• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    ScapeCon V: June 25-29, 2025

    Let's Go!
  2. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Chat AI Heroscape Fan Fiction "Heroscape Demon" (Part 1)

    Chat AI Heroscape Fan Fiction "Heroscape Demon" (Part 1) I the course of streaming the ToV podcast we had one of our panel Jason had Chat AI write out a story. Here is the written form of it and will post our live reading of the story on the ToV Podcast below. It was a ton of fun and we should...
  3. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    ToV Episode 2 "Orc Hunt"

    Orcs, arrows and grenades. What more could you want? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U95xTTteP74
  4. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    100 Marro VS Vydar Army and Braxas with Acid Breath!

    Yes this is over 3 minutes long. You are welcome. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohlJ1Wj6Nd0&t=0s
  5. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Utgar VS Jandar. With Mimring fireball explosion.

  6. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Season 2 Episode 1 (Tales of Valhalla)

    Let the story begin. What are your guys thoughts about this take of the heroscape universe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBnxZc-j-SU
  7. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Live Stream event for Tales of Valhalla Season 2 release.

    For those of you want want to see some Heroscape based stop motion animation action/comedy/livethejourney come join us as we get started on this adventure into Valhalla. This continuation of the show has been nearly a 4 year process and we look forward to show you the world of heroscape through...
  8. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Announcement for ToV Episode 1 Season 2!

    Have some virtualscape building here and some updates but most importantly we are going to be premiering Tales of Valhalla Episode 1 Season 2 live on Twitch next Wednesday! Going to be promoting like crazy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIiUMIQupDc&t=0s
  9. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Feast your eyeballs. ToV Season 2 full trailer.

  10. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Tales of Valhalla Season 2 Teaser Trailer

    A new adventure begins... Coming soon in 2019! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPPsirGDp9I&t=0s
  11. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Tales of Valhalla Update July 2018!

  12. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    The Airborne Elite and Mimring.

  13. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Heroscape Stop Motion Battle!....... + A ToV Update

  14. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Talking about Tales Of Valhalla/A bit about Heroscapers

  15. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Heroscape Stop Motion Action Clips and ToV Update!

  16. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Tales of Valhalla BTS Stop Motion

    We are working hard toward the completion of Seasons 2 and 3. Here is some BTS work of a animated battle shot involving Braxas and Su-Bak-Na where one of them gets their head knocked off! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cygcwHY3RyU
  17. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    A stop motion introduction of Raelin!!

    Hey guys. Sorry I have not posted in awhile. These last few months have been busy getting a majority of voice overs done for ToV Seasons 2-3 but during that time this video got made and now showing it to all of you. Tell me what you think of ToV's version of Raelin the Kyrie Warrior...
  18. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Heroscape (ToV) Pronunciation and Backstory Part 2!!!

    Ryan and Majora's Incarnation (Aka Jeremy) are continuing the conversation on how to pronounce certain names within Heroscape and how to apply it within the ToV show. We are taking a look at the location names on the Valhalla map to see how we say these names and what backstories are in these...
  19. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    ToV's version of Drake Alexander (Stop Motion Animation!)

    He might sound different than what we always imagined him but he still kicks plenty of bad guy butt! Introduction: Sgt. Drake Alexander (Tales of Valhalla: The Aftermath Chronicles) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkDNHJSiEIg
  20. TalesOfValhallaOfficial

    Heroscape Online Twitch Livestream! With Zombies...

    Many thanks to kevindola for helping me through a tutorial. This online game is a lot of fun! I have not had a chance to play Heroscape for awhile because I animate my heroscape stuff and that does not give me much time to actually play the game. Kevin has given me an opportunity to play...