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Search results

  1. The Super Atheist

    Plastic Army Men Customs

    You can get like 40-50 for a dollar or two. Rifle Grunts 4 figure common squad life 1 move 5 range 6 attack 2 defense 3 points 70 - 80 points? Flanking Manuever If a Rifle grunt is destroyed, you may move two others up to 3 spaces each, and move bonuses may be added such...
  2. The Super Atheist

    Ullar Kyrie Summoners?

    Taelord is minion themed, and boosts their attack. The Raelins are sentinal themed, and boost their defense. Kiova is Imperium themed, and modifies their defense rolls. Saylind is ullar kyrie themed, and summons. A common squad that summons other squad figures? Just a thought.
  3. The Super Atheist

    Don't care about storyline?

    Am I the only one who doesn't care about the story line? Does Heroscape even need one? I bought this game because it's teh 1337 to have a samurai kill a zombie, only to have his face blasted off by an alien with a laser beam rifle. Not because of some Valhalla thing.
  4. The Super Atheist

    Cheating in Video Games.

    *Sigh* I was just playing Battalion Wars Wii. I was winning by a significant amount thanks to my defensive strategy. Opponent quits out 30 seconds before the game would end. I, even as the embassador of cheap, dirty back-stabbing multiplayer video game tricks, was outraged! That is cheating...
  5. The Super Atheist

    360 points of zombies.

    We play 1000 point armies. Except for Nilfeim, the Airborne, and 360 points of zombies, what else should I add?
  6. The Super Atheist

    Zombie Apocalypse?

    I was thinking of the zombie survival guide, and it said to keep yourself entertained, but not with electronic games becuase they make noise and their fuel supply is finite. ...Heroscape anybody?
  7. The Super Atheist

    Medal of Honor Heros 2

    I love this game. This is an awesome wii game. And no friend codes either.
  8. The Super Atheist

    More swog rider type units?

    What I mean is why haven't we seen more common enhancers? An example would be drummer boys.
  9. The Super Atheist

    Happy New Years... eve!

    Happy New Years... eve *Blows into one of those whistle things that extends out* Am I the only one that doesn't really care? Big deal. We get to say 2008 instead of 2007. And I don't get any presents for it either :? . Me and my friend (My friend and I?) are going to play laser tag again...
  10. The Super Atheist

    Rambo 4

    Holy crap this movie is going to be violent. :popcorn: Honestly, violent. I'm warning you. Like blowing someone up with a giant machine gun, literally. Honestly, that is a scene in the extremely violent trailer that you need to PM me for. If you don't want to see it/let others see it don't...
  11. The Super Atheist

    Cyprien/Zombie Horde Combo?

    Heres how it goes. To prevent the endless, "Move back and fire with krav over and over again" thing against zombies, use Cyprien to engage/attack the range. Cyprien has more than enough move to do this. Would this work?
  12. The Super Atheist

    Sideways terrian?

    I was thinking of propping up a 24 hexer against something, pushing it against the edge of the map, and having sideways terrian. Obviously the figures would fall off being that the 24 hex would be at a 90 degree angle. So you could use that blue sticky tack stuff to hold the figures to the...
  13. The Super Atheist

    NES Duck Hunt Question

    Duck Hunt Question : I heard you can only play Duck Hunt on a regular T.V. But I have a new-fangled LCD T.V. Do I have to go hook it up to another T.V.? Okay, I just bought a used NES. But whenever I turn it on, instead of staying on, it shuts off, turns back on, shuts off, and turns back...
  14. The Super Atheist

    Have you used every unit you own?

    I haven't used Runa, parmenio (no greeks yet), valguard, the elf archers, sir denrick, sudema, and Q9. Yes, I have never used Q9. My friend keeps his figures at my house (I have the most terrian and no annoying siblings), and Raknar's vision is his, but his figures have been chilling at my...
  15. The Super Atheist

    What kind of food would last the end of the world?

    Okay, I just saw I am legend, great movie BTW. It got me wondering about how long the food would last, not counting crops, animals, and other regenerating food sources. Like how long would a can of cambell's soup last? Could I go into a house five years after the "end of the world as we know...
  16. The Super Atheist

    Mii Wii Wiilated Qiistions.

    I'm going to get medal of honor heros 2 for Wii. But should I also get the wii zapper? Also, what kind of keyboard will work with Mii Wii?
  17. The Super Atheist

    Did I do anything wrong here?

    Okay, I live in sterling heights, and I recently went to a laser tag place called beamerz, in case anybody around here knows what i'm talking about. Okay, so we went into this room, the manager explained the rules, standard procedure. So, there was a group of little kids (about 6 or 7) with...
  18. The Super Atheist

    This comic is so funny!

    :rofl: This is so funny! Crap, I just realized that this should go in Media.
  19. The Super Atheist

    Halo Movie? Cancelled? Delayed? Being Worked On?

    What is going on with it? It would make a great movie as they do have the technology to do it, and alot of people would go see it. I was reminded of it after re-watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PGpn4c96ZU
  20. The Super Atheist

    Am I the only one who longs to play a giant game?

    Am I? Like an 8 player, 1000 point each slaughter? There wouldn't be teams, but alliances could be formed. I know it would take forever, but you could always play in bursts over a few days or so. I would LOVE to play a giant game like this, but probably never will be able to. :cry: