• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. Dr.Goomonkey

    QC3 Summertime Contest Poll - CONGRATULATIONS SHIFTREX

    So tired. Tired of waiting. Tired of waiting for the Quarterly Classic Custom Competition's Summertime Contest Poll. Maybe that one was a stretch... But, the wait is over. Please welcome the slow marching band! As clarification, in this poll you are to vote for your favorite entry you see...
  2. Johnathon Jinglepepper

    Johnathon Jinglepepper

    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  3. Kage Oni

    Kage Oni

    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  4. Rophru


    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  5. Bace Kleff

    Bace Kleff

    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  6. Glack


    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  7. Hjordis Muirgen

    Hjordis Muirgen

    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  8. Jai Soloreef

    Jai Soloreef

    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  9. Alixron Vandos

    Alixron Vandos

    QC3 Summertime Custom Competition Entry
  10. Dr.Goomonkey

    Winter Custom Competition Poll - Congrats Arch-vile

    Without further ado, here are the entries for the grand return of the QC3. We didn't get a lot of entries this time around, but we did get some good ones. Vote for your favorite before the poll closes, and remember if you entered that you must vote for an entry that is not yours. Good luck...
  11. Reborn Knights

    Reborn Knights

    Entry to the 2023 (late) Winter QC3.
  12. Knights Of Golron

    Knights Of Golron

    Entry to the 2023 (late) Winter QC3.
  13. Gonfalon Knights

    Gonfalon Knights

    Entry to the 2023 (late) Winter QC3.
  14. Jardinian Knights

    Jardinian Knights

    Entry to the 2023 (late) Winter QC3.
  15. Dr.Goomonkey

    MVMvMVM - Mount Vernon WA Monthly - Causal MvM December 3rd!

    I didn't edit the OP yet, except this part. There is an event this weekend, at the seeeeeeecret gaming cabin. It is on Sunday, December third. It starts at noon, but doors open at eleven. I encourage everyone to bring a snack or soft drink to all of these events, but this one is actually ...
  16. Dr.Goomonkey

    Ancient HeroScape Game Demo

    Hey everybody, I recently remembered the old HeroScape game demo and wanted to show it to a buddy of mine for no good reason. I went through the Wayback Machine and found the old heroscape.com site, got to the demo, and couldn't play it because Flash is dead... Does anyone have a workaround...
  17. Dr.Goomonkey

    Warhammer Customs?

    Look what I got for Christmas! And don't worry, most of those have been glued back together I'm just about 3 states away from them now. To the point: does anybody have or know of some customs using these figures? I'm really curious about the vehicles and turrets and such, and think I've seen...
  18. Dr.Goomonkey

    QC3 "Springtime" Poll - Vote by July 2!

    And here are the good boys! We only have a few this time around, but they are definitely a handful. One of these is going to join the ranks of the proud champions of the QC3, and the rest will be stuck sniffing butts with the rest of the competitors. Remember, if one of these is yours, you must...
  19. Iron Defender

    Iron Defender

    Entry for the 2020 Springtime QC3 Contest.
  20. Lassriel


    Entry for the 2020 Springtime QC3 Contest.