• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. Roland

    Just popping in

    Been awhile since Ive been active here, (I have been lurking in the mean time.) and just updating the community with good news. My fiancee and I decided in lieu of a wedding to purchase a home instead and this weekend are moving into a very lovely little place in the High Desert (Hesperia to be...
  2. Roland

    Kings on NBC

    Has anyone else caught this show? I am currently watching the second episode as I type this and am loving it. The war part of the show is lacking, but it is just a device to further the plot, and I am taking it as such. The political intrigue, the color and variety of the characters, and the...
  3. Roland

    Phantasy Star Portable

    Any other 'scapers pick this one up yet? I am currently on the last mission of the story and having issues with the final boss, I have a level 52 Beast Fightmaster as my primary character for the time being, my current favorite weapons are the twin sabers, and twin daggers, along with a couple...
  4. Roland

    What Video Game are you Currently Playing?

    After seeing similar threads for books, and music, I figured why not one for video games? I am working on Dynasty Warriors 6 (XBox 360), I have gotten 1 officer (Sun Shang Xiang) to level 50 and am working on unlocking the remaining characters.
  5. Roland

    Clash of the Titans So Cal Gameday

    Alright guys heres the rules and potential maps. Date and location are not yet set in concrete . If we decide to go on Thanksgiving weekend, BIGBOB said we can use the backyard again but I will have to double check on that one.
  6. Roland

    Childs Play

    Before anyone says anything, I know that this is in the wrong spot, but I wanted everyone to see. This years Child's Play Charity website is up and running. For those that do not know Child's Play is a charity organization founded by the creators of Penny Arcade that provides books, games and...
  7. Roland

    RIP Michael Crichton

    Article A name seen many times in the What Book are you Currently Reading Thread, author, Michael Crichton passed today after a battle with cancer. Author of Congo, Jurassic Park, and many many other amazing novels, he passed unexpectedly.
  8. Roland

    USB Ports dead please help me!

    Okay guys, on my home PC my USB ports died on me, which means no internet and no mouse, do you have any ideas as to causes? Any tip son getting them working again would be great. Thanks!
  9. Roland

    So Cal Game Day Nov 15th

    Alright guys, so they have room for us at Gameology over in Claremont. Initially I was thinking of an epic game, but that sounds like more fun when food and drink can be had by all. Instead we will choose between the following option, poll closes next Sunday! (Nov. 9th) A-Players bring a...
  10. Roland

    Tea Time

    Lately I have been on a massive tea binge, cold, hot, green, black does not really matter. What I want to know is do you drink tea? What kinds? How do you best enjoy them? Personally Earl Grey is my favorite, a nice comforting taste, slight citrus but not overbearing. If it's hot, a nice cold...
  11. Roland

    Demonic vs Fantastical

    In this thread here a topic has spurned off on how some people shy away from certain units due to the theme or looks of them. These units would include such beings as the Marro, the vampires and lackies, and many more (Generally Utgarian) beings. This being the wonderful forum that it is I...
  12. Roland

    A letter to the community

    Hello one and all, I am probably not too well known around these parts yet have found this community to be one of the most engaging, analytical, and caring places I have had the honor of being a part of. In these forums I have seen communities rallying to assist and support members in times of...
  13. Roland

    Starting an RPG group

    Hey everyone, I am trying to start up a pen and paper RP group, and have a few questions to ask. Are there any d20 supernatural systems available? If not what are the best supernatural RP available?
  14. Roland

    SoCal Gameday In Pasadena

    Hey everyone, off the other thread we are setting up a game day in Pasadena it seems so here is our thread! I will call the store to double check availability, and see what day is best for everyone here. I will update below with more information as it appears.
  15. Roland

    Russia Georgia Conflict

    ...almost two decades after the crumble of a huge communist power a war erupts. A small separatist force asks for assistance form this once great country to help separate it from a smaller, lesser known province. Tanks roll in civilians are slaughtered, a cease fire is announced yet the bullets...
  16. Roland

    Crisis Core

    Searched and could not find another thread on this... Who else has played it? It breaks out of the traditional Final Fantasy genre and into a more Adventure/RPG style. You Control Zack, a member of SOLDIER for the electrical corporation Shinra throughout the entirety of the game. You gain no...
  17. Roland

    Saturday Night Match-Up

    February 2, 2008 Dr. Doom and Thenos have discovered a new race of minions, and now they fight for control of the area where they are created! Teams Roland Dr. Doom Stingers x2 Drones General Buttercup Thenos Drones Nagrubs The map Dr. Doom rushes forward with his stingers to a swift...
  18. Roland

    Trial of Victor the Pure Blood and Slitters

    This trial is for Gidian's Slitters, and Victor the pure blood Judges are: Lord_Mortis, Nos13, Roland Use them instead of Cyprien and Sonya in an undead army. Play against heroes to take advantage of bleeding Any and all comments/suggestions appreciated.
  19. Roland

    Hep with an arrogant boss.

    Okay I sit approximately 3 feet away form my boss who is very conservative Christian and constantly argues with me my religious and moral beliefs and standpoints, telling me that if I do not accept the truth hell is all that awaits me. Any advice on how to deal with the issue?
  20. Roland

    SoCal Demonstration

    Hello SoCal 'scapers, I have a big favor to ask of you all. I will be running a demo at GMI Games and Collectibles form 1-7pm at GMI Games and Collectibles and am need of one thing at this time. Advertising. If you could let friends, family, or coworkers in on this and let others know that...