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APOSTLE'S CREED - a zombie story

Chapter 12:
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

I'll try to post next chapter tomorrow

Chapter 19

Next chapter:

Spoiler Alert!

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Chapter 20

Chapter 20:

Spoiler Alert!

We are up to twenty chapters now! As always let me know what you think.

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Chapter 21

Next chapter. The journey is moving along.

Spoiler Alert!

Next chapter will likely be a couple days due to the holidays, but all the same let me know what you think.

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Chater 22

Back from Christmas and time for a new chapter:

Spoiler Alert!

I'll try to post the next chapter quickly

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Chapter 23

Hello everyone and happy New Year's Eve. This marks two months since I began posting chapters. Hard to believe it was finally finished and ready to post that long ago.

Anyhow, here is Chapter 23:

Spoiler Alert!

As always let me know what you think

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Chapter 23 - man, I'm over ten chapters behind. I will get back to this, I promise.

Chapter 23 - man, I'm over ten chapters behind. I will get back to this, I promise.


Don't worry about it man, you never know when a reader will fall behind or have real life matters come up or whatever. Feel free to catch up at any time, and don't forget you said you prefer to be further back rather than caught up should the urge to read in bulk strike you ;)

Chapter 24

Now we are up to Chapter 24:

Spoiler Alert!

Let me know what you think

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Chapter 25

Chapter 25. This is another of my favorite chapters.

Spoiler Alert!

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Chapter 26

Next chapter. It is a longer one:

Spoiler Alert!

As always let me know what you think

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I'm back, and we're off with Chapter 13:
Spoiler Alert!

Ah, movement! :)

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I'll post the new chapter shortly

Chapter 27

New chapter. This one is shorter, except that it isn't: another three-section one.

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Things are now truthfully up in the air.

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Chapter 14:
Spoiler Alert!

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Chapter 28

Typos fixed.

Spoiler Alert!

Next chapter. 28 is a bit shorter, partially as a result of the length of the chapter previous, but that doesn't mean nothing happens in it.

Spoiler Alert!

As always let me know what you think

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Re: Chapter 28

Typos fixed.

Spoiler Alert!
Interesting... I've been taught and used it as using 'towards' when the object is singular, and 'toward' when it is plural. The internet seems to disagree with me there.

I think in the above passage, setting the words off with quotes would have tipped me off that Reed was talking about grammar, and not using the words literally.


EDIT: Also, I recall you saying at one point that you wanted to keep the chapter count relatively same for both books, but we're a few over the count of TMHW now... does that mean the end is nearing for AC?
Re: Chapter 28

Also, I recall you saying at one point that you wanted to keep the chapter count relatively same for both books, but we're a few over the count of TMHW now... does that mean the end is nearing for AC?

Yes, we are nearing the end. The final chapter will be specified as the final chapter when it's posted, so you'll know when the story has officially reached its conclusion.

Chapters 15 & 16:
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Chapter 17:
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Chapter 18:
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Chapter 29

Man, bro's just speedrunning the story now. :shock:

I'd better continue my pace if I'm to stay ahead. Here's Chapter 29, another fairly lengthy one:

Spoiler Alert!

As always let me know what you think.

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Re: Chapter 29

Man, bro's just speedrunning the story now. :shock:
I just have a half hour slot nearly every day where I read - I finished the book I was reading and decided to get caught up on this during that time before I start anything else. So you can expect something nearly every day while chapters last. ;)

Chapter 19:
Spoiler Alert!
