Don't question things, just consume product! And get excited for next product!
Don't question things, just consume product! And get excited for next product!
That's the thing that I'm currently a bit unsure about, is if there even is a next product for HS even if this does succeed. If they had to go all-in or nothing with this set, what will be the case after? I know they've teased possibilities after the fact if it hits its goal, but that could just be talk to get this initial batch out and get the money. Nothing is inherently promised after of course.
So when I think of biting the bullet, ordering/backing(and later selling), for the greater good of potentially getting stuff I actually want down the line, that later down the line may very well not be in the cards. Especially if its based on demand, and if this thing just barely scratches and claws its way across the finish line, meeting the bare minimum of support from many backers who likely purchased several, is that considered "demand"?
Agreed. There's talk of upfront tooling costs in order to make the terrain. Once they've invested the money to make that tooling, there would have to be a really good reason not to use it again, whether that's the terrain or miniatures. The costs of producing new product would be much cheaper. How they market to and find new players beyond the existing fan base is another puzzle to solve.
Just not seeing it worth it to move into the territory of personal sniping back and forth, which that thread was getting into. Lets avoid that over here, please.
Its still not moving at light speed or anything, but the rate/number of backers seems to have increased today. Did anything change besides adding the terrain contents to the bottom of the campaign page?
Its still not moving at light speed or anything, but the rate/number of backers seems to have increased today. Did anything change besides adding the terrain contents to the bottom of the campaign page?
Just not seeing it worth it to move into the territory of personal sniping back and forth, which that thread was getting into. Lets avoid that over here, please.
Yes, please! I remember how divided this community became over WotC-Scape - heck, Clan even earned the title 'Ruiner of Wednesdays!' - but the current polarization here is really something else!
I commented to a Reddit user the other day that many of their questions could be answered here, but I advised them to pick a new user name as their one for Reddit was somewhat offensive and not appropriate for this community. I haven't been very active here for several years now (the poor TheoryScape thread has died in my absence!), but I've always loved the generally friendly, open-minded atmosphere. This used to be a place people could disagree without going after each other.
My gaming group has thrown down for two sets (so far), and I hope soon our game and community will be as great as I remember.
Its still not moving at light speed or anything, but the rate/number of backers seems to have increased today. Did anything change besides adding the terrain contents to the bottom of the campaign page?
Vasel did cover it briefly in his crowdsurfing video today.
Frankly I think people underestimate how high emotions are running for everyone. I also think this community has unresolved feelings with hasbro about d&d scape and how heroscape ended. A group funding project is also the absolute worst way that heroscape could be revived as it inherently puts us in a position to blame each other for the perceived success or failure of heroscape’s rebirth.
I think we need to shift the conversation away from sides to understanding. The conversation can’t be about right and wrong. People are right to be upset about the changes in the game. People are also right that this is the only chance at getting heroscape back.
There are no wrong sides, this isn’t a math problem with a objective provable answer. We need to be considerate of each other, and we need to take a few breaths and try to consider how the other side feels and why they think the way their thinking.
There’s gonna be new people flowing in who are gonna say the same things that have been said from the start, and we have to be considerate of the fact that it’s a new topic for them. Similarly anyone reading this who just learned about this needs to understand that we’ve been having this discussion for several weeks now, and we’ve said it all already.
Have a nice day everyone.
In my mind, any growth in awareness will be a net positive for this campaign. Even though Tom's review/commentary was very mixed, merely making people aware of the campaign probably had a net positive effect on our progress toward 8,000 units pledged.
That's a solid post, foofoofun. I find myself wanting to remind people - here, there, everywhere - to remember to breathe. It's a long campaign. Too long to white knuckle it.