• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. marrowick

    I Need a Bit of Game Devolping Advice

    So, I'm looking into game design. Kinda teaching myself a little and starting off small, game tweaks, into small mods, into bigger mods, etc. And I need a little bit of help figuring out what kind of computer I need to do this. I hope to eventually work my way into semi large games if possible...
  2. marrowick

    The Book of Beta Ray Bill

    The Book of Beta Ray Bill C3G MARVEL PUBLIC EXCLUSIVE COLLECTION 13 CHAMPIONS AND ILLUSIONISTS Comic PDF Mini PDF The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Critical Mass set. Its model number and name are #094 / Beta Ray Bill...
  3. marrowick

    C3G Books Keeper Dept. Discussion

    Books Keeper Department A Book Keepers job is to keep all released C3G Books up-to-date at all times (i.e. Synergies, Strategy, Tactics and Tips, ect.), anything that is needed to keep a Book up-to-date. I was thinking around 4 or 5 members; anyone that wants to help keep the C3G Books...
  4. marrowick

    Marrowick's 6/15/13 Tradelist

    [F Sans MS]Looking for fair prices (hopefully cheap ones) PM me your offer, payment methods: Paypal. HAVES WANTS [/FONT][F Sans MS]Warhammer: Chaos Space Marines: (I would prefer them to be either new in box or still on sprue though as long as they are unassembled I will take them. Unique...
  5. marrowick

    What is your Favorite Holiday?

    With the holidays here why not start a poll thread on the holidays. My favorite is Christmas. What's yours?
  6. marrowick

    Which heroscapers theme do you use?

    Have you ever wondered what the majority of heroscapers users use for their theme? If so vote here and let people know.
  7. marrowick

    Heroscape Sale on Auggies

    Hey guys there's a sale on Heroscape at Auggies games here on pages 8-9 and 10-12.
  8. marrowick

    Code Lyoko Season 5

    I'm starting this thread for people to use to talk about Code Lyoko and I'll start the disscusion with an anouncment that Moonscoop is making a fifth season.
  9. marrowick

    marrowicks army card customs

    Well i hope i have the correct place now. Here goes. Elite Roman Legionnaires Spear Legion Unit
  10. marrowick

    Strategy Help Here

    If any one needs help with some strategy, I'll do my best to help
  11. marrowick

    marrowicks competitive army thread

    Here is the Doom... Marro Hive-160 Marro Stingers x4-400 Marro Druges x2-500 ...and Here is the After Doom Venoc Warlord-120 Armoc Vipers x4-380 Elite Oynx Vipers-480 Here are the Fiends of Your Futrure Cyprien Esenwein-150 Sonya Esenwein-195 Iskra Esenwein-245 Rechets of Bogden x5-495...
  12. marrowick

    marrowicks custom cards

    Okay i don't know if this has worked