.e. Extreme height that helps ranged flying heroes must also have enough cover to enhance non-flying/melee type units).
11. Do NOT slap a map together and nominate it for consideration. Nominated maps must have some games played by more than one person. Additional game play experiences and observations are encouraged.

Classification of Heroscape sets:
  • Master Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Swarm of the Marro*
  • Marvel Set: The Marvel Heroscape Set
  • Expansions: Volcarren Wasteland, Thaelenk Tundra, Road To The Forgotten Forest, Ticalla Jungle, Fortress of the Archkyrie
*Swarm of the Marro is a hybrid set. It can be counted as a MS or 2 expansions.

SECTION 2: How maps are judged
Maps nominated for consideration will go through the following process after a majority of acceptance votes by the judges:
1. This is not the BoV method of judging maps. If your map would make a great BoV, submit it there!
2. Maps will be playtested competitively at least once by all judges, using 800-1200 point armies. Candidates for approval will be playtested more than once.
3. Consideration for approved maps will be given, generally, based on the following criteria and in this order: balance of starting zones, interesting play including creative use of height and cover, use of classic comic book situations, and aesthetics.
4. Time for consideration is: as long as it takes for the judges to make an informed decision.
5. Great maps will be approved; not good ones. Don't let this discourage you.
6. Judge discussions will occur in a public and private forums on the non-official Heroscape web site: Currently www.heroscapers.com
7. Reviews on maps will be public with status and results presented.
8. Maps that receive a super-majority of 75%of the Council will be formatted and given the Battlefields of Marvel Seal of Approval. Judges may abstain from a vote on a particular map, thereby reducing the total number of votes needed for acceptance.

SECTION 3: Self-governance
1. The Council will contain at least four judges with six judges being preferred. The current judges are: Spidysox, Silver Surfer, Vydar is the Man, ET86, Peteparkerh, & OPEN POSITION. Ugly-Caco & Stumpy_man are permanently "Judges Emeritus".
2. Judges will maintain their position unless:
a) They are not heard from by fellow judges on the official non-official Heroscape web site for a period of 31 days, or
b) They abstain for a total of three months or for three consecutive maps under review, whichever comes later.
3. If a vacancy on the council occurs, judges will be replaced by those who:
a) show interest in serving, and
b) after consideration of the sitting judges receive 75 % vote of approval. Voting and discussion of a replacement judge may occur in private.
4. Judges will not be allowed to vote on their own maps. During the judging of their own maps their vote will be considered an abstention for the percentages needed to both playtest and approve the map. Their vote will NOT be counted as an abstention for purposes of the "three consecutive maps" criteria in Section 3-2-b.
5. These by-laws may be changed and amended at any time by a 75 % vote of sitting judges.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

Further comments:

Everyone should keep in mind that we are not trying to duplicate the BoV system (which is a really good system). The purpose here is to encourage maps that would be good for Marvel and Marvel plus Classic Heroscape armies.

For example, BoV maps avoid extreme height because they give flying characters an unfair advantage. For Marvel, this is what makes it fun. For example, Dr. Doom and his mechanized army go up against Capt. America and his soldier army. Dr. Doom goes for height, the Capt. America goes for cover and draws him down for the kill.

I've also introduced a double map concept that I'm not sure how people will react to it. The idea here was to encourage bigger Marvel type maps like Cavalier's Sub Pen or my Dam. The main reasons I put this in is 1) these maps are incredible fun to play, 2) the BoV stresses 1-on-1 play so this mixes that up a little, and 3) the maps just come out looking really cool! I'm sure this will be controversial, so let's discuss.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

Looks good Pete, I would suggest however that if possible you should have an odd number of judges for the maps. Having 4 or 6 could lend itself to not having a majority vote. 5 or 7 and then, of course, you are guaranteed a majority vote either yay or nay.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

It sounds good to me, as well. Although I would say that a single map may not contain more than 1 type of each terrain expansion, instead of 2.

But one question that just occured to me: Is the purpose of BoM to determine what Marvel Maps are Tourney-worthy, or just to determine the best of marvel maps out there?
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

Single Maps are not to exceed 1 MS, 1 Marvel Set, and up to 2 terrain expansions. No more than 2 expansions of the same type may be used in a map. There are exceptions; please note the special set classifications at the bottom of this section.

If the by-laws remain at allowing 2 expansions, you don't need to state that no more than 2 can be used, it's a redundant statement and already implied by the preceeding line.

Maps will be playtested competitively at least once by all judges, using 800-1200 point armies. Candidates for approval will be playtested more than once.
A definition of competitive game play may be of benefit. That said, I get the sense that Marvel maps don't make it into tourneys often, which could mean rather long turn arounds for map approval.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

Single Maps are not to exceed 1 MS, 1 Marvel Set, and up to 2 terrain expansions. No more than 2 expansions of the same type may be used in a map. There are exceptions; please note the special set classifications at the bottom of this section.

If the by-laws remain at allowing 2 expansions, you don't need to state that no more than 2 can be used, it's a redundant statement and already implied by the preceeding line.

Maps will be playtested competitively at least once by all judges, using 800-1200 point armies. Candidates for approval will be playtested more than once.
A definition of competitive game play may be of benefit. That said, I get the sense that Marvel maps don't make it into tourneys often, which could mean rather long turn arounds for map approval.

Item 1: I will change.
Item 2: This would be competitely played by each judge at their location against who they normally play against. This information can be shared with the group on how it went and whether we believe the map should be included as a BoM.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

It sounds good to me, as well. Although I would say that a single map may not contain more than 1 type of each terrain expansion, instead of 2.

But one question that just occured to me: Is the purpose of BoM to determine what Marvel Maps are Tourney-worthy, or just to determine the best of marvel maps out there?

I would think we would allow 2, but it would be taken in account that this might make it less likely to get adopted as a BoV map.

I think the answer is both on the purpose. First and foremost, this would allow tournaments. Second (especially in the case of the double maps), the best Marvel maps could be highlighted here.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

3. Single Maps are not to exceed 1 MS, 1 Marvel Set, and up to 2 terrain expansions (duplicate expansions are allowed). There are exceptions; please note the special set classifications at the bottom of this section.

Classification of Heroscape sets:
  • Master Sets: Rise of the Valkyrie, Swarm of the Marro*
  • Marvel Set: The Marvel Heroscape Set
  • Expansions: Volcarren Wasteland, Thaelenk Tundra, Road To The Forgotten Forest, Ticalla Jungle, Fortress of the Archkyrie
*Swarm of the Marro is a hybrid set. It can be counted as a MS or 2 expansions.
I just made a map. 1 ROTV, 1 Mtcb, 2 FOTAs.
It looked pretty good. I made it 95% for playability and it didn't looked bad...it looked badass. It's really BoMish. I'll show you guys. I'll post a photo as soon as I know where my camera is. :)

So far, Section 1 is great. Try and make a map guys...using the guidelines of course.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

I'll attempt this soon. I have always felt marvel was neglected. I can barely play without using spidey or capn now.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws Discussio

Ok, this is my first attempt at a BoM map.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Scapecity Tower Bridge
Requires: 1 Marvel, 1 ROTV, 1 FOTA
I have play tested it with 800pt combination Marvel/Classic armies. I played both Capt. America and Red Skull Based Armies. They took on Spidysox and his Dr. Doom and Spiderman based armies. We chose these to test a non-flying Marvel army vs. a flying army The battles were all a bunch of fun and extremely competative. The bridge has a lot of cover underneath if someone takes the high ground. All the games were very different with many paths for each army to take.

I humbly submit this map as a potential BoM map.

You can download it here:
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

I can attest to how good a map Peteparkerh's bridge is. It seems to be very balanced and fair and most importantly is a lot of fun. Pete had a lot of range in one of his armies so I sent my troops to the caves and the underside of the bridge and kept his range at bay. I was at first worried that range would rule on this board, but having played it and saw how easily that it could be dealt with my fears were unfounded.
A good, fun map.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

OK, I'll try that one out. Looks awesome and as you say plays great. :thumbsup:
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

Heres a couple of pics I took of Pete's map when we played it the other day. As I said before, a lot of fun.

Here we put two of them side by side to see if it would work as a double map.

We then put them together lenghtways to see how that worked, it took a while to get into combat, but once we did it was a blast.

Red Skull looks down the bridge at his forces.

Batman surveys the battle

Braxas and a wolf vs. the Ninjas.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

So is anything going on with this project, or is it dead before it even started?
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

So is anything going on with this project, or is it dead before it even started?

I haven't heard much. I think you should be part of this project. What sets would you need to pull that off?

Did you get a chance to try out the bridge?

P.s. Hasbrotoyshop.com has a 20% off deal with free shipping. Perfect time to get the expanision sets you would need.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

So is anything going on with this project, or is it dead before it even started?

I haven't heard much. I think you should be part of this project. What sets would you need to pull that off?

Did you get a chance to try out the bridge?

P.s. Hasbrotoyshop.com has a 20% off deal with free shipping. Perfect time to get the expanision sets you would need.

I would love to be a part of this, but all I have is 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, a handful of small expansions, and my FotA should arrive tomorrow, so no, sadly, I haven't tired out the bridge yet.

And there's one problem with the Hasbrotoyshop.com deal. I'm broke. But if you really want me a part of this project that much, you can always donate me some stuff. ;)
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

I like the look of Scapecity, and would like to give it a shot!
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

I vote YES to review Scapecity Tower Bridge By: Pete

On another note, I don't want us to be mistaken with the BoV, however, I wasn't sure how else to make the review as clear and "nice" as Rychean's, so I changed some minor details, and the colors, so it wouldn't bother him or make anyone confused.

- Shades fan's acceptance vote

Maps pending acceptance:

Scapecity Tower Bridge by Peteparkerh
YES = 1 [Shades fan] ; NO = 0;Pending = 3 [Stumpy_man, Ugly-Caco,Peteparkerh]

Maps currently being reviewed:

Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

A few questions (again):

1. Is there any possiblilty of Pete's Scapcity expansion set being used for BoM? They look like they have a nice potential.

2. Is there going to be any suggested army requirements for Marvel tournaments for either maps individually or as a whole?

For example, each army must have at least X and no more than N of Marvel Figures, or only unique heros may be used, or something along those lines.

And as a side note, as long as some Marvel figures are used, Scapecity bridge is alot of fun, and I highly recomend that the judges
review it.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

2. Is there going to be any suggested army requirements for Marvel tournaments for either maps individually or as a whole?

For example, each army must have at least X and no more than N of Marvel Figures, or only unique heros may be used, or something along those lines.

And as a side note, as long as some Marvel figures are used, Scapecity bridge is alot of fun, and I highly recomend that the judges
review it.

Thank you for the kind words. Obviously, I think it is a good map, but per the by laws, I don't get a vote.

As for suggested armies, people can do what ever they would like. Due to the small amount of Marvel figures, I would suggest a draft where each person in the tournament gets one Marvel character with no one else playing that figure (either pre-picked ahead of time of a live draft at the tournament). For tournaments bigger than 10 people, two of each could be drafted (1 per player). The rest of the army would be put together using classic characters.

For example, you might pick Captain America and build a soldier army around him. This will avoid everyone coming with the Hulk. It would also avoid the pound fest that tends to happen with Marvel (Hulk walks up to thanos, the two of them pound it out for several rounds with no movement until one dies).

Just my thoughts.
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

I would love to be a part of this, but all I have is 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, a handful of small expansions, and my FotA should arrive tomorrow, so no, sadly, I haven't tired out the bridge yet.

I nominate Silver Surfer to be in this. If a map gets proposed that he can't build, he can try to use surrogate pieces (for example water for Lava, Sand for Lava Field, etc.). If he can't build the board, then he can abstain from the vote.

I also nominate the rules as written on the first page.

Heroscapers judges pending acceptance:

The Silver Surfer
YES = 1 [Peteparkerh] ; NO = 0;Pending = 3 [Shades Fan, Stumpy_man, Ugly-Caco]

Main BoM Rules pending acceptance:
YES = 1 [Peteparkerh] ; NO = 0;Pending = 3 [Shades Fan, Stumpy_man, Ugly-Caco]
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) By-Laws & Map Submittals

Thanks, peteparkerh for nominating me. If some of the judges would like to see some maps I've built, you can PM me you email address, and I can email you some VS files of my maps (don't worry, if you send me your email address, I'll get rid of it as soon as I've sent you the stuff).
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

Heres a couple of pics I took of Pete's map when we played it the other day. As I said before, a lot of fun.

Here we put two of them side by side to see if it would work as a double map.

We then put them together lenghtways to see how that worked, it took a while to get into combat, but once we did it was a blast.

Red Skull looks down the bridge at his forces.

Batman surveys the battle

Braxas and a wolf vs. the Ninjas.
Pretty sweet map there, Spidysox. What I could do with a lot of castles.....:ponder:
Re: Battlefields of Marvel (BoM) Potential By-Laws & Maps

Perhaps I'm just trying to keep alive a project that was doomed to die from the start, but I still gotta ask on last time
is anything going on with this project, or is it dead before it even started?

I don't believe stumpy_man has posted in this thread once, and I think that the last post he made about BoM at all was October 5. Are any of the judges playtesting Scapecity Bridge or something else to try to continue this project?