• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. Q9 Kid

    Q9 Kids Predict the Victor Thread

    I know there are already a lot of these but I thought I should start one. If there is anything I can do differently please tell me. The first battle was between me and my brother I promised him I would do a large point battle so I did this Q9 Kid Isamu Nilfheim 2x 4th Mass. Capuan Gladiators...
  2. Q9 Kid

    Possible Army Idea

    Has anyone thought of a Repulsor/Cyprien Army? I though this army could be very effective. Cyprien 150 Sonya195 3x Repusors 315 3x Marro Stingers 495 I figured that Cyprien could eat all non-soulborgs, repulsors could blow up all soulbourgs and the stingers could be used wherever they are...
  3. Q9 Kid

    Your Most Lucky Heroscape Experience

    My most lucky heroscape experience was definitely when I killed DW9K with a rat with 1 attack. My brothers was definitely when he mindshackled Brunak, Braxas, and Mimring in one game with Ne-Gok-Sa.
  4. Q9 Kid

    Question: Shooting Over a Void?

    So when I play heroscape this question usually comes up. Can you shoot over a void? Say there is an AE on one side and a tarn on the other side. Inbetween them there is an empty void. Can he shoot across it? The figure is in his rang if you count across the void but not if you don't count...
  5. Q9 Kid

    I think I found wave 1!!!

    I was searching online for wave 1 when I came across this: http://www.trof.nl/store/heroscape-heroes-bleakwoode-p-10658.html It's in another languag, so you're going to have to translate it. I converted the currency into American Dollars, and the total for one set came to $22. If you try...
  6. Q9 Kid


    Has anyone heard of letterboxing? it is a fun hobby where people hide boxes in the woods and create clues online for them. Then people go online, find the stamps, and stamp them in their log book. If you are interested, go to www.atlasquest.com and check it out!!!
  7. Q9 Kid

    Christian Debate

    I thought that I would post a thread where Christians or non Christians can dabate about theology. So this post is going to be a place where people can state their beliefs. Remember this is a friendly debate so please try to be as friendly as possible.
  8. Q9 Kid

    The Battles Against My Uncle

    Pretty soon I will be traveling to my uncle's house. He played once before he came and played against me. Before he came I had never lost a one on one battle, now I have lost four against him! So I am traveling to his house where we certainly will be playing Heroscape. I will post here how many...
  9. Q9 Kid

    Mindshaklers, are they so terrible?

    (since I can't figure out how in the world to change the name of my post, I now officially dub this thread, "Share your Mind-Shackling Glory Moments Here" My brother has this thing for Ne-Gok-Sa, the shades and Kee-Mo. I know people say some of them are terrible, but my brother once...
  10. Q9 Kid

    Help Me Make Good Armies Please!

    At my house when we play heroscape, my entire family plays. Bcause me and my little 8 year old brother are the only really serious scapers, my parents have trouble making good armies. So I have to make a bunch of armies for us to pick. The only problem s that usually one or two armies really...
  11. Q9 Kid

    The Death of Q9

    At my house when we play heroscape, my entire family plays. Bcause me and my little 8 year old brother are the only really serious scapers, my parents have trouble making good armies. So I have to make a bunch of armies for us to pick. The only problem s that usually one or two armies really...