• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. 9

    Heroscape Map Making Guide?

    I'm sorry if this thread is in the wrong section of the forum, I don't know where else to place it. I've been looking for a guide for making a heroscape battlefield for 2 days now, and don't seem to be able to find one. I recall reading a guide a year ago, but am not sure if it was in...
  2. 9

    Effective Armies with 1 RotV and 1 SotM

    I am a new Heroscaper, and I would like to get some effective armies for having 1 Sotm and 1 RotV sets. I also might like some battlefields using those 2 sets only. PS. i'd like to preview some 200,300, 400, 500, and 600 point armies. Please help. (I'm so bad I'm getting beat up by the people I...