Arch-vile's custom cards
Classic Heroscape customs:
Sheriff Lincoln - cowboy leader (Heroclix Jonah Hex)
Shalasha - Varkaanan wolf hero (Confrontation Wolfen)
Dev Jansen - Mariedian hero that allows one extra turn per game (Star Wars old republic commander)
J-05 Resistance Squadron - common squad (3) of Mariedians (Star Wars minis)
Jeb Vandalay - Aquilla Mariedian leader (SoV nomination - failed) (Heroclix Gangbuster)
Soontir Van - a Mariedian leader wearing an Exosuit (SoV nomination - currently in review) (Star Wars Sith Operative)
Trog & Gort - Ettin wizard with tree-movement powers (World of Warcraft ogre)
Coryn the Elementalist - like Kurrok, but for Water Elementals (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Feldspar Drone - common hero that swarms with unique hero insects
Queen Odonata - insect unique hero, leader of the Feldspar Drones
Lagertha Ogresbane - Aquilla flagbearer (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Ebony Midnight - cat that brings bad luck (Heroclix Black Cat)
Quorik Flockmates - unique squad (2) of Raptorians (World of Warcraft birds)
Jhouse - offers protection from psychic attacks (Star Wars Duros Scout)
Franciscan Friars - common squad of monks that heal friendly heroes (Scenarama Friars/Monks pack)
Saint Medicus - monk leader of the Franciscan Friars (Scenarama Friars/Monks pack)
Elsa Karithon - sister of Ana Karithon and very power sorcerer (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Hamish Finnigan - fighter that reuses 3 old powers (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
General Xeno Tullius - futuristic soldier (Heroclix Kraken)
Ernest Boone - big game hunter (Mage Knight Huntsman)
Pavin Nahz - Jandar unique hero - helps other unique heroes (SoV nomination - failed) (Star Wars Chiss Mercenary)
Leebu - OM disruption (Star Wars Gungan Artillerist)
Peacekeeper of Rand - common hero with Lawman synergy (Star Wars Bothan Commando)
Peacekeepers of Rand - design reworked into a 2-man unique squad (Star Wars Bothan Commando)
Phoenixes of Elswin - unique squad of 3, can rebirth (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Merial - Merfolk that can place water tiles (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Jinyu - Archmage that can teleport freely (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Illusions of Jinyu - illusions that can block attacks for Jinyu (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Ariel Reeves - Alien adventurer who can copy abilities from friend or foe (Heroclix Nebula)
Greater Air Elemental - Vortex Pull is from C3V's Boreos (D&D Large Air Elemental)
Flobendis - another Ullar Dragon (Mage Knight Dragon)
Keyalis - archer hero with Frenzy (Mage Knight Elf Archer)
Farthenfur - boosts adjacent figures (Star Wars Wookiee)
Talaril Golar - Elf version of Sir Dupuis (Mage Knight Mounted Elf)
Giants of Barrenspur - winner of Dr.Goomonkey's August 2018 custom contest (Reaper Bones ogres)
Lewa - the 10th Elf Wizard, helps the Ashra & Aubriens too (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Huatzin - couatl unique hero (Couatl from the Deathknell D&D set)
Friar Buck - hero that works with C3V's Rogue/Merry Men faction (Scenearama monk)
Valirahc - Drow Arachnomancer, winner of Obfuscatedhippo/Orgsbane's second custom contest (Erevan Sunshadow repaint by Orgsbane)
Spiders of Lolth - common squad (4) that bonds with Drow & Arachnids (spiders from a Halloween dollar store pack)
Slorm - 20 point Goblin filler (Mage Knight Goblin Archer)
Tarmikos - Attack-boosting aura (Star Wars Imperial Dignitary)
Lord Varlioc - negation aura (Star Wars Sith Lord)
Kraetor the Kyrie Warrior - kyrie with a negation aura (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Queen Spider - uncommon predator hero (cheap spider from a Halloween pack)
Firecat Elementals - unique squad of 3 with Searing Intensity (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Upuaut - Wolf to help the Anubian Wolves (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Lycaon - a werewolf darklord that works better at midnight (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Yora Flamehands - pyromancer that can burn down trees (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Blood Cultist Nikolai - Demon supporter (D&D Blood Cultist of Vol)
Ezekiel Esenwein - vampire that supports Nicholas's Thralls (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Akira Esenwein - another vampire, this time a low cost hero that also helps the Thralls (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Destromech AA-3 - soulborg riding a dragonfly (Mage Knight thing)
Plague Rat - rat common hero (cheap rat from a Halloween pack)
Twilight Clan Cultists - 2 man unique squad that hates humans (Star Wars disciples of ragnos)
Persephone - undead leader with some powerful magic of her own (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Scarecrow Slasher - uncommon scarecrow hero (Horrorclix Scarecrow)
Erebos - Valkrill's mighty dragon that can hurt both friend and foe (Mega Bloks Dragon)
Rorken - Hybrid that disintegrates enemies (new prettier card) (Star Wars ugnaught droid destroyer)
Non Rastche - starts in enemy start zone (Star Wars Sith Operative)
Agent Groob - alien agent based on HoSS's Bossk (Star Wars Yuzzem)
Illidarious Phantoms - unique squad that can destroy themselves for automatic wounds (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Agent Leopold - Agent faction leader (Heroclix SHIELD agent)
Microcorp Agent Rendar - hero based on the Microcorp agents & capsocrates's Rendar Fi (Star Wars Mandalorian)
Lord of the Rings customs:
Link to discussion
All figures are from the LOTR Heroclix line, except for Lurtz, who is a D&D orc archer.
The Fellowship of the Ring:
Legolas Greenleaf
Gandalf the Grey
Samwise Gamgee
Frodo Baggins
Lurtz - the orc that fought Aragorn in the first LOTR movie
Ugluk - one of the orc leaders from the movies
Grinnah the Goblin - goblin from the first Hobbit movie
Ringwraith of Mordor - (custom by Sherman Davies, I included it here so Gandalf's Fearless aura makes sense)
Scenarios / Battle Reports
Mines of Moria
Star Wars customs:
All designed to be compatible with Heroes of Star Wars 'Scape (HoSS).
Original Trilogy
Moff Jerjerodd
Mouse Droid
Malakili (beast-master and Jabba's Rancor tamer) - designed to work with the Geonosian beasts plus the Rancor & Wampa
Prequel Trilogy
Cad Bane - discussion
Sequel Trilogy
Kylo Ren
First Order Stormtroopers (4-man squad)
Resistance Troopers (3-man squad)
Star Wars Rebels - discussion
Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Ezra Bridger
Zeb Orellios
Sabine Wren
Rogue One (designs on hold)
Jyn Erso
Cassian Andor
Chirrut Imwe
Baze Malbus
Bodhi Rook
Vehicles (all are single-spaced minis from the X-Wing Miniatures game)
TIE Fighter
TIE Interceptor
TIE Bomber
Extended Universe
Yuuzhan Vong Warriors - discussion
My Proxies (official designs where I used a different figure and made a new card)
I figured I would post my proxies for classic and C3V/SoV units in case they would be of interest to anyone else. With my collection of random figures I try and use official designs when possible so that I have a card for every figure and don't have to use brain power on coming up with a balanced and fun design.
A couple designs were changed slightly due to figure choice or personal preference. I listed those below; ones without a description are the exact same.
Classic Proxies
Agent Skahen (Heroclix Agent May)
Cyprien Esenwein (Horrorclix Swordsman)
Hatamoto Taro - almost entirely redesigned (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Iron Golem (unknown knight figure I found on the beach)
Knights of Weston - squad of 3 (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Kyntela Gwyn (LOTR Heroclix Galadriel)
Migol Ironwill (LOTR Heroclix Bifur the Dwarf)
Ornak (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Sir Gilbert (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Sir Hawthorne (Horrorclix Black Knight)
Wyvern (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Zelrig (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Zetacron - follows Einar & is a soldier (Transformers Bumblebee figure)
Zombies of Morindan - follow Valkrill, can use Zombie Onslaught while on different elevations (painted Zombies!!! figures)
C3V/SoV Proxies
Asterios (D&D Large Minotaur)
Beorn Boltcutter (Heroclix Splitlip)
Boreos - changed to uncommon and powers/stats adjusted slightly (D&D Large Air Elemental)
Capt. John Varan (green army man that I painted)
Chen Tang - follows Einar (Star Wars Gungan Artillerist)
Gothlok - bonds with Death Knights instead of Death Chasers (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Hoplitron - size medium (Star Wars Krath War Droid)
Kira Jax (Star Wars Old Republic Commander)
Mok - works as a solo hero without dwarves (same figure)
Quahon (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Skull Demon (2) (3) (random toys from my childhood)
Talingul - works with any size construct (Star Wars Imperial Dignitary)
Ulfrid Hornwrangler (D&D Guard of Mithril Hall)
My old & mostly ridiculous/overpowered customs:
AV's old Classic Customs (organized by General sub-folders)
AV's Pokemon Customs
AV's Star Wars Customs
AV's Wave AV1
Classic Heroscape customs:
Spoiler Alert!
Sheriff Lincoln - cowboy leader (Heroclix Jonah Hex)
Shalasha - Varkaanan wolf hero (Confrontation Wolfen)
Dev Jansen - Mariedian hero that allows one extra turn per game (Star Wars old republic commander)
J-05 Resistance Squadron - common squad (3) of Mariedians (Star Wars minis)
Jeb Vandalay - Aquilla Mariedian leader (SoV nomination - failed) (Heroclix Gangbuster)
Soontir Van - a Mariedian leader wearing an Exosuit (SoV nomination - currently in review) (Star Wars Sith Operative)
Trog & Gort - Ettin wizard with tree-movement powers (World of Warcraft ogre)
Coryn the Elementalist - like Kurrok, but for Water Elementals (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Feldspar Drone - common hero that swarms with unique hero insects
Queen Odonata - insect unique hero, leader of the Feldspar Drones
Lagertha Ogresbane - Aquilla flagbearer (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Ebony Midnight - cat that brings bad luck (Heroclix Black Cat)
Quorik Flockmates - unique squad (2) of Raptorians (World of Warcraft birds)
Jhouse - offers protection from psychic attacks (Star Wars Duros Scout)
Franciscan Friars - common squad of monks that heal friendly heroes (Scenarama Friars/Monks pack)
Saint Medicus - monk leader of the Franciscan Friars (Scenarama Friars/Monks pack)
Elsa Karithon - sister of Ana Karithon and very power sorcerer (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Hamish Finnigan - fighter that reuses 3 old powers (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
General Xeno Tullius - futuristic soldier (Heroclix Kraken)
Ernest Boone - big game hunter (Mage Knight Huntsman)
Pavin Nahz - Jandar unique hero - helps other unique heroes (SoV nomination - failed) (Star Wars Chiss Mercenary)
Leebu - OM disruption (Star Wars Gungan Artillerist)
Peacekeeper of Rand - common hero with Lawman synergy (Star Wars Bothan Commando)
Peacekeepers of Rand - design reworked into a 2-man unique squad (Star Wars Bothan Commando)
Phoenixes of Elswin - unique squad of 3, can rebirth (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Merial - Merfolk that can place water tiles (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Jinyu - Archmage that can teleport freely (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Illusions of Jinyu - illusions that can block attacks for Jinyu (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Ariel Reeves - Alien adventurer who can copy abilities from friend or foe (Heroclix Nebula)
Greater Air Elemental - Vortex Pull is from C3V's Boreos (D&D Large Air Elemental)
Flobendis - another Ullar Dragon (Mage Knight Dragon)
Keyalis - archer hero with Frenzy (Mage Knight Elf Archer)
Farthenfur - boosts adjacent figures (Star Wars Wookiee)
Talaril Golar - Elf version of Sir Dupuis (Mage Knight Mounted Elf)
Giants of Barrenspur - winner of Dr.Goomonkey's August 2018 custom contest (Reaper Bones ogres)
Lewa - the 10th Elf Wizard, helps the Ashra & Aubriens too (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Huatzin - couatl unique hero (Couatl from the Deathknell D&D set)
Friar Buck - hero that works with C3V's Rogue/Merry Men faction (Scenearama monk)
Valirahc - Drow Arachnomancer, winner of Obfuscatedhippo/Orgsbane's second custom contest (Erevan Sunshadow repaint by Orgsbane)
Spiders of Lolth - common squad (4) that bonds with Drow & Arachnids (spiders from a Halloween dollar store pack)
Slorm - 20 point Goblin filler (Mage Knight Goblin Archer)
Tarmikos - Attack-boosting aura (Star Wars Imperial Dignitary)
Lord Varlioc - negation aura (Star Wars Sith Lord)
Kraetor the Kyrie Warrior - kyrie with a negation aura (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Queen Spider - uncommon predator hero (cheap spider from a Halloween pack)
Firecat Elementals - unique squad of 3 with Searing Intensity (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Upuaut - Wolf to help the Anubian Wolves (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Lycaon - a werewolf darklord that works better at midnight (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Yora Flamehands - pyromancer that can burn down trees (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Blood Cultist Nikolai - Demon supporter (D&D Blood Cultist of Vol)
Ezekiel Esenwein - vampire that supports Nicholas's Thralls (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Akira Esenwein - another vampire, this time a low cost hero that also helps the Thralls (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Destromech AA-3 - soulborg riding a dragonfly (Mage Knight thing)
Plague Rat - rat common hero (cheap rat from a Halloween pack)
Twilight Clan Cultists - 2 man unique squad that hates humans (Star Wars disciples of ragnos)
Persephone - undead leader with some powerful magic of her own (Arena of the Planeswalkers figure)
Scarecrow Slasher - uncommon scarecrow hero (Horrorclix Scarecrow)
Erebos - Valkrill's mighty dragon that can hurt both friend and foe (Mega Bloks Dragon)
Rorken - Hybrid that disintegrates enemies (new prettier card) (Star Wars ugnaught droid destroyer)
Non Rastche - starts in enemy start zone (Star Wars Sith Operative)
Agent Groob - alien agent based on HoSS's Bossk (Star Wars Yuzzem)
Illidarious Phantoms - unique squad that can destroy themselves for automatic wounds (Arena of the Planeswalkers figures)
Agent Leopold - Agent faction leader (Heroclix SHIELD agent)
Microcorp Agent Rendar - hero based on the Microcorp agents & capsocrates's Rendar Fi (Star Wars Mandalorian)
Lord of the Rings customs:
Spoiler Alert!
Link to discussion
All figures are from the LOTR Heroclix line, except for Lurtz, who is a D&D orc archer.
The Fellowship of the Ring:
Legolas Greenleaf
Gandalf the Grey
Samwise Gamgee
Frodo Baggins
Lurtz - the orc that fought Aragorn in the first LOTR movie
Ugluk - one of the orc leaders from the movies
Grinnah the Goblin - goblin from the first Hobbit movie
Ringwraith of Mordor - (custom by Sherman Davies, I included it here so Gandalf's Fearless aura makes sense)
Scenarios / Battle Reports
Mines of Moria
Star Wars customs:
Spoiler Alert!
All designed to be compatible with Heroes of Star Wars 'Scape (HoSS).
Original Trilogy
Moff Jerjerodd
Mouse Droid
Malakili (beast-master and Jabba's Rancor tamer) - designed to work with the Geonosian beasts plus the Rancor & Wampa
Prequel Trilogy
Cad Bane - discussion
Sequel Trilogy
Kylo Ren
First Order Stormtroopers (4-man squad)
Resistance Troopers (3-man squad)
Star Wars Rebels - discussion
Hera Syndulla
Kanan Jarrus
Ezra Bridger
Zeb Orellios
Sabine Wren
Rogue One (designs on hold)
Jyn Erso
Cassian Andor
Chirrut Imwe
Baze Malbus
Bodhi Rook
Vehicles (all are single-spaced minis from the X-Wing Miniatures game)
TIE Fighter
TIE Interceptor
TIE Bomber
Extended Universe
Yuuzhan Vong Warriors - discussion
My Proxies (official designs where I used a different figure and made a new card)
Spoiler Alert!
I figured I would post my proxies for classic and C3V/SoV units in case they would be of interest to anyone else. With my collection of random figures I try and use official designs when possible so that I have a card for every figure and don't have to use brain power on coming up with a balanced and fun design.
A couple designs were changed slightly due to figure choice or personal preference. I listed those below; ones without a description are the exact same.
Classic Proxies
Agent Skahen (Heroclix Agent May)
Cyprien Esenwein (Horrorclix Swordsman)
Hatamoto Taro - almost entirely redesigned (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Iron Golem (unknown knight figure I found on the beach)
Knights of Weston - squad of 3 (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Kyntela Gwyn (LOTR Heroclix Galadriel)
Migol Ironwill (LOTR Heroclix Bifur the Dwarf)
Ornak (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Sir Gilbert (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Sir Hawthorne (Horrorclix Black Knight)
Wyvern (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Zelrig (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Zetacron - follows Einar & is a soldier (Transformers Bumblebee figure)
Zombies of Morindan - follow Valkrill, can use Zombie Onslaught while on different elevations (painted Zombies!!! figures)
C3V/SoV Proxies
Asterios (D&D Large Minotaur)
Beorn Boltcutter (Heroclix Splitlip)
Boreos - changed to uncommon and powers/stats adjusted slightly (D&D Large Air Elemental)
Capt. John Varan (green army man that I painted)
Chen Tang - follows Einar (Star Wars Gungan Artillerist)
Gothlok - bonds with Death Knights instead of Death Chasers (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Hoplitron - size medium (Star Wars Krath War Droid)
Kira Jax (Star Wars Old Republic Commander)
Mok - works as a solo hero without dwarves (same figure)
Quahon (Mega Bloks Dragons figure)
Skull Demon (2) (3) (random toys from my childhood)
Talingul - works with any size construct (Star Wars Imperial Dignitary)
Ulfrid Hornwrangler (D&D Guard of Mithril Hall)
My old & mostly ridiculous/overpowered customs:
Spoiler Alert!
AV's old Classic Customs (organized by General sub-folders)
AV's Pokemon Customs
AV's Star Wars Customs
AV's Wave AV1
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