• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. ryguy266

    The Great Quahon Riot of VCheese V

    Great writeup. This should be required reading for anyone wanting to run Quahon in future VCheese events. I'll add my thoughts on the Greenscale matchups, especially because I think that section could benefit from a little bit more explicit Raelin instructions. How to get value from Greenscales...
  2. ryguy266

    Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

    It’s an interesting thing to be told an SoV submission isn’t powerful enough. I’ll be curious to see if other reviews find strength to be an issue.
  3. ryguy266

    Lincoln Seasonal VIII January 11th!

    Info for the next Lincoln Seasonal is up! Very, very late to get out the announcement on the forums, but it's been out for a while on FB/Discord. Make sure to sign up on heroscape.org if you plan to attend--we do have a 16 player cap!
  4. ryguy266

    HolyDiver's Heroscape League

    The Google Sheet currently does not allow access. You would need to change the permission settings if you’d like feedback on the armies.
  5. ryguy266

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    They're banned from the entirety of ScapeCon East. That's the definition of meta-defining. Snark aside, a 3-figure squad with 3 attacks of 3 a turn, an effective 4.5 defense against typical attack values, and a strong hero-killing ability for 50 points when most of their bad matchups got more...
  6. ryguy266

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    That's an interesting point on the spirit of Delta. Every time bad stuff goes down, it gets compared to the stuff around it. Gurei-Oni could go down to 30 points in Delta and I would point and say hey, Marcu is still better than this guy, he should go lower. That's obviously hyperbole, but I...
  7. ryguy266

    Tournament Map Feedback Thread

    Hopefully just the first of many NHSD mini-feedback posts, here are mine for the four maps I played on yesterday (format was Wandering Monster Mash, I played Jotun, Shurrak, Zetacron, Otonashi, and Warriors of Ashra x3): Sidewinder Redux by @Sheep I'm not sure how to feel about this one. My...
  8. ryguy266

    Lincoln Seasonal VIII January 11th!

    Results and photos are posted, thanks to everyone who came out! We'll be hosting the next one sometime in January/February. If you're local, there will also be a learn to play event on November 13th. This will be extremely casual (no competitive maps, no pairings or structure, just casual play)...
  9. ryguy266

    Lincoln Seasonal VIII January 11th!

    Late on the announcement on the forums, but the next Lincoln Seasonal is here! We're the first tourney in the area giving away Shiori miniatures, and every participant will get one. Sign up on Heroscape.org here: https://heroscape.org/tournament/?Tournament=397
  10. ryguy266

    "Rising Tide" (Spring 2025) announcements from RenegadeCon Online October 2024

    Renegade has had one designer on retainer for a full year and two more for several months. By the time the next story arc after this one ships, sometime later summer probably, they’ll have had 3 full time designers on the payroll for a year—and Rowan for two. They’re dumping AoA stuff as quickly...
  11. ryguy266

    The Book of Heavy Gruts

    Missing info: Kuthnak is not listed as VC synergy, but should be.
  12. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    My new series focused on competitive Scape discussion, Heroscape Stratagems, is here! Join Chris Perkins and I in the armchairs as we discuss long-term planning in competitive Heroscape.
  13. ryguy266

    Online Heroscape Event Announcements

    Ryguy Plays Games Presents: Alphabet Soup! Join us online Saturday, September 28th for great games and great prizes. No entry fee! Tournament sign-ups here: Alphabet Soup
  14. ryguy266

    Delta: latest updates and discussion

    Want to toss two last doofuses in before the deadline: Brandis 75 --> 65 Gurei-Oni 75 --> 70 Just because they've already had "big" drops doesn't mean they shouldn't go further. Brandis, especially...one attack of 3 from average range is pathetic. Murphy can hit 6 more figures with a special...
  15. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    New video is up!
  16. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    Renegade has made monumental mistakes in the last week alone. Please watch this video so that you are informed about the situation(s) and maybe we can make some change. #saveHeroscape
  17. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    A modern Heroscape buying guide:
  18. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    New vid touching on the wave 2 reveals:
  19. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    New vid that explains the real reason the Haslab failed:
  20. ryguy266

    Ryguy Plays Games

    At it again with another intense battle report video: