• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. mac122

    Today in HeroScape!

    Toss-up between the Izumi Samurai and Roman Archers.
  2. mac122

    MechScape - mac122

    House Kurita is now available. I don't have a ton of Kuritan forces, so not a ton of cards, but at least they are up.
  3. mac122

    The HoSS Cantina

    Thanks, T!
  4. mac122

    Today in HeroScape!

    Not a sword-wielder, but Syvarris seems a natural fit. Sticking to swordsmen, Parmenio and Tandros Kreel are good options.
  5. mac122

    AoA units, classic style (including Revna+Volarak templates)

    @Anitar could you repost the Revna and Volarak templates?
  6. mac122

    MechScape - mac122

    House Liao is complete and posted. House Kurita is next. Wanted to mention, the cards created are based on what I have in my collection. If you want to use my system but have other Mechwarrior figures not represented, let me know and I can create a card for them.
  7. mac122

    Darth Maul - HoSS - SSE May the (Dark Side of the) Force Be With You 2

    Updated file with rectangular versions of the cards.
  8. mac122

    Disney Infinity

    Exactly. I know someone made custom cards for the Green and Tan army men. For me, it didn't work because of the scale, but it worked for them, so it's all good.
  9. mac122

    The HoSS Cantina

    RIP "Gold Leader" Angus MacInnes.
  10. mac122

    Disney Infinity

    The biggest issue (no pun intended) is the scale of Infinity and Skylanders. I could see some Skylanders being made into giants of some sort, but the Infinity figures would be woefully out of place, in my opinion. I also wonder about the bases the figures are on. If I recall, they are much...
  11. mac122

    Star Wars Figurines, Which ones??

    Welcome! Most of the figures we recommended in the HoSS designs are the from the Star Wars Miniatures line that unfortunately have been out of production for several years. You can still find them on the secondary market - eBay, CoolStuffInc etc. I have added some figures from the Imperial...
  12. mac122

    HoSS Playtesting thread

    Message sent
  13. mac122

    MSE - Easy Army Card Creator (V2.5) (New Glyph Cards)

    If someone has hi-res card blanks for Revna and Vollarak, I can do that.
  14. mac122

    New Heroscape Map Editor

  15. mac122

    Today in HeroScape!

    Love the bridge! Merry Christmas!
  16. mac122

    mac122's Sale List Heroscape & Star Wars Minis

    Another great transaction with @Heroscaper_Cam . Thanks!
  17. mac122

    MechScape - mac122

    Finally getting back around to updating and posting the cards. Everything I had completed before has been updated and reposted with the Salvage update, wording updates, and edits. I've still got a few factions to create cards for: Bannson's Raiders Clan Jade Falcon Dragon's Fury House...
  18. mac122

    Today in HeroScape!

    AliasQtip had a lot of great stuff.
  19. mac122

    MechScape - mac122

    HANSEN'S ROUGHRIDERS From Sarna.net - the BattleTech Wiki Hansen's Roughriders (occasionally misspelled as Hanson's Roughriders) were a line regiment once, then became a famous mercenary regiment of heavy troops. They have a good reputation for reliability despite their somewhat rowdy image...