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Search results

  1. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Tombstone Gunslinger

    The Book of Tombstone Gunslinger Scourge of Apollyon - C3V Wave 22 - Blood and Smoke Basic Side Army Card PDF download for printing. The figure used for this unit are Heroclix figure from the Elseworlds set. The figure name is Gun Fighter (or Gunfighter) The figure is also available with a...
  2. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Acolytes of Vorganund

    The Book of Acolytes of Vorganund Scourge of Apollyon - C3V Wave 22 - Blood and Smoke Basic Side Army Card PDF download for printing. The figures used for this unit are Pathfinder figure. The figures name are : The first two are from the Deadly Foes set. Their names are Thrune Enforcer and...
  3. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of 12th Caucasus Rifles

    The Book of 12th Caucasus Rifles Scourge of Apollyon - C3V Wave 22 - Blood and Smoke Basic Side Army Card PDF download for printing. The figures used for this unit are Pathfinder figure. The figures name are : Russian Soldier and Russian Machine Gunnerfrom the Reign of Winter set...
  4. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Gen. Simon Fraser

    The Book of Gen. Simon Fraser C3V Wave 22 - Scourge of Apollyon - HEROES OF CROOKED ISLE Basic Card: The printer-friendly .pdf version of this card can be found HERE. The figure used for this unit is a Scenearama figure from the Revolutionary War set. Character Bio: General Simon...
  5. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Miss Martian

    The Book of Miss Martian C3G DC WAVE 32 YEAR OF THE HERO Comic PDF Mini PDF The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Arkham Asylum set. Its model number and name are #021 / Miss Martian. _________________________________________________________________ Character...
  6. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Teeth of the Makwa

    The Book of Teeth of the Makwa C3V Wave 7 - Oreld's Orders - Hunters and Scouts PDF Download The figures used for this unit are Scenerama figures from the Native American Hunt Scene Setters set. Character Bio: TBA HUNTING PARTY After taking a turn with a Scout or Tribesman Hero you...
  7. Heroscaper Guy


    So I've been thinking off and on about starting to stream various games, so it's brought up some questions. Well, first, does anyone know either anyone that streams (I think Eraguy816 does, but I'm not sure), or does anyone on here stream? I still have some stuff I need to get and all that...
  8. Heroscaper Guy

    R.I.P Leonard Nimoy

    I'm not sure how many of you have seen this already, but Leonard Nimoy has passed away. He was one of my favorite actors having a role in some of my favorite series from Star Trek and Fringe, to Kingdom Hearts. You will be missed for your acting talent and it's effect on our world. R.I.P...
  9. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior

    The Book of Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior C3V Wave 5 – Lodin’s Discord – Heroes of the Lost Citadel Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior The figure used for this unit is a Mage Knight figure from the Heroic Quests: The Citadel set. Its model name is Jess Blacklock. Character Bio: Calibrax grew up...
  10. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Emperor Andask

    The Book of Emperor Andask C3V Wave 5 – Lodin’s Discord – Heroes of the Lost Citadel BASIC PDF Download The figure used for this unit is a Mage Knight figure from the Heroic Quests: The Citadel set. Its model name is Astrus. Character Bio: Emperor Andask is the rightful heir to the throne...
  11. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Gorillitroopers

    The Book of Gorillitroopers C3V Wave 5 – Lodin’s Discord – Sentinels Of The Dark Hills PDF Download Other Versions of the Card: The figures used for this unit are AT-43 figures from the Karmans faction. Their figure names are Yeti Unit Box, Wendigo Unit Box, Kaptars Unit Box...
  12. Heroscaper Guy

    The Book of Bloodburst Thrall

    The Book of Bloodburst Thrall C3V Wave 5 – Lodin’s Discord – Evil of Blood River PDF Download The figure used for this unit is a D&D figure from the Deathknell set. Its model number and name is 46/Bloodhulk Fighter. Character Bio: With the War of Valhalla ever changing...
  13. Heroscaper Guy

    HOSS Unreleased Thread

    Currently Unreleased Figures Luke Skywalker, Jedi Padawan - Luke Skywalker of Dagobah, Bounty Hunters #8 Cloud Car Pilots (Four Man Unique Squad) - Cloud Car Pilots, Force Unleashed # 49 Lando Calrissian - Lando Calrisssian, Rebel Storm #52 Bespin Guards (3 figure common squad) - Bespin Guard...
  14. Heroscaper Guy

    Temporary Leave of Abscence

    I'm sorry to have to do this so soon after El T, but I have to. Between playtesting, college, the Codex, friends, trying to get a girl to like me (not really working, I think I'm now just a friend in her eyes :?), and etc, I just seem to have a to-do list that gets longer every day. So...
  15. Heroscaper Guy

    The Holocron of FX-7 Medical Droid

    THE HOLOCRON OF FX-7 Medical Droid HoSS Public Design #2 Figure Card Rectangular Cards The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Revenge of the Sith set. Its model number and name are #48/Medical Droid. PDF HoSS Public Design Character Bio - The FX-series...
  16. Heroscaper Guy

    The Holocron of 2-1B

    THE HOLOCRON OF 2-1B HoSS Public Design #1 Figure card: Rectangular The figure used for this unit is a Star Wars figure from the Force Unleashed set. Its model number and name are #24/2-1B Character Bio 2-1B (or Too-Onebee) was a surgical droid that joined the Rebel Alliance as a...
  17. Heroscaper Guy

    VC cookie cutter armies

    Okay, after using the classic cookie cutter armies thread and the C3G cookie cutter thread, I have decided to make one for VC. I'll add armies as I think of them or find great ones onto here. Hopefully, people enjoy using this and not having to come up with armies for everything, (I personally...
  18. Heroscaper Guy

    Holiday Help?

    Hello Heroscaper Guy here, my parents are wanting me to pick what I want for Christmas and from their reaction last year, I'm not going to ask for board games. I picked out some movies, but they said ask for things other than that. I'm thinking of asking for this stuff too: The Bookman...
  19. Heroscaper Guy

    Does anyone want to play Pathfinder online?

    So, I've been looking for players in the Hangout to play the Pathfinder rpg online. However, there's only been one taker so far so I'll look for players in the main forum. A requirement of the rules is not needed, we'll go through the beginner box adventure beforehand. We'll use this website...
  20. Heroscaper Guy

    Toolbox for C3V and SOV ideas

    I am compiling a resource for the C3V and those wishing to submit to SOV to use. It will be a listing of all prepainted plastic miniatures as follows: A. The name of the miniature, product line, and set name. B. A picture of the miniature. C. If the miniature has been announced in the C3V...