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Age of Annihilation-Inclusive Tier List


Active member
Tier lists exist for both classic Heroscape and inclusive of C3V/SOV units. These tier lists evoke discussions of the units' abilities and place within the meta and help newer players build armies. With Age of Annihilation being released, this tier list will be a useful tool for new and veteran players alike who plan to play in these events moving forward.

The rankings are below. For a letter grade system, an S Tier adds more depth to the letter grade power rankings and allows for more subtlety among the top ranks. The rankings don't consider any customs. This tier list will only be updated after the official release of the sets and after every unit in the set has seen enough play so that 'Scapers have a reliable tier list that does not change rapidly nor depend on theoryscaping. I have marked the AoA units with their general colors to easily distinguish them from classic. For now, I will be keeping my rankings of the Haslab AoA units as I put enough work into testing them to be worth it, and I expect the rankings will not change much. For now, every unit has been marked as unreleased. Explanations of rank meaning and the AoA rankings are in the spoiler below.


Major Q9
Marro Warriors
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RotV)


4th Massachusetts Line
10th Regiment of Foot
Frostclaw Paladins (Unreleased)
Heavy Gruts
Knight Primus Adelbern (Unreleased)
Knights of Weston
Sir Gilbert


Admiral EJ-1M (Unreleased)
Airborne Elite
Axegrinders of Burning Forge
Crimson Widow (Unreleased)
Darrak Ambershard
Death Chasers of Thesk
Dreadnaughts of New Tortuga (Unreleased)
Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler (Unreleased)
Izumi Samurai
Kaemon Awa
Krav Maga Agents
Major Q10
Marcu Esenwein
Marro Stingers
Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider
Thyraxis Dragoon (Unreleased)


Agent Skahen
Alastair MacDirk
Arrow Gruts
Cyprien Esenwein
Fen Hydra
Festering Honor Guard (Unreleased)
Finn the Viking Champion
Fire Elemental
Greenscale Warriors
Iron Lich Viscerot (Unreleased)
Kurrok the Elementalist
Kyntela Gwyn
Marrden Nagrubs
Mogrimm Forgehammer
Phantom Knights
Queen Maladrix the Conqueror (Unreleased)
Scavorinth Lord of Ruin (Unreleased)

Tarn Viking Warriors


Blade Gruts
Black Wyrmling
Concan the Kyrie Warrior
Guilty McCreech
Hellforge Mandukor (Unreleased)
Ice Troll Berserker
Imperator Kayne (Unreleased)
James Murphy
Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan
Marcus Decimus Gallus
Marro Dividers
Migol Ironwill
Mohican River Tribe
Nakita Agents
Necrotech Wraithraiders (Unreleased)
Ogre Warhulk
Ordo Borealis (Unreleased)
Roman Legionnaires
Sacred Band
Sgt. Drake Alexander (SotM)
Sonya Esenwein
Swog Rider
Tandros Kreel
Thorgrim the Viking Warrior
Venoc Vipers
Venoc Warlord


Air Elemental
Ashigaru Harquebus
Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior
Capuan Gladiators
Cornelius Breech the Blackguard Prince (Unreleased)
First Officer Bok-Bur-Na (Unreleased)

Frost Giant of Morh
Fyorlag Spiders
Goblin Cutters
Horned Skull Brutes
Knight Adjuctor Oberon (Unreleased)
Marrden Hounds
Marro Drones
Minions of Utgar
Mezzodemon Warmongers
Ogre Pulverizer
Red Wyrmling
Samuel Brown
Vorid Burrowbreaker (Unreleased)
Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan (Unreleased)

Zombies of Morindan


Ana Karithon
Anubian Wolves
Aubrien Archers
Drow Chainfighter
Fia Bonny the Void Siren (Unreleased)
Halushia Scion of the Wild (Unreleased)
Iron Golem
MacDirk Warriors
Microcorp Agents
Othkurik the Black Dragon
Protectors of Ullar
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (SotM)
Rhogar Dragonspine
Sentinels of Jandar
Sgt. Drake Alexander (RotV)
Sir Hawthorne
Tagawa Samurai
Werewolf Lord
Wolves of Badru
Xenithrax the Soulweaver (Unreleased)


Agent Carr
Death Knights of Valkrill
Deathwalker 8000
Earth Elemental
Evar Scarcarver
Granite Guardians
Kato Katsuro
Killian Vane III (Unreleased)
Knaves of the Silver Scimitar (Unreleased)
Marachott the Mind Whisperer (Unreleased)
Master Win Chiu Woo
Mind Flayer Mastermind
Ninjas of the Northern Wind
Omnicron Repulsors
Shaolin Monks
Sir Denrick
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior
Tagawa Samurai Archers
Warden 816
Warriors of Ashra
White Wyrmling


Armoc Vipers
Brandis Skyhunter
Blue Wyrmling
Chana the Zenithwing (Unreleased)
Deepwyrm Drow
Exiles of the Sundered Sea (Unreleased)
Feral Troll
Kelda the Kyrie Warrior
Kozuke Samurai
Marro Hive
Master of the Hunt
Omnicron Snipers
Quasatch Hunters
Raakchott Desecrator of Death (Unreleased)


Ashigaru Yari
Dumutef Guard
Einar Imperium
Elite Onyx Vipers
Empress Kiova
Greater Ice Elemental
Iskra Esenwein
Khosumet the Darklord
Marro Drudge
Roman Archers
Rechets of Bogdan
Shades of Bleakwoode
Sharwin Wildeborn
Zettian Guards


Deathwalker 9000
Deadeye Dan
Erevan Sunshadow
Grok Riders
Kita the Springrunner (Unreleased)
Mika Connour
Obsidian Guards
Sir Dupuis
Templar Cavalry


Deathwalker 7000
Hatamoto Taro
Major X17
Sahaugin Raider

Explanation of ranks:
Spoiler Alert!

Rankings with commentary:
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Reserved to track changes

Changes 8/29/2023 (Post ScapeCon III)
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I love the fact that you made this list. Since I have often found these very helpful (and often entertaining), I will be including your ranking commentary in the AoA books I create.
AoA Thoughts

Having an S tier threw me a little bit seeing the A+ stuff where you have it but I'll try to adjust with how I think you're roughly dividing things up.

Frostclaw Paladins - I think you have them a bit too high. 3 move is really painful and if you bump them up to 6 move they only have 1 or 2 attack. That's not really going to be that helpful against masses of common squads. They're good but I don't think they're this level of good.

Knight Primus Adelbern - Yeah, he's super good. Agree.

Crimson Widow - Also very good. Agree.

Admiral EJ-1M - 3 life 6 defense for 170 points worries me but he's an amazing stabilizer for the Pirates. Probably put him at A- or B+ though because that lifense combo worries me.

Dreadnauts of New Tortuga - I don't know if I think they're the best pirate squad but they are really good. A bit better against heroes than squads (except the two lifers) which makes me want to downgrade them a touch but I think this is fine. I'd probably put them in the next lower tier though if I was making the rankings.

Thyraxis Dragoon - Yeah this figure is a pain and worth every one of those 195 points. Agree.

Festering Honor Guard - There's a number of armies these things can wreck. I agree with this placement.

Iron Lich Viscerot - I think this is a bit too high. Can output a lot of damage yeah but will also get wrecked in return by squads. I think the Lich is B tier until there's a whole cadre of Eisenek in the game

Queen Maladrix the Conqueror - Probably correct since I'm far more worried about her damage output than I am the Lich's

Scavorith, Lord of Ruin - I strongly disagree. This figure is so easy to tie up so that the extra turn does almost nothing. This is a C figure as far as I'm concerned.

Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler - Dude is legit really good and I think he belongs in the A tier. Agree he's a bit better with the Dwarves but I think he makes an excellent pirate addition.

Hellforge Mandukor - Auto wounds are really strong. This probably loses a dedicated fight against common squads but this is just an absolute bane for anything with high defense or defensive special abilities. Probably agree but I'm tempted to think it's a low A.

Imperator Kayne - Only getting to stomp once per turn and no healing really hurts compared to TKN. Ranged attack is nice but I think this is a lower B even with the bonding.

Necrotech Wraithraiders - These things are arguably better than the Lich so I guess I'd put the Lich in the tier below these things.

Ordo Borealis - If you can get them into position great. I'm just wondering how easy that is. Until I see solid performances with them I'd knock them down to low B tier.

Cornelius Breech the Derelict Prince - I don't understand why you would want to attack your own figures with Cornelius in the army. Dude is a solid beatstick and First Assault giving him a reason to play disengage games is fun. He's probably B- but I can't disagree too much with this placement.

First Officer Bok-Bur-Na - He can do some stuff but I'm not sure it's enough to threaten common squads more than any other double attackers. The debuff is neat. I think that alone might be worth the bump up to B+ but this is fine since it's uncertain how hard that will be to use.

Knight Adjuctor Oberon - Hate that this figure has a name that means King of the Fairies. He's decent. I'd probably put him in B-

Vorid Burrowbreaker - Yeah agree. Solid figure that you won't hate having but isn't amazing.

Wing Commander Tuck Harrigan - Being able to drop on height is pretty neat and having more control over it than you do with Airborne. Again solid but not amazing. Basically agree.

Fia Bonny the Void Siren - She feels like a figure that you keep back until the board is cleared out. I can agree with this ranking.

Halushia Scion of the Wild - I feel like without all the familiars revealed I can't really rank this figure.

Xenithrax the Soulweaver - Special is honestly solid. 5 range 4 attack with potential for more. Heck you can probably use your own figures to bridge gaps. Even if your opponents don't bunch up you can do some real annoying things. Xen is probably B or B+. The vines can also make things real nasty to play around.

Killian Vane III - Probably one of the weakest pirates yeah but bonding with a special attack is still really solid. Would probably put him at B-

Knaves of the Silver Scimitar - 4 figure squad is good. They're a bit spendier than I like but I think they could pull their weight if they're like the second wave after other pirates have engaged with things. Still probably about where I would put them.

Marachott the Mind Whisperer - Without seeing all familiars don't really feel like I can rank.

Chana the Zenithwing - Need to see all the familiars.

Exiles of the Sundered Sea - I honestly think they are better than the Knaves because Stealthy and the Pistols mean you just put one Order Marker on them for 3 rounds and try to kill as much as you can from range and I think that's much more likely to work than trying to play First Assault games with the Knaves. I'd put them at B-

Raakchott Desecrator of Death - Can't judge without all the familiars.

Kita the Springrunner - This isn't good but it's 30 points which means I don't expect much. I don't think it's D level. Need to see all familiars thought to be sure.

~Dysole, waiting to see the whole set for final thoughts
I love the fact that you made this list. Since I have often found these very helpful (and often entertaining), I will be including your ranking commentary in the AoA books I create.

Hey, glad these were helpful! With the recent news of the reboot-reboot, these will probably change, but they are a great start to making the books feel fleshed out!
Re: AoA Thoughts

Having an S tier threw me a little bit seeing the A+ stuff where you have it but I'll try to adjust with how I think you're roughly dividing things up.

Thanks for putting this together, Dysole. This is great feedback. Glad to see we agree on most things. As I just mentioned above, these rankings may change with the Renegade relaunch, especially since full factions will probably (almost certainly) change things on their own, and actually getting to see lots of players use these in a competitive setting will probably slightly adjust the rest.

As for the few points we disagree, here's my rebuttal:

Iron Lich--Anyone can get memed by 4th Mass. I don't think he "gets wrecked" by tons of squaddies any more than the other A- tier heroes with their full synergy. He's definitely a float between B+ and A- though.

Scavorinth--This is the one we disagree on the most. The Eisenek faction's ability to obliterate any frontward position is devastating. And you don't really tie up a 7 life, 4 defense figure--he ties you up. He'll stay at A- for now until I can be convinced that the sheer dice output isn't worth the cost.

Dorim--I agree with you on this. I think I underestimated him with pirates. When the next update on these rolls around, he will probably get bumped up a tier.

Killian--I probably picked on him a bit too much, and he might end up being a useful utility figure in certain formats. We'll keep an eye on him.

Your feedback on every figure is appreciated, whether it is in agreement or not, and especially where you have suggested a very small change. Those are the most interesting discussions and I'm looking forward to taking care of this tierlist with the future of Heroscape in mind. I'm hoping this can be a great place in the forum moving forward, and you've done a great job jump-starting that!
Updated with ScapeCon results. I currently have my eye on the Admiral, Viscerot, and Ordo Borealis, but until more events arise I won't be able to draw too many conclusions from the Age of Rebirth event. In a year's time there will be a deluge of games to draw on to lock in the rankings as players smarter than I utilize the units. In the meantime, Dorim got a big kick up to match the Axegrinders' ranking.
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I also went ahead and updated the AoA books I'm curating with your rankings, and subbed to the thread to keep an eye out for changes. Thanks for the hard work!
I've made some updates to the tier list. None of them involve figure rankings.

Update 1, or Let Me Be Clear

I've added my explanation of what the tiers mean to me. With another tier involved, the much-needed S Tier, I realized that some of what the A/B rankings mean might get muddled. Hopefully those explanations help.

Update 2, or I'm Sorry For Your Eyes

I've changed the colors for the Aquilla AoA units to a darker yellow, and bolded all of the unit names so that they are easier to read. I apologize for anyone who got a headache trying to find Dorim.

Update 3, or Keeping The Power In Rankings

Despite the influx of new AoA units released by Renegade, I will not be adding them to the tier list yet, nor will I be adjusting any of the previously revealed Haslab units. There has been a recent creep of theoryscaping into community rankings, which I've taken to calling "the Deadeye Dan effect." While it is fun to theoryscape, one only has to point to the first 5 pages of the Book of Deadeye Dan to understand that ranking units without seeing them played seriously in a tournament setting, or playing them yourself, is folly. I released this tierlist after many hours of testing these units against others and myself, but now that they will be widely available to players much smarter and more creative than I am, it only makes sense to wait to see what comes to life in the tournament scene. This Age of Annihilation-Inclusive Tier List will only be updated when sets are physically released, and only then when units have seen an appropriate bulk of tournament play to ensure that this tierlist remains a reliable and accurate resource. Anything else would be a disservice to these rankings.
Feels about right. Thanks for putting this together.

Can I ask how much data went into this? Is anyone doing a lot of playtesting?
Feels about right. Thanks for putting this together.

Can I ask how much data went into this? Is anyone doing a lot of playtesting?

Thanks for the questions. I played several games with each released Avalon Hill card both against myself and others. At that point, AoA had been long dead and that was probably the most anyone was going to seriously play with those units. It’s clear those test games were important. For example, I’ve ranked Xenithrax lower and the Frostclaws higher than any other tier list. Coincidentally, in the first AoA-inclusive Online Heroscape Seasons, the three Xenithrax armies went 4-6 combined and didn’t get past the regular season; meanwhile, the Frostclaws army made semifinals and was knocked out only by the eventual (non-AoA) winning army.

Clearly those test games were enough to provide the most accurate rankings for those units. But, due to the revival, I still plan to wait for extensive tournament results to avoid the Deadeye Dan effect. That will be the “playtesting” that goes into these rankings.
This is awesome! Thank you for the amount of work and research you put into this post! I am curious as to where you would rank the Warforged as a unit, or Heirloom as a hero. I like having units that can disrupt an opponent’s positioning on the field. Heirloom is great for crowd control and preventing grouping of squads, and Warforged can negate most height advantages with tactical switch.
This is awesome! Thank you for the amount of work and research you put into this post! I am curious as to where you would rank the Warforged as a unit, or Heirloom as a hero. I like having units that can disrupt an opponent’s positioning on the field. Heirloom is great for crowd control and preventing grouping of squads, and Warforged can negate most height advantages with tactical switch.

Obviously they’re S+++++ Tier. ;p
This is awesome! Thank you for the amount of work and research you put into this post! I am curious as to where you would rank the Warforged as a unit, or Heirloom as a hero. I like having units that can disrupt an opponent’s positioning on the field. Heirloom is great for crowd control and preventing grouping of squads, and Warforged can negate most height advantages with tactical switch.

Great question, I didn't realize they were missing from the Tier List! Hopefully those are the only 2...

I ranked Heirloom at A- and Warforged at B. Heirloom is a very solid unit in the hands of a skilled player. I'm a big fan of the Warforged but unfortunately they get out-activated or out-tricked by most of the B+ and up units.
Gret work here. Very useful in proxying AOA, which we've been doing lightly since Anitar did her cards way back when.

B Level Edit: Warforged Soldiers show in Green, but they are Classic and should be in black. Probably because they are between two other Greens.
Does this tierlist include the new point costs from the Update? Mostly I am talking about this:

Major Q9
Increased from 180 to 250 points.
Increased from 185 to 240 points.
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior
Rise of the Valkyrie
Increased from 80 to 125 points.
Marro Warriors
Increased from 50 to 105 points.
Increased from 120 to 160 points.
Sir Gilbert
Increased from 105 to 160 points.
Increased from 50 to 70 points.
4th Massachusetts Line
Increased from 70 to 100 points.
10th Regiment of Foot
Increased from 75 to 95 points.
Increased from 40 to 60 points.