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Age of Annihilation Tournament Maps & Glyphs


Online HS Season 12 Champ, But Still Three-N-Two
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This thread is meant to be a resource for Tournament and Event Organizers looking for tournament quality maps using the Age of Annihilation Master set and any other Heroscape Terrain System products released by Renegade Game Studios.

The primary goal of this thread is to showcase community designed tournament maps using only the new AoA Master set and other new sets. Though map makers will be combining new and old sets together. You can visit the map makers specific map threads for maps using only older sets, or sets that combine new and old sets.



If you are looking for high quality tournament maps in general over the course of the game's history, please visit the Wargrounds of Scape Display Thread. When in doubt of what maps to bring to a tournament, those maps will be an excellent choice. You can also visit the map threads of map makers with WoS inducted maps.

The next post will showcase some of the most up to date tournament maps from the AoA Map Contest.

If you use any of these maps at your events please leave feedback for them in here or in the Tournament Map Feedback Thread.

Mapmakers, feel free to post your AoA tournament maps, I'll I'll make a direct link to your first post in the OP. When you make new maps, you can edit your initial post (and feel free to post that you added new map(s) as well).



Another important item for tournament maps is glyph selection. Glyph selection is done a few ways for events:

1. A pool of glyphs at each map. They are shuffled facedown and a random one is drawn and placed for each assigned spot on the map, then flipped face up. Players then place their armies after seeing the glyphs for that game. (This was done at GenCon 2024 by Renegade.)
  • There is a variation of this, where the glyphs stay facedown after they are placed, and are not revealed until a figure steps on them. While this is was more common in the early days of Heroscape events, it has now fallen out of favor and not used that often anymore. I personally do not recommended this variation at all.
2. Glyphs are pre-assigned faceup to a specific location on each map (as denoted in the build instructions) by the event organizer. They stay in those locations throughout the event, and any temporary glyphs are put back in their specific location after the match. This is the most common system done by community-ran events. For larger convention events like ScapeCon, glyph assignments for each map are announced at the same time. Otherwise for local events, it's common for glyphs to be assigned day of the event, though some do announce glyphs for each map ahead of the event.

3. Glyphs are randomly assigned to their specific locations faceup prior to the start of the tournament by the event organizers. They stay in those locations throughout the event, and any temporary glyphs are put back in their specific location after the match. This style of glyph assignment is not as common anymore but still used at several events.

Glyphs: What to use?
If you only have access to AoA Master Set, these are the recommended glyphs for your event:

  • Dagmar (Init+8 ) / Haukeland (Healing) / Quillivon (Sudden Movement) / Yadulkia (Disengage)

If you have access to all Official Glyphs (by proxy with Brandar, buying them second hand, or buying the upcoming Glyph Pack from Renegade):

  • Dagmar (Init+8 ) / Haukeland (Healing) / Quillivon (Sudden Movement) / Yadulkia (Disengage)
  • Lodin (d20+1) / Ulanvia (Unique Attack +1) / Valda (Move+2) / Wannok (Wound)

If you are open to using custom glyphs designed and adopted for use for events, I recommend the VC Glyphs below. There are more in development currently, but I will just name those that have been used for some time.

  • Lorja Ivor (Range+1) / Zawit (Teleport) / Sola Astrid (+1 Attack, Once Per Order Marker) / Manig Lodin (d20+2)

Treasure Glyphs
Treasure glyphs have not been re-released yet by Renegade (they are coming in the Glyph Pack), but if you are using maps with them:

Treasure glyphs start the game facedown, with a Trap. Sometimes the map specifies the Trap, otherwise it's up the event organizer.

When a unique hero ends its movement on a facedown Treasure glyph, before attacking it may attempt to pick up the Treasure. Roll a d20, if it's 1-5, the Trap is triggered and the figure does not pick up the glyph. Otherwise, 6+ means the unique hero safely picks up the Treasure and places it on it's card.

Right now, there is no standard trap, however here are two options I've seen used multiple times:

  • Treasure Trap: Roll one unblockable attack die against every figure standing on or carrying a glyph.
  • Treasure Trap: The unique hero attempting to pick up the Treasure suffers one wound.

To encourage the use of Treasure glyphs, some community ran events have adopted some variants to Treasure rules:
  • The facedown Treasures are open information during the game, so that players know what Treasures they are trying to pick up.
  • If a unique hero triggers the Trap, the hero can roll d20 again to pick up the treasure, possibly triggering the trap again, until they successfully pick up the Treasure or decline to roll the d20.
  • If a unique hero triggers the Trap, after resolving it the hero gets the Treasure anyway.
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AoA Contest Maps (Presented in Order of Entry)

If you need help narrowing down which maps of this list to bring to an event, I would first recommend those used at GenCon 2024. If any of these maps get an updated version, I will edit this post with the updated version.

If you use any of these maps at your events (especially those not seen at GenCon 2024) please leave feedback for them in here or in the Tournament Map Thread.

Spoiler Alert!
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Thanks for putting this together! Super excited to see all of the maps with the new sets!

I’m not a huge fan of Sudden Movement myself, personally, but maybe I just need to play a few more games with it. It definitely smarted in my bears mirror match at Gen Con - whoever won initiative got to control all of the high ground, period. Feels like it would be more balanced if you could only move stuff that’s still in your start zone.
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Thanks for putting this together! Super excited to see all of the maps with the new sets!

I’m not a huge fan of Sudden Movement myself, personally, but maybe I just need to play a few more games with it. It definitely smarted in my bears mirror match at Gen Con - whoever won initiative got to control all of the high ground, period. Feels like it would be more balanced if you could only move stuff that’s still in your start zone.

I agree, I'm not a fan of it myself, but with the limited glyph options out of the AoA master set the 4 I listed are better and more useful than the rest.
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Dieways of Annihilation
AoA x1, BftW x1, LJ x1

This map started as something casual to play with the fam, but after playing several games it's surprisingly solid even without the road. The original is definitely better but this could be a good choice for those limited to the Renegade sets.

Shoehorn Mini
BftW x1

I've also made this x1 BftW map based on Pigeonhole, intended for learn-to-play/army demos. I tried to get a little bit of everything between Jungle blocking LoS from the middle to the glyphs, both wellspring and normal water, and recommending 1 permanent and 1 temporary glyph. Removing the normal water would probably make for a better play experience but I felt the need to shoehorn it in somewhere it would matter.

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This map started as something casual to play with the fam, but after playing several games it's surprisingly solid even without the road. The original is definitely better but this could be a good choice for those limited to the Renegade sets.
Perhaps the Renegade Road box will contain at least 60 road hexes. We already know it won't have trees, and the other land boxes have far more than that. Then you could build a modern H&D very easily.
I've added links to the HexiCon 3 Map contests, and links to Shurrig's and GamerLegion's maps.

I plan to make a post for Gamebear's maps, but for now I'll link to his main page. He currently has 4 maps using just new terrain.
I put together imitations of 4 classic Heroscape tournament maps (ones that are tried and true, three of which are in the Wargrounds of Scape) using only the terrain in the Tournament Organizer Terrain Kit.

In each case there are some subtle variations compared to the originals, so they may not be as good as the originals. However, they are a good use of the available terrain (and arguably a better use than some other maps that have been published for the TOTK).

The four maps I set out to imitate were Ticalla Sunrise by GameBear, Origin by Flash_19, Fulcrum by Dignan, and Embattled Fen by GameBear. You can download the .pdf here https://www.heroscapers.com/resourc...n-fulcrum-embattled-plain-totk-editions.5788/ and all 4 maps are on https://heroscape.org/map/ as well.

Fulcrum can be enhanced by adding additional jungle trees or bushes at the locations marked by a white snow tile (those spaces should be otherwise left empty).

Many thanks to superfrog for the beautiful hi-res renders of these maps.

Ticalla Sunrise (TOTK Edition)

Origin (TOTK Edition)

Fulcrum (TOTK Edition)

Embattled Plain (Embattled Fen TOTK Edition)
These look awesome!
I didn't realize that the tournament kit came with walls, or are those extra?
It comes with 8 pillars and 4 of the "large" walls. And 12 bushes.

Not really enough LoS blockers for 4 maps IMO.