• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. TREX

    C3G Heroclix and Marvel Crisis Protocol?

    Hey all you C3G guys. Have any of you guys thought of using all your C3G figures as doubles for the Marvel Crisis Protocol Game. Also looking at finding a list builder for those. Just being able to use my C3G collection for additional things would be pretty fun. Any help or tips here would...
  2. TREX

    Engineers of Valhalla Brainstorming Thread

    ENGINEERS OF VALHALLA BRAINSTORMING THREAD This thread is where you can put your ideas for any new terrain ideas you have to be discussed and fleshed out to find the scope of what your going for on your terrain piece before it gets started in its own design thread. To submit a piece of terrain...
  3. TREX

    Painted Miniature counts

    I thought up a fun thread Idea. Ive been custom painting old miniatures and completely painting up tons of new miniatures. I hit a milestone for the year so far today. I just finished painting my 900th miniature in this year alone. So I got to thinking how fun it would be to do an all time...
  4. TREX


  5. TREX

    Custom Character 3d Printing Resources

    Hey everyone. I've been printing a decent amount on my resin printer now and have found different cool resources to be able to print just about any character you can find for any custom you can imagine. I thought it would be cool to put together a resource list for all you 3d printing scapers...
  6. TREX


  7. TREX

    The Holocron of B1 Battle Droids

    The Holocron of B1 Battle Droids Small Expansion 7 Attack of the Clankers figure card: Rectangular cards The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Revenge of the Sith set. Its model number and name are #25/Battle Droid. The figure used for this unit is a Star...
  8. TREX

    The Holocron of Clone Troopers

    The Holocron of Clone Troopers SSE6 The Clones Strike Back figure card: Rectangular Cards The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Universe set. Its model number and name are #01/Clone Trooper. The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Clone...
  9. TREX

    Uniques being Uncommons from Master sets?

    Hey everyone, I just got done explaining some things to a fellow scaper on the Heroscape facebook page that sparked something in my mind. I just got done explaining to him why units such as Marro Warriors and Krav Maga Agents cant really be common units and still be balanced. I went on the...
  10. TREX

    TREX'S Sales and Trades Update 12/07/22

    TREX'S Sales and Trades After selling off pretty much all my dice trays and dice towers, I have one left to sell. It's my custom oversized Utgar Dice tower with 8 custom attack/defense dice along with a massive d20. I have it up on my ebay at a reduced price to get it out to someone to enjoy...
  11. TREX

    Miniatures Games Resources (Frostgrave) and others

    MINIATURES GAMING RESOURCES I figured I'd throw this thread up to post different rescources to go along with the Frostgrave Thread and put other resources in here as well for miniatures gaming. @Hahma , Care to check these out. Plain white for using them with whichever figures you want...
  12. TREX

    The Holocron of Imperial Speeder Bike

    The Holocron of Imperial Speeder Bike Adventure Pack 3: The Forest Moon of Endor figure card: PDF Rectangular The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Rebel Storm set. Its model number and name are 34/Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike...
  13. TREX


    TREX'S BATTLEFIELDS AND HEROSCAPE VARIANTS Hey Everyone, I've been making maps for many years, and never really ever made a map thread. Most of my designs are just rotting away on my desktop computer without being shared with anyone. I've finally decided to throw together a map thread to...
  14. TREX


  15. TREX

    The Holocron of Death Star Throne Room

    The Holocron of Death Star Throne Room Small Expansion 5: Reinforcements for the Battlefront A HOSS Competitive Map A HOSS BATTLEFRONT Map Original design by TREX VS FILE PRINTABLE PDF FILE (includes Reactor Shafts) Required sets: 2 Castle, 2 marvel *This map uses an...
  16. TREX

    The Holocron of The Battle for Mygeeto

    The Holocron of The Battle for Mygeeto Small Expansion 5: Reinforcements for the Battlefront A HOSS Competitive Map A HOSS BATTLEFRONT Map Original design by TREX VS FILE Printable PDF FILE Required sets: 2 Castle, 1 TT, & 1BFTU *This map uses an optional set...
  17. TREX


  18. TREX


  19. TREX

    The Book of Chaplain's Blessing

    The Book of Chaplain's Blessing: Sorcery Magic: Arena of the Planeswalkers Shadows over Innistrad -Rulings and Clarifications- - TBA -Combinations and Synergies- - TBA Synergy Benefits Received - TBA Synergy Benefits Offered - TBA -Strategy, Tactics and Tips-...
  20. TREX

    The Book of Fell the Mighty

    The Book of Fell the Mighty: Sorcery Magic: Arena of the Planeswalkers Shadows over Innistrad -Rulings and Clarifications- - TBA -Combinations and Synergies- - TBA Synergy Benefits Received - TBA Synergy Benefits Offered - TBA -Strategy, Tactics and Tips- -...