• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. Vydar_XLIII

    Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

    Alright friends! I got a lot for you all to peruse this NYE. My apologies that this is all coming at once. The testing for the Assassin and the Wraith have been done for months but I've been doing a lot of writing at work this year and so it has been nearly physically impossible for me to make...
  2. Vydar_XLIII

    MARS Philadelphia - VC Reverse the Whip - 1/26/25

    Glad to have you Heirloom and Hosey! Sorry you can't make it Dunedain, next time! Maps have been updated.
  3. Black Ice - BftU MtCB TT.jpg

    Black Ice - BftU MtCB TT.jpg

  4. Encroachment - SotM SotM TJ.jpg

    Encroachment - SotM SotM TJ.jpg

  5. Monster in the Mirror - RotV, SotM, RttFF.jpg

    Monster in the Mirror - RotV, SotM, RttFF.jpg

  6. RITUAL - AoA, EoLJ.jpg

    RITUAL - AoA, EoLJ.jpg

  7. Thermal Shock - MtCB MtCB TT TT.png

    Thermal Shock - MtCB MtCB TT TT.png

  8. War & Drought - AoA LFoV LFoV.jpg

    War & Drought - AoA LFoV LFoV.jpg

  9. Wildflowers - BftU BtfW EoLJ.jpg

    Wildflowers - BftU BtfW EoLJ.jpg

  10. Vydar_XLIII

    MARS Philadelphia - VC Reverse the Whip - 1/26/25

    Announcing the ninteenth gathering of the Revamped Mid-Atlantic Regional Scapers! It will be at: Showcase Comics and Games 1015 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Sunday January 26th. 2025 12:00 – 1:00 Setup. I will be arriving at 11:30ish. 1:00 – 5:00 4 Rounds of HeroScape. 5:00 – 6:00 Map...
  11. Vydar_XLIII

    Wildflowers 2024-10-15

    Map image
  12. Vydar_XLIII

    Vydar's Maps Thread

    UPDATE. Long overdue. Added: Ritual, War & Drought, and Wildflowers This is the first update since the website upgrade, I "think" all the links work and all the formatting looks right. Please let me know if there are any issues with anything.
  13. Vydar_XLIII

    HexiCon 3 Map Contest! Congrats to Wildflowers & Spring Fling!

    Sorry this post is a bit rushed. I'm literally posting this from the airport terminal on the way to Europe. I just wanted to make sure I got these in before I left First up is Wildflowers! A mirror symmetry map that uses 1 BftU, 1 BftW, and 1 Fota. This was recently played at MARS DC last...
  14. Vydar_XLIII

    HEROSCAPERS 2.0 issues, discussion

    Low priority, but for some reason, I "have insufficient privileges" to post in the "Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion" thread. Kinda necessary as an SoV judge, lol.
  15. Ritual


  16. Vydar_XLIII

    The Book of Cornelius Breech, the Derelict Prince

    I don't think that's the way that works. Mutiny doesn't change Cornelius' class, it just changes the designation from the Captain's Way power from "a Unique Captain you control" to "Cornelius". But also, this guy doesn't exist yet, so IDK.
  17. Vydar_XLIII

    MARS Philadelphia - Valhallan Valentines' Day - 2/18/24

    Announcing the twelfth gathering of the Revamped Mid-Atlantic Regional Scapers! It will be at: Showcase Comics and Games 1015 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Sunday February 18, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 Setup. I will be arriving at 11:30ish. 1:00 – 5:00 4 Rounds of HeroScape. 5:00 – 6:00 Map...
  18. Vydar_XLIII

    MARS Philadelphia - VC Delta Volcarren - 9/17/23

    Announcing the ninth gathering of the Revamped Mid-Atlantic Regional Scapers! It will be at: Showcase Comics and Games 1015 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Sunday September 17, 2023 12:00 – 1:00 Setup. I will be arriving at 11:30ish. 1:00 – 5:00 4 Rounds of HeroScape. 5:00 – 6:00 Map...
  19. Vydar_XLIII

    MARS Philadelphia - VC "Scattered" B and Under - 5/21/23

    MARS Philadelphia - VC "Scattered" B and Under - 5/21/23 Announcing the sixth gathering of the Revamped Mid-Atlantic Regional Scapers! It will be at: Showcase Comics and Games 1015 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Sunday May 21, 2023 12:00 – 1:00 Setup. I will be arriving at 11:30ish...