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Search results

  1. kpucblek

    Grimnak... CHOMP!

    Dang man! This guys KILLS! His special attack says: Before attacking, choose one medium or small figure adjacent to Grimnak. If the chosen figure is a Squad figure, destroy it. If the chosen figure is a Hero figure, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 16 or higher, destroy the chosen Hero...
  2. kpucblek

    Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina

    Fat chance, but it's worth asking. My son and I play a LOT. Anyone else in Sarajevo play?
  3. kpucblek

    HS Dice maintenance

    I got HS master set for my son for Christmas. Little did i know what i was getting myself into! We play almost everyday! Needless to say... we're wearing our dice out. The red and blue skulls and shields are coming off. Crazy. 1. Does anyone have any suggestions as to "dice care"...
  4. kpucblek

    Sacred Band... disciplined army def. bonus

    The Sacred Band's card says the following... What does "every Army Card" mean? Does it mean each squad card?
  5. kpucblek

    Roman Archers... special attack

    The Roman Archers' special attack is Arrow Volley. The card states that three adjacent roman archers on the same level may... blah blah blah. Two questions... 1. Do the three roman archers have to be all adjacent to eachother? (As in a triangular formation), or can they be in a line (with...
  6. kpucblek

    Taelord/Raelin LOS question

    Both Raelin and Tarlord have auras that support friendly figues within a few spaces and LOS. Here's my question... do figures behind them count as being within their LOS, if their wings (specifically Taelord's)are blocking their rear view? I would say yes. THey can just turn around an look, but...