• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. N

    HS terrain used in Captain Dan video

    Captain Dan and the Scurvy Crew are well known for their nautical hip hop, but it seems the Pirate Gangstas may also be HS fans... witness the use of HS terrain in this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mclbc8nSww4
  2. N

    Sgt. Drake Alexander... version 3?

    Poking around the internet, I ran across what I believe to be the concept art for Drake's Master Set 3: Rise of the Soulborgs sculpt, forthcoming in 2008... http://f9g.yahoofs.com/groups/g_16344392/f066/__sr_/b1cc.jpg?grQK.0FBVYLSqmYl (for some reason the IMG code didn't work. *Shrug*)
  3. N

    Adjacency and Aura(?) effects on Enemy Units

    I don't know if this has been discussed much, but it came up at GaryLASQ's last meet, and I've noticed it hinted at on the official site (under Valguard's strategy tips). Namely that some of the adjacency and aura effects might affect your opponent's units. I think Valguard's viking charge...
  4. N

    anybody know why I can't post on the toyfair thread?

    I keep getting 403: Forbidden errors when I try to post on the Toyfair thread... what gives? I spend 2 hours reading it and I can't even say anything? Grr.. I was able to post in Battle Reports, and obviously able to post this, so I'm not sure why that thread is special.
  5. N

    Generals of Valhalla: the HeroScape Player Locator

    The Generals of Valhalla HS player locator frappr is still up, as it is not affiliated with any particular HS site. So, um... yeah. And stuff. http://www.frappr.com/generalsofvalhalla
  6. N

    Generals of Valhalla: the HeroScape Frappr

    The Generals of Valhalla HS player locator map is still up, as it is not affiliated with any particular HS site. So, um... yeah. And stuff. http://www.frappr.com/generalsofvalhalla