• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. S

    Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

    I believe that Akane, Colossus and High Forest Vanguard should be in the pending unified Fanscape review section as well?
  2. S

    All sold

    I could be interested in the Death Knights, Mezzodemons, and Elementals and Wyrmlings from D&D Wave 1 and 2 (maybe a couple others); I am in the UK, and have non-D&D expansion figures I could trade.
  3. S

    Suggestions for the C3V

    These are basically a "not-Warhammer" style assemble the parts kit, yeah.
  4. S

    UK, Leeds, large HS collection for sale.

    ATH is notorious for being highly overpriced, for what it's worth (and to be honest, in general the prices Heroscape stuff fetches in the UK is a decent bit less than the US, due to lower demand - especially as job lots rather than single pieces/sets). I wouldn't be looking to pay anywhere near...
  5. S

    UK, Leeds, large HS collection for sale.

    I could still potentially be interested maybe, but you never gave me a price for the lot.
  6. S

    The Pre-SoV Workshop

    I have enjoyed the "niche" of a cheapish splashable unit that gets better the later OMs go, as it leads to some interesting placement decisions (adding in a few squads and taking advantage of that can be decent, but yeah I agree they are not nesc. the strongest - though I have found them to be...
  7. S

    The Pre-SoV Workshop

    Hello again, I have three more cards I am finalizing for potential SoV submissions and would like some thoughts beforehand if possible:
  8. S

    UK Heroscape Age of Annihilation Launch Event

    Hey all, not sure how many other UK 'Scapers are here, but if anyone is interested there will be a launch event held at Tritex Games (based in Stafford) on Saturday November 16th! We will have promotional Shiori miniatures as participation prizes, plus more! For further details please see the...
  9. S

    Seeking Units

    Hi, I am currently seeking the following units: 2x Deepwyrm Drow (and/or 1x Drow orphan) 1x Dzu-teh 1x Grok Riders 1x Fyorlag Spiders (and/or 1x Spider orphan) 3x Granite Guardians 4x Quasatch Hunters 2x Air Elemental 1x Water Elemental 2x Earth Elemental 2x Fire Elemental 1x Drow Chainfighter...
  10. S

    Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

    Some votes are not updated (at least for me), and some units are missing from the Unified Fanscape Review section.
  11. S

    Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

    Speaking of site transition, the OP of this thread also seems to have reverted back to an earlier version with some things being missing/wrong.
  12. S

    Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

    Human Hunter #02, from the D&D Miniatures Icewind Dale set.
  13. S

    Shadowking's Customs v.2 - 07/10/24 Musketeers Update

    Original post with older units follows: SK1: Merchant and Guards SK1: War Riders SK1: Heroes of Xelahon Wave SK2: Bleakland Incursion SK2: Paladins and Profaners SK2: Trackers and Tormentors SK2: Samurai Cavalry SK2: Heroes of the Bleaklands [/spoiler]
  14. S

    UK - Orm's Return £4.87 + Free Shipping

    If you are a UK resident, Orm's Return is available on Amazon.co.uk for £4.87 + Free Shipping.
  15. S

    HS Dream Thread

    I know these have come up multiple times, but I don't think we've had one for a while and people might have had HS dreams in the meantime. I had one yesterday, I dreamt that I went to my local FLGS looking for 'Scape and looked in the normal place but they only had the Gorillas/Hounds I left...
  16. S

    How good is this army ?

    Here's the army I tend to use at the moment (I like the Jandar theme). How good is it (when compared to what sets I own), and is there anything I should watch out for as specific counters ? RotV Drake 1x MacDirks (I know I need to buy another set) Tarn Viking Warriors Airborne Elite Alistair...
  17. S

    What would you think of this for a new Classic Wave ?

    Booster 1: 3x Common Minotaur squad (Ullar) 4x Common Pirate squad (Utgar) Booster 2: 3x Common Double-Spaced Hun Horse Archers Squad (Utgar) 1x Common Skeleton Hero (Utgar) Booster 3: 3x Common 1920s Mobsters Squad (Vydar) 4x Common Arabian Swordsmen Squad (Einar) Booster 4: 1x Unique...
  18. S

    Heroscape CE EU Regulation Problem ?

    Can any of the higher-ups explain the issue that lead to the CE (EU regulation symbol) being covered up on Heroscape sets ? Is it something we should be worried about (i.e toxic/carcinogenic chemicals in them) ? I've heard it was due to excess phthalates, but that seems only to be a problem if...
  19. S

    More 'Scape Customs

    Here are some more customs I have created. Enjoy ! They all use D&D figures.
  20. S

    Vydar Custom using a D&D figure

    Knocked this up. Maybe there is a possible hope for some Vydar D&D stuff ?