• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. dok

    dok's battle reports

    Continuing to try to document my drafts in draft events. Local event in Colorado My armies: 1) Deathreavers x2, Van Nessing 2) Omnicron Repulsors x3, Executioner 616 3) Rygarn, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Tarn Viking Warriors R1 v. dachshund 1) Frostclaw Paladins, Knight Irene 2) Mezzodemon...
  2. dok

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    The January Delta Update is here. It’s another big one, with 79 figures getting updated. FACTION ADJUSTMENTS The most degenerate Wildwood builds tend to be the ones that have multiple runners but only one Sentinel, so this adjustment will curtail those builds a bit while not hurting the full...
  3. dok

    The BOOKS of C3V & SoV Index

    The Book of Lee Jun should be linked here. (And in the synergy sections for Woo and Lao. And in my power rankings. We all forgot about poor Lee Jun.)
  4. dok

    VCheese V

    Round 2 is on Honor. The grey waves (1-0) v. cleon (1-0) armies are: * Glinerva the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], 10th Regiment of Footx5 A+ Junkie * Quahon, 4th Massachusetts Linex5 grey waves choose to place first or second The ijustworkhere (0-1) v. knight of scape...
  5. dok

    VCheese V

    Round 2 is on Honor. The Earthling (1-0) v. Swarm (1-0) armies are: Brute Gruts and filler * Brute Gruts, Major Q9, Marro Warriors, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Rygarn, Deathreaversx2 Resist and bite * Heirloom, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], 10th Regiment of Footx5 Swarm choose to...
  6. dok

    VCheese V

    Round 2 is on Honor. The drakeepooh (1-0) v. dok (0-0) armies are: Stingerringer * Marro Warriors, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Fen Hydra, Marro Stingersx5 Party like it’s 2010 2007 * Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Deathreaversx2 dok choose to place...
  7. dok

    VCheese V

    Round 2 is on Honor. The knightoflight (1-0) v. superfrog (1-0) armies are: KnightO'Flight * Isamu, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Sir Gilbert, Knights of Westonx5 A Major Pain to Eradicate * Major Q9, Marcu Esenwein, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Havech Eradicatorsx3 superfrog choose to...
  8. dok

    VCheese V

    Mostly the same picks for me, although I have more confidence in Foudz than he has in himself: drakeepooh > skywhale Cleon > I justworkhere Grey Waves > knight of scape foudzing > dysole srd > Og Blaha superfrog > justinhaze KoL > sir Artorius ryguy > sheep Maklar > Chris vegie > xiegfried...
  9. dok

    OHS S60 - Scouting Party- CONGRATS DOK

    Well, dysole has a bye too. But there's hope!
  10. dok

    dok's battle reports

    I realized I had documented my NHSD drafts in discord, but not here. We ran the same draft pools from scapecon 4 for our top 8 championship. R1: DK pool. I win dice-off and choose to pick first dok Roland Raelin AoA Red Wyrm x2 Minions x2 Air Elemental x2 Death...
  11. dok

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    Due to a desire to work around the logistics of various conventions, the next couple updates are being moved up slightly. The next update is planned for January 27th, with the update after that planned for April 28th. The one after that will probably come after Gencon.
  12. dok

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    The November Delta update is here! Smoothing out the VC/Classic divide While we’re not ready to completely abandon the system of having two sets of points depending on whether VC units are involved, we took a critical look at which of these adjustments were really needed. In the case of the...
  13. dok

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    The next Delta update will be on Monday, November 25th.
  14. dok

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    The August update to Delta is upon us, and it's the largest update since we revived the Delta project three years ago. 84 cards have updated prices. Good stuff is still good Quahon is still pretty metagame-dominant in the VC Delta meta, as are the WTF squads. MBS and Nerak are pretty much the...
  15. dok

    dok's battle reports

    I haven't posted in here in approximately forever, but I wanted to put down a record of the sequences of all my draft-ish games from Scapecon 4. (For all the non-draft games, you can see the armies and results on Heroscape.org.) If you were in any of these games and you think my sequencing is...
  16. dok

    OHS Season 49: Delta Classic - CONGRATS KINSETH

    Online Heroscape Season 49: Delta Classic REPORT GAMES HERE The Finals are on Platypus. The kevindola (5-1) v. kinseth (5-1) armies are: 10th Rechet * Iskra Esenwein, Rechets of Bogdan, 10th Regiment of Footx5 Return of the King * Isamu, Nilfheim, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Greenscale...
  17. dok

    OHS Season 48 - Delta Rule of 9 - CONGRATS TO DACHSHUND

    Online Heroscape Season 48: Rule of 9 Delta REPORT GAMES HERE: The Quarterfinals are on Trollsford Road. The vydar_xliii (4-0) v. bodaciousblood (3-1) armies are: K9 Division * Krav Maga Agents, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs Angry...
  18. dok

    Rules Clarifications (Ladders, lob) for Online Events

    Ladder clarifications follow below. Lob rules in a later post. -------------- We've come out with a set of clarifications for how to play with ladders. The following will be the rules for all online events. These clarifications are meant to align with the official rulebook in the simplest...
  19. Parkour-osha


    Are you team Parkour, or team OSHA?
  20. dok

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    DELTA ARMY BUILDER Delta is an alternative cost system for Heroscape. It reprices most Heroscape cards, with the goal of putting them on roughly equal competitive footing with each other in 400-600 point games on standard tournament maps. Below are the latest Delta prices. Remember, "Delta VC"...