• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. Arkham


  2. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    This passes. #773
  3. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    This passes. I propose a vote to move to On Deck. @japes @Karat @Lord Pyre @Ronin @Skinderella @Soundwarp SG-1 Not sure who else to tag there.
  4. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    I'd like to keep him at 270 for point block with Jean. Given his nova ability against bigger threats, it's probably ok if he comes in a hair over pointed, if at all. Thanks for the tests! I propose a vote to move to Final Editing.
  5. Arkham

    HEROSCAPERS 2.0 issues, discussion

    Like a prison pocket.
  6. Arkham

    Thor (Leader)

  7. Arkham

    Beta Ray Bill

  8. Arkham

    Cyclops (AoA)

    Made both updates.
  9. Arkham

    C3G 2.0 Playtesting Sign-Ups

    Weapon X (Age of Apocalypse) is available for testing!
  10. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    Vote for Public Playtest
  11. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    Initials posted.
  12. Arkham

    Upside-Down Man

  13. Arkham


  14. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    This passes. Weapon X AoA(270), Jean Grey AoA(230), Quicksilver AoA(250), Quicksilver(250) (1000) vs. JLA Trinity (1000) Weapon X AoA(270), Cyclops(240), Emma Frost(220), Nightcrawler(210), Jubilee(60) (1000) vs. Fantastic Four (1000) Weapon X AoA(270), Cyclops(240), Emma Frost(220)...
  15. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    I propose we move to Initial Testing
  16. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    Trying that out: Weapon X AoA(270), Jean Grey AoA(230), Quicksilver AoA(250), Quicksilver(250) (1000) vs. JLA Trinity (1000) Close finish. Weapon X wasn't rolling the hottest this time around, but the drop to 3 attack and 3 defense with 9 life certainly feels like the right move. Will be...
  17. Arkham

    Lady Deathstrike

  18. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    What about something like this: This allows him to really have a sense of going all in on his own to slice and dice, as well as having a means to buff his ally attacks if he thinks it might make the difference.
  19. Arkham

    Weapon X (AoA)

    I think in practice, that's likely what you're going to do most often since he can heal, but like the Jean synergy and theme of him willing to wound allies, and like the possibility of wounding an ally in a clutch moment to try and secure a kill. Hmmm.