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A3n's Dr Who Customs - Dalek Sec & Clockwork Men added


"Let's Nut this Unit Out!"
Site Supporter
Some time ago I got one of those 7 pack of Dr Who Micro Universe figures & I have been meaning to do some custom cards for them but just been too slack. Today I decided to start, so here is where they will go when completed.

Dalek Sec

Clockwork Men









Martha Jones:


The Doctor:



Sycorax Leader:

Sarah-Jane Smith:




Assault Daleks

This is the first custom for the moment. There will be more to come. Thanx to Dragonranger for inspiration on some of the specials.

Thanx for looking & any feedback you provide.

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Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

Some time ago I got one of those 7 pack of Dr Who Micro Universe figures & I have been meaning to do some custom cards for them but just been too slack. Today I decided to start, so here is where they will go when completed.

Assault Daleks
This is the first custom for the moment. There will be more to come. Thanx to Dragonranger for inspiration on some of the specials.

Thanx for looking & any feedback you provide.


Two 30% chances per activation to auto-destroy ANY hero? Two guaranteed chances to destroy squad figures? Although massive, you'd hardly ever use their normal attack.

These guys are pushing the limits of the Heroscape game engine in terms of power. Even at 210 points, they are undercosted.
Added Cybermen

Two 30% chances per activation to auto-destroy ANY hero? Two guaranteed chances to destroy squad figures? Although massive, you'd hardly ever you their normal attack.

These guys are pushing the limits of the Heroscape game engine in terms of power. Even at 210 points, they are undercosted.
I hear what you are saying but I am trying to be thematic, but of course I don't want to break the game. What about if I take it down to a 20% chance, dropped the range to 3 spaces & up the normal attack range to 6 to compensate a little, would 240 points be appropriate then?

Added Cybermen.

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs


Sudema does virtually nothing but take a 65% to destroy a single squad figure or a 20% chance to destroy a hero from 4 spaces. She's 140 points and extremely fragile at 4 life and 3 defense. Your guys could guarantee two squad kills per turn or take two chances at killing a hero. They are also about 6x as durable and are common. I have no idea what they are worth, but it is more than even the most expensive Marvel figures.

I mean this only as constructive criticism - the abilities you've chosen are neat, but they need to be toned down in terms of degree to make the figures balanced.
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

The Cybermen Armor is also way too strong. They are basically immune to many melee armies. For example 1 army people are excited to play are are Gladiators in Wave 9. 1 million points in Gladiators could not kill any member of the squad
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

The Cybermen Armor is also way too strong. They are basically immune to many melee armies. For example 1 army people are excited to play are are Gladiators in Wave 9. 1 million points in Gladiators could not kill any member of the squad
True. I was more or less thinking along the lines that their armour is impervious to all non explosive attacks, but again not to break the game I have adjusted the armour but increased the defense & cost.

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

Sudema does virtually nothing but take a 65% to destroy a single squad figure or a 20% chance to destroy a hero from 4 spaces. She's 140 points and extremely fragile at 4 life and 3 defense. Your guys could guarantee two squad kills per turn or take two chances at killing a hero. They are also about 6x as durable and are common. I have no idea what they are worth, but it is more than even the most expensive Marvel figures.

I mean this only as constructive criticism - the abilities you've chosen are neat, but they need to be toned down in terms of degree to make the figures balanced.
I actually haven't seen Sudema before, as I was using Grimnak as my comparison. He gets to Chomp & do a normal attack. Remembering also that unlike Sudema's Stare of Stone but like Grimnak's Chomp my Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! only targets small or medium figures & the Daleks only have a combined life of 2. I feel a small or medium squad member is just cannon fodder to a Dalek's Disintergration ray & giving up a 6 attack for only a 30% chance of destroying a small or medium Hero was a valid trade off. I thought anything lower than 30% was never going to be used which would kill the Dalek's theme, but I accept all criticism which is why I wanted to have the discussion about going lower & increasing range & cost.

If my customs are off in any way please give me a suggestion on how to make it better & I will certainly consider it or at the least start a discussion about it. I think we all win if we help each other get our customs right, and that's all I'm aiming for here.

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I would think that the Cybermen move value is too high... they're the slowest things ever. Doctor Who can just run past the things. :)

I also think that four special powers is too much for any characters. Most in the store-bought sets only have 1 or 2. In the case of the Cybermen, one special power has a 25% chance of killing a hero, and another special power lets the user take control of an opposing unit. Seems like the powers are a bit stacked.

All in my opinion, of course. After a play or two with these units, you'll get a good feel of the balance or any lack of it. Keep up the good work!! :)
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I'm a huge Dr. Who fan so I love that you are doing these customs.

Right now, though, I'd say they are overpowered for HS. For Dr. Who they are right on. Sometimes it is hard to import characters from movies, comics, TV, etc. and keep them thematic but not broken.

HS Codex 6 has a good article on this customs philosophy. I'd recommend giving it a read. You can get it here.

For instance, with the Cybermen....
No dragon has ever swooped down behind them and knocked them over face first in the TV show. Imagine if Charos did this. How easy would it be for a Cyberman to get back up? In other words, don't look at the perfectly scripted world of Dr. Who to develop them as HS figs. Think of what could happen in a real battle (I just referred to a dragon knocking over a robot as a real battle... I need to take a break from this game).

BTW, exactly what figs were in the pack you got and where did you get it. I didn't even know Dr. Who minis existed.

Anyhow, you are off to a good start. Hope the Codex issue offers you some insight.
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

Keep the faith and As was Said "Play test them" I made up the Drow from DND and I had to eliminate Invisibility, Globes of darkness and Levetation, before I even made up the card and people still complained they were too powerfull. It is hard to bring in people from movies or books.

Their main weekness is movement in the old series often running up or down some steps could save you from a Dalek.

Modified Cybermen & Assault Daleks

Ok, lets see if I'm any closer with the Cybermen. I have reduced the percentage chance on Large & Huge Heroes. I removed the Cyber-Conversion skill (which IMO was pretty cool - but granted unnecessary for the Cybermen, maybe for a Cyber-Leader or the ship Cyber-King:D), & reduced their normal Attack & Defense by 1.

For the Daleks I have reduced the range of Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! & decreased the percentage. I'll admit I am struggling with this as this is their main thematic ability & it is already hindered by only targeting small or medium figures & by the fact that it is instead of an attack. It seems now a little wasted as the odds look better with your normal attack, which I really only envisaged being used against Large or Huge figures like a slow death. What about if I drop the normal attack to 4 would I be able to bring the E3 percentage to 30% (still keeping the range at only 3?

By the way the figures I got at Myers (here in Australia). They are actually call Doctor Who Micro-Universe.

Thanx for the feedback

Re: Modified Cybermen & Assault Daleks

Ok, lets see if I'm any closer with the Cybermen. I have reduced the percentage chance on Large & Huge Heroes. I removed the Cyber-Conversion skill (which IMO was pretty cool - but granted unnecessary for the Cybermen, maybe for a Cyber-Leader or the ship Cyber-King:D), & reduced their normal Attack & Defense by 1.

For the Daleks I have reduced the range of Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! & decreased the percentage. I'll admit I am struggling with this as this is their main thematic ability & it is already hindered by only targeting small or medium figures & by the fact that it is instead of an attack. It seems now a little wasted as the odds look better with your normal attack, which I really only envisaged being used against Large or Huge figures like a slow death. What about if I drop the normal attack to 4 would I be able to bring the E3 percentage to 30% (still keeping the range at only 3?

By the way the figures I got at Myers (here in Australia). They are actually call Doctor Who Micro-Universe.

Thanx for the feedback


That is starting to sound better. I know how tough it is to drop abilities that just fit so well. I am working on a line of figs from Celtic mythology and have had to drop several abilities from numerous characters that would make them so broken.

I know the E3 doesn't seem as powerful but considering it has a range of 3 versus Grimnak's range of 1 and you get 2 chances per turn to use it, it is still very powerful. Making it "instead of attacking" is a good balancing factor.

Remember, since this is a squad, especially a common squad, you want to get the points as low as possible (while still keeping the theme going) in order to make them draftable (or is it "draftible"?).

You may even want to consider dropping their defense a point or 2 as well. With Dalek Shields a defense of 4 would still be a formiddable defense. I know in the show they are practically impervious to almost all forms of attack and a defense of 6 with Dalek Shields is fitting, but for HS it is pretty high up there.

Keep in mind I am an amateur, at best, when it comes to customs. So, take what I say with a grain of salt and definitely seek a second opinion. ;)

I can't wait to see your other Dr. Who customs!
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Modified Assault Daleks

Ok I'm happy to try reducing the defense, so I have uploaded the new version. As for points that's where we get to the crux of their strength. My reasoning is that 1 Dalek could take out nearly any HS standard heroes so 2 as a squad would basically clear out a whole city. So this is the power balancing act I have been playing. Although they are "common squad" I wanted it to be costly to have too many of these & I wanted it out of range for a 400pts army to have 2 squads. So that's why I was aiming at a minimum of 210 & was more than willing to go up in points. I know other HS squads are cheap, but I believe without luck 2 squads of AE shouldn't be able to take down 1 Dalek, & HS caters for luck quite nicely.

So I guess my real question is, because it (expensive common squads particularly in this instance) hasn't been done by Hasbro (yet) does that mean we shouldn't do it?

My next is a Jadoon squad, I also have K-9, Dalek Sec- Human Hybrid, & I have a Warewolf that I won on ebay coming. I also 12 other random figures coming (hoping at least to make up a complete squad of cybermen for myself & an actual Dr Who would be Brilliant:D)

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I don't know if this was mentioned because I didn't read all the posts, but the power on the Daleks, when it said all the blanks, I would always use the old blue dice instead if I were rolling for that. So I would recommend rewriting that power.
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I don't know if this was mentioned because I didn't read all the posts, but the power on the Daleks, when it said all the blanks, I would always use the old blue dice instead if I were rolling for that. So I would recommend rewriting that power.
I don't have, & have never seen the old blue dice. Do they have more blanks? Can somebody advise here please.

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

Some time ago I got one of those 7 pack of Dr Who Micro Universe figures & I have been meaning to do some custom cards for them but just been too slack. Today I decided to start, so here is where they will go when completed.

Assault Daleks
This is the first custom for the moment. There will be more to come. Thanx to Dragonranger for inspiration on some of the specials.

Thanx for looking & any feedback you provide.


Two 30% chances per activation to auto-destroy ANY hero? Two guaranteed chances to destroy squad figures? Although massive, you'd hardly ever use their normal attack.

These guys are pushing the limits of the Heroscape game engine in terms of power. Even at 210 points, they are undercosted.
At the same time they are medium sized common squad figures. They are susceptible to a lot of specials out there. Deadeye Dan has a 50% chance of killing one with his special attack (from 10 spaces away!), Grimnak can auto-kill one per turn, and Braxas could reliably kill a 2 per turn, just to name a few. They could be nasty, but they could go down in a hurry. That's a lot of points to invest in a unit that can go down that easily to lower cost opponents.
I don't know if this was mentioned because I didn't read all the posts, but the power on the Daleks, when it said all the blanks, I would always use the old blue dice instead if I were rolling for that. So I would recommend rewriting that power.
I don't have, & have never seen the old blue dice. Do they have more blanks? Can somebody advise here please.

The old dice were separate attack and defense dice, so the blue dice had 2 shields and 4 blanks. Maybe change the wording so that you use skulls for shields. It's the same probability.
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Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

What about a different approach for the Dalek Shield:

When rolling for defense, you may re-roll up to 2 dice once.


Feedback please.

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

What about a different approach for the Dalek Shield:

When rolling for defense, you may re-roll up to 2 dice once.


Feedback please.


Looking good.
How about...

When rolling defense dice, a Dalek my re-roll any dice that show skulls. Dalek Shield may be used only once per defense roll.

This will allow you to possibly re-roll more than just two dice or maybe none at all. It might bring more of a balance to the re-roll ability. Of course, what you already have is good as well.

Boy, the Daleks are a tough unit to balance. On one hand you don't want them to be overpowered, but on the other, if they aren't super powerful then they are just robots that look like Daleks.
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I think that it should be,
After rolling defense die against a defending figure, you may choose to reroll all of your defense dice.
I think then it would bring some fun into the defense.
Maybe change my poor wording, but I think that it should be considered if people have the other defense die or attack die.
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I think that it should be,
After rolling defense die against a defending figure, you may choose to reroll all of your defense dice.
I think then it would bring some fun into the defense.
Maybe change my poor wording, but I think that it should be considered if people have the other defense die or attack die.

When defending against an attack with a Dalek, you may choose to re-roll all of the defense dice. You must use the second defense roll.

I can see the fun in that-- "That wasn't a very good defense roll, I'll roll again. But wait! What if I roll worse the second time? But what if I roll better? Aaargh! What should I do!?"
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

I think that it should be,
After rolling defense die against a defending figure, you may choose to reroll all of your defense dice.
I think then it would bring some fun into the defense.
Maybe change my poor wording, but I think that it should be considered if people have the other defense die or attack die.

When defending against an attack with a Dalek, you may choose to re-roll all of the defense dice. You must use the second defense roll.

I can see the fun in that-- "That wasn't a very good defense roll, I'll roll again. But wait! What if I roll worse the second time? But what if I roll better? Aaargh! What should I do!?"

I don't see that as a fun. They have only one life so If they are not destroyed it is a good roll if they are you re-roll. It only becomes a dillema with a multiple life Figure.

Re: Modified Assault Daleks

So I guess my real question is, because it (expensive common squads particularly in this instance) hasn't been done by Hasbro (yet) does that mean we shouldn't do it?

You have been trying to ballance the power levels and make them playable for Scape. As with the question above I know that the Comon hero concepet Upsets some people, but it is a custom. I had to use it for several of the drow. If it will make them work to give them multiple life you get rid of the dificultys with the Sheild. Also, by making it a single fig you can have them just as powerfull when attacking but with only one fig you eliminate the complaints about getting a set of autokill abilities. With them being a common hero you get to buy multiples.

Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

Felindar, Thanks for the reminder- I forgot for the moment about the 1 life.

You could also solve the problem by making them unique heroes. You could make 4 of them- Dalek Sec, Dalek Caan, Dalek Thay, and Dalek Jast (the 4 members of the Cult of Skaro).

They would all have the same abilities since they are Dalek, just different names.

I know this removes it far from your original intent, though. Just brainstorming here.
Re: A3n's Dr Who Customs

Felindar, Thanks for the reminder- I forgot for the moment about the 1 life.

You could also solve the problem by making them unique heroes. You could make 4 of them- Dalek Sec, Dalek Caan, Dalek Thay, and Dalek Jast (the 4 members of the Cult of Skaro).

They would all have the same abilities since they are Dalek, just different names.

I know this removes it far from your original intent, though. Just brainstorming here.

Yep That would work I just hate to think of telling someone to make up 4 diffrent cards. Also, I don't know how diffrent the minis are from each other.
