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Search results

  1. Ulysses

    Age of Annihilation Tournament Maps & Glyphs

    Behold: Embroiled Requires: 1 AoA and 1 JaLE Vigil Requires: 1 AoA and 1 JaLE
  2. Ulysses

    Wargrounds of Scape (WoS) - discussion thread

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to give this map a second chance, ScapeCon for putting it in the pool, and especially Grey Waves for renominating it! Flaxen Shard (an anagram combining Flash and Rednax, the OG hex map kings) was always meant to be the most meat and potatoes build I could...
  3. Ulysses

    Ulysses' Maps

    Updates made to Vigil and Fen Hydro. It'll take me a bit to update the OHS boards. (Edit: updates published)
  4. Ulysses

    The Book of Cal the Smuggler

    From the FAQ: "An empty space is any space that does not have a figure, glyph, tree, or any other obstacle on it."
  5. Ulysses

    Battle Ground, WA South 2024 NHSD Tournament

    This happens to be the weekend I'm doing a little family trip. I hope you all have an awesome day of Scape!
  6. Ulysses

    HexiCon 3 Map Contest! Congrats to Wildflowers & Spring Fling!

    Pitch Requires: 1 AoA, 1 BftW, and 1 GaLE/TJ Nunatak Requires: 1 BftU, and 2 SFoV There are some truly fantastic maps this contest. Well done everyone!
  7. Ulysses

    Ulysses' Trade and Sell List

    Updated inventory
  8. Ulysses

    The Book of Maekor

    The Book of Maekor C3V Wave 23 - Yngvild's Vision - Heroes of the Outlands PDF Download The figure used for this unit is Vesk Champion from the Starfinder Battles - Galactic Heroes set. Character Bio: Dyer 3 is home to many creatures from many planets, but some adventurers feel...
  9. Maekor


    Maekor Book of pic
  10. Ulysses

    The Book of Ataraxis the Starlich

    The Book of Ataraxis the Starlich C3V Wave 23 - Yngvild's Vision - Heroes of the Outlands PDF Download The figure used for this unit is Necrovite from the Starfinder Battles - Galactic Villains set. Character Bio: From a new world, Utgar has called forth a new evil: Ataraxis, a starlich...
  11. Ataraxis


    Ataraxis pic for BOOK OF
  12. Ulysses

    The Book of Kate Crawford

    The Book of Kate Crawford Soldiers of Valhalla - Lead Vengeance PDF Download The figure used for this unit is Gunslinger #005 from the Heroclix Secret Wars - Battleworld set. Character Bio: TBD _________________________________________________________________ -Rulings and...
  13. Ulysses

    The Book of Clayton Pierce

    The Book of Clayton Pierce Soldiers of Valhalla - The Sheriff PDF Download The figure used for this unit is Sheriff Steve Rogers #006 from the Heroclix Secret Wars - Battleworld set. Character Bio: TBD _________________________________________________________________ -Rulings and...
  14. Ulysses

    VC Quiz

    Test your official customs knowledge with this cheesy VC quiz I cooked up: VC QUIZ I'd love to hear scores. I'll start with my score, a paltry 42%. Enjoy this little time killer while hiding from your in-laws during the holidays. Note: I've added keywords where appropriate i.e. 'Gnids'...
  15. Ulysses

    The Completely Unnecessary Definitive List of Figure Weight

    I had the idea to take this on after recently holding Wo-Sa-Ga for the first time and thinking, 'this has got to be the heaviest figure they made.' Being a man of science I, of course, had to weigh every single figure/squad, plug them into some spreadsheets, and do some sorting. I'm aware of the...
  16. Ulysses

    Ticallittle Piece of My Heart Now Jungle

    Prologue: For those of you who know me in person, I will not prosecute physical retaliation against me for the title of this post. I've come up short on my search for maps using 3-4 Ticalla sets and figured I'd prod the collective here. I'm okay with a larger map, but am hoping it's still...
  17. Ulysses

    2022 OREGON EVENT ~ Creekside Carnage ~ Oct 22nd

    Hello PNW Scapers! It's that time again OREGON DELTA VC TOURNAMENT Location: Ulysses' place in Salem, OR (I will PM my address to attendees before game day, same place as last year for those who attended) When: October 22nd 2:00PM PST Cost: Free Format: Monster Mash - Delta VC 700pts 16...
  18. Ulysses

    Ulysses' Maps

    New Maps Cardinal Requires: 1 AoA, 1 BftW, and 1 RttFF :::Online Map Folder::: 2 Player Tournament Maps More Casual/Thematic (excuse for less balanced) 3 Player Maps Scenario/Free Build Maps (Scenario rules included in download) Older Maps (Proceed with Caution)
  19. Ulysses

    Ulysses' Trade and Sell List

    Updated 11/2024 -Not currently interested in 3-D printed/unpainted/proxies WANT: AoA: Classic: A nice Woo repaint VC: Ebon Armor Hoplitron X4 Kira Jax Morgoloth Skeletons of Annellintia X1 Varkaanan Swiftfangs (grey paint scheme only) HAVE: Classic: $40 Fortress of the Archkyrie (no box...